Crossing The Dragon: The King Sacrifices The Princess At The Beginning

Chapter 459 The Ambition Of The Ice Bear King (2)

The direwolf Pike vaguely remembered that before biting a human girl to death, the girl stared at it with eyes full of hatred. She muttered a name, which seemed to be Daraben.

The shocking hatred made his soul tremble.

Obviously so weak.

Why can he burst out with such strong will?

Pike guessed that the man named Dalabengba should be very important to the girl, and she would wait for this man to help her take revenge.

Cut the grass without eradicating its roots, but it will grow again when the spring breeze blows.

The king told it that humans are the enemies of all monsters, and they must kill all enemies they see. If they are a little soft-hearted, at some point in the future, it is very likely that it will become a dish on the human table, and its descendants will become A plaything for human aristocrats to fight with after dinner, the female wolf will be skinned and become beautiful clothes for humans.

Pike doesn't want to be turned into food and clothes, nor does he want to be a pet for humans to have fun with.

So it brutally killed the girl and hid in a corner with her head in its mouth. It waited in the dark shadows for a long time but did not wait for the man named Dalabengba. The female wolf under its command nuzzled its neck. Applying for mating, it hesitated for a moment, and finally lowered its head and left with the wolves.

Killing the enemy is important.

Reproduction is equally important.

The ice cave fell into silence.

Kun Frost Roar thought about it, and he felt that an adult dragon was nothing to care about, and the monsters under his command were not very strong. In other words, the newly acquired Fateweaver Spider Queen was a big deal to the monsters under his command. It's a small trouble, but he only needs to help deal with the Fateweaver Spider queen during the battle.

He didn't want to worry about other monsters.

If the monsters under his command cannot defeat the monsters under the black dragon, then it only means that they are too useless. It doesn't matter if he doesn't want such useless things. Once he defeats the black dragon, he will take over the monsters under the black dragon.

The law of the jungle of survival of the fittest is the truth among monsters.

"Start preparing for the war."

Kuhn ordered the Direwolf King.

"Inform the Frost Trolls, Snow Maidens, Snow Ghost Legion, and those Liches that this war may be a fierce battle for you. If you don't want to annihilate your clan, just wear the equipment you have stolen over the years. .”

After saying that, the cold gaze fell on the Ice Dire Wolf King again. The Ice Dire Bear King's voice was low, but there was a trace of undetectable warmth in it.

"Pike, you do the same. Give your wolf pups the helmets and battle armor forged by goblins."

"Your will is obeyed, Your Majesty."

Kun watched Pike disappear into the cave with a group of wolf cubs, and he couldn't help but recall a summer a hundred years ago, when Pike, a second-level direwolf, was chased by a group of human hunters. At that time, he happened to pass by and killed the direwolf Pike. The wolf cub was saved.

Pike is the monster that has followed him the longest.

And Parker himself is also very impressive.

In less than a hundred years, it relied on its own ferocity to defeat all the wolf monsters in the Silver Moon Mountains, and gradually established its current army of tens of thousands of wolf cubs.

The wolves under the command of the Direwolf King are the core strength of Kun Frostroar's command, and they are also his eyes to understand the outside world.

For decades, he has been freezing himself in ice to slow down his aging process.

Now it's the limit.

No matter what happens, his aging is inevitable.

So he came out of the ice and looked for opportunities again.

As the order spread throughout the core area of ​​the Silver Moon Mountains, this long-dormant snow mountain seemed to suddenly become alive. Many monsters felt the movement on the mountain and had retreated into their lairs.

Birds no longer fly, and insects dare not chirp.

In a cave covered with ice and snow.

The frost troll reappeared with more than two thousand trolls under his command.

In the past, adventurers had always spread the legend of the blue-eyed snow monster.

In fact, there were no blue-eyed snow monsters. We just encountered frost trolls that were active at night.

Frost trolls are about three meters tall and covered with long gray-white hair. Their fur is very thick, which can effectively slow down the impact of arrows and magic, and also has a good defensive effect against slashes from long swords.

In addition, their skin is covered with hard, fish-like scales.

These frost trolls have dark faces, fangs similar to those of green-skinned orcs growing on their mouths, and a pair of blue eyes that sparkle even in the sun.

The leader of the frost troll leader is named Bog Bingfeng.

The name was also given by the Ice Bear King.

But they're not the same as direwolves.

They started out as a group of free frost trolls.

until one day.

Their current owner, the Ice Bear King, breaks into their tribe.

"Your tribe stinks so much that I can't sleep!"

He found such a ridiculous reason.

No matter that the troll's lair is on the mountainside, and his lair is at the top of the mountain.

First, he beat the frost troll leader into a meat pie.

Then he grabbed the troll priest who was about to run away and pulled him into two pieces.

Just when all the frost trolls thought the end of the world was coming.

The ice bear king stopped killing.

He threw the frost troll leader's scepter to the current troll leader, Bog Bingfeng, and the entire frost troll tribe completely surrendered.

"Boys, there's going to be a war."

There was a sound like glass particles scraping against the blackboard.

The frost troll leader stretched out his light blue tongue and licked his black lips.

Its face resembles that of a baboon, with wrinkles on its face, and its tongue is similar to that of a snake, with forks.

In short, it is as ugly as it is.

The other frost trolls under their command also imitated their leader's appearance, sticking out their buttocks and making similar movements. Generally speaking, most adventurers would be frightened and faint if they performed this action. Over time, this has almost become their signature move. .

They have been dormant in the Silver Moon Mountains for decades.

Just do one thing every day:

Rob the passing adventurers and pull off their equipment.

They will infer the adventurer's wealth based on the number of coins in the adventurer's leather bag.

According to the king's request.

Adventurers without silver coins in their bags will be killed and eaten.

Even if this kind of iron waste is let go, it's impossible to come back.

But there are more than ten silver coins in the cloth bag.

There are even gold coins for adventurers.

Just scare them unconscious and then throw them out of the mountains.

In a few days, these humans who were thrown out of the mountains will bring more of their kind to deliver equipment.

At first, Bao Ge Bingfeng didn’t believe it.

But as time goes by.

It had to admire the king's wisdom.

Because those wealthy adventurers would indeed bring more adventurers to give gifts.

It’s just that he will bring fewer and fewer people.

Money bags will become thinner and thinner.

At that time, you can kill and eat meat.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't come back. The king said, they have already made money.

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