Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

One thousand and twenty-eight: Support! (2 in 1)

1028:Support! (2-in-1)

Their fingers touched together inadvertently. Li Lanfeng turned back to look at Ling Lan and smiled, almost blinding Ling Lan.

Ling Lan had a cold face and reminded lightly: "Even in front of people you trust, don't laugh when you have nothing to do. This will make you develop bad habits."

Ling Lan thought about it seriously and continued: "This will be very dangerous."

Damn it, my aunt can’t hold it any longer. Don’t let the nosebleed come out! In order to protect the glorious image of the boss, this monster must be prohibited from laughing randomly.

Ling Lan was a little worried about her determination on beauty, so she decisively sealed away the culprit who had shaken her determination.

Ling Lan's words of concern made Li Lanfeng's heart feel as if he had entered a tiger's warm spring water, which warmed his cold heart. Of course, only Linglan could make him feel warm again and again. It was this warmth that made Li Lanfeng not want to let go, and wanted to possess more and more. He had a desire to monopolize this warmth.

But Li Lanfeng knew that if he really did this, Ling Lan would definitely alienate him. Damn it, he knew very well that he might be Ling Lan's most important friend and confidant, but Ling Lan also had her own family, partners, and brothers, and each of them was more important than him.

Why can't we be satisfied? Li Lanfeng once spurned his own selfishness, but no matter how much he tried to redeem himself, the selfishness did not disappear, but became more and more serious. This was also the reason why he insisted on following Ling Lan despite Ling Lan's anger. He just wanted to increase his leverage in Ling Lan's heart and become the most important person in his heart.

Although he didn't know to what extent he would be satisfied, Li Lanfeng knew very well that the relationship between him and Ling Lan was definitely not like this. It was not enough, not enough, not enough, far from enough... Maybe one day, when two people When a person's friendship reaches a certain level, he may be satisfied at that time.

Li Lanfeng suppressed the emotion in his eyes and secretly took a breath to calm down. Li Lanfeng knew that rabbits had always disliked rabbits and that their companions' mood swings were too severe, which would make people lose their cool and make wrong decisions. Knowing Ling Lan, he would certainly not make such a stupid mistake, which would cause him to lose points in Ling Lan's mind.

Li Lanfeng put aside the excitement in his heart and said calmly: "It seems that we have the same opinion. We all believe that there is something wrong with this mission."

"Other tasks should not touch the senior military officials or core issues. Only this task may have something to do with them." Ling Lan replied, "This time, Long Xiang is the one who takes over the investigation task. At the beginning, I I thought it was because the military found something fishy about the destruction of the Magic Group, and in order to prevent high-level remote control, or it was done perfunctorily.

Long Xiang was specially sent to investigate. Now it seems that this is not the case. "

"Long Xiang's investigation is probably just a smoke bomb..." Li Lanfeng pondered.

Ling Lan sneered: "It's not just a smoke bomb, it could also be a thief shouting to catch a thief."

Li Lanfeng's narrow phoenix eyes suddenly narrowed: "You said, there is something wrong with Long Xiang? But, this is Long Xiang!"

Although Long Xiang is affiliated to the military headquarters, the command authority is not in the military headquarters, but in the hands of the three marshals. Not only that, Long Xiang also has the right to monitor the commanders of each legion. Once he discovers that there is a problem with the legion commander, he can arrest the legion commander as long as he has a warrant from a marshal.

It should be said that the captain of Longxiang must not be one of the three marshal factions. Only by forming an independent army, adhering to his beliefs, and remaining neutral can he effectively complete the mission of establishing Longxiang.

If something goes wrong with Long Xiang... Li Lanfeng felt a cold feeling in his heart. He looked up at Ling Lan and said solemnly: "Rabbit, we can't get involved in this matter." They can't turn this pot off. Unfortunately, they will all be involved, and even their bodies will be wiped out.

Ling Lan also felt that things were a bit troublesome. He originally thought that he was just a senior military official, at most the same as his father, at the level of a legion commander. Now it seems that behind this incident, the water is too deep, and it is really possible that the father and son will drown directly.

Ling Lan clenched her fists and walked back and forth to Li Lanfeng's room several times, thinking quickly in her mind whether the revelation of this pot would bring more crises or more opportunities to the father and son.

"This can easily explain why Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran were targeted by Meyerfa as soon as they came to Milefa, because from the beginning, they were Long Xiang's abandoned sons." Ling Lan gritted her teeth and said bitterly.

Although Tang Ningyu, Mu Chaoran and she were just passers-by who met each other by chance, their relationship for more than a month made Ling Lan very fond of them and knew that they were extremely loyal to the Federation and that they were the best soldiers of the new generation of the Federation.

In Ling Lan's view, such a person, once he grows up, will definitely be a pillar and leader of the future Federation. Each of these talents is precious and needs to be carefully cared for and cultivated by the Federal Military Department. But now, these dead people were ruthlessly sacrificing these outstanding talents because of various selfish desires. Ling Lan felt that they were not worth it.

"You mean, Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran were betrayed to Meyerfa as soon as they took the mission?" Although Li Lanfeng thought the matter was bad, he didn't expect it to be so bad.

"According to Tangning Yu and Mu Chaoran's concealment ability, even if Maierfa knew that someone came to investigate the magical past, it would not be that easy to find Long Xiang's missionary in such a short period of time. Unless, at the beginning, They knew that the people coming were Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran. It would be much easier to find them by comparing them," Ling Lan explained, "At the beginning, I was a little confused. You are a better person than Long Xiang. I accepted the mission early, but Meyerfa couldn't find you, but he could easily know that Long Xiang's people were here. Now, this problem can be explained. "

Li Lanfeng nodded with deep understanding. It seemed that he was still a little young and thought too little about the darkness. He looked at Ling Lan with admiration as he was deciphering all this, and felt once again that there was a gap between himself and Rabbit in understanding the essence of the incident. He still had more to learn.

"But why didn't Maierfa directly deal with Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran, if they really colluded with Long Xiang." Although Li Lanfeng agreed with Ling Lan's inference, a qualified staff strategist must come up with various possibilities and loopholes. .

"That's why I didn't have any doubts at first. It stands to reason that they sent Tangning Yu and Mu Chaoran to Maierfa with the intention of being abandoned. In other words, those people didn't know what Maierfa wanted to do to them. Opinion..." Ling Lan frowned, always feeling that there must be something she hadn't seen through, and this thing might be the key.

"But what we are thankful for is that Maierfa has no intention of killing Tangning, Yu and Mu Chaoran. I am talking about now, not the future. No one knows what will happen in the future." Ling Lan said this and was also worried about that. The two secretly celebrated, otherwise, last night, it was not her turn to take action, and they might have died at the hands of the Sword Emperor.

"Do you think Milefa regretted their mecha control, so they forced them to participate in the mecha gambling competition, and wanted to use the waste to increase the visibility of the mecha gambling competition?" Li Lanfeng proposed a new idea speculation.

"Waste reuse?" These four words made Ling Lan's heart move. She seemed to feel that she had thought of something, and repeated, "Waste reuse?"

There are many ways to make the gambling competition more interesting. Let two chess pieces that may threaten their safety control the mecha to participate in the gambling competition. In Linglan's view, it is not advisable, unless there is a deeper level. Layer intention...

To become the leader of the new generation, mecha control must reach the pseudo-emperor level. Although they may not be the opponents of those experienced and fox-like extreme ace masters, their control and combat modes are indeed those of the rising stars. The best whetstone for rookies.

Whetstone! When Ling Lan thought about the whetstone, it was as if the veil had been completely opened...

"Xiaosi, please give me a list of the rising stars who will participate in the mecha gambling competition this time." Finally, she found a clue. Although this clue might be useless, Ling Lan still hoped to find something.

"Understood!" Xiaosi quickly searched for information and soon made a list of some outstanding young mecha masters from various countries and handed it to Ling Lan.

"These are the rising stars who participated in the gambling battle and were cultivated by various countries and major forces. Can you help me see which ones are more likely to be founded by Meier?" Ling Lan handed the list to Li Lanfeng and asked Li Lanfeng. Judging from this, Ling Lan still trusted him.

Li Lanfeng looked over it and frowned. He couldn't tell anything from the list.

Because of Xiao Yiqiu, Su Pei and the others used other people's identities to participate in the mecha gambling battle, but neither the photos nor the information had anything to do with their true identities.

"If there are really people from Meyerfa, based on Meyerfa's level of caution and the fact that they are the sponsoring organization, the other members' information may be fine, but that may not be the case for them." Li Lanfeng thought of this possibility.

Hearing this, Ling Lan nodded and sighed: "Although I also have such thoughts, I still hold the hope that if they lose Jingzhou due to carelessness... It seems that my thoughts are too good."

"Boss, it doesn't matter. There may be problems with the information, but real people will always appear. I will always keep an eye on the gambling arena." Xiao Si saw Ling Lan sighing and quickly opened his mouth to help his boss solve the problem.

"Well, then I'll leave it to you, Xiaosi." Seeing Xiaosi gearing up, Ling Lan certainly wouldn't pour cold water on Xiaosi. Although she didn't think Xiaosi would gain anything, Ling Lan also wanted to cast a wide net. What if Xiaosi has something to gain?

Xiaosi was very excited when he heard that the boss had handed over the important task, and went to control the whole gambling venue. Of course, he also didn't forget to avoid that damn god-level hacker. He couldn't be as unscrupulous as before. This also reduced the scope of his control a lot, and he couldn't control the whole situation like before.

"We couldn't find any useful clues. What should we do now?" Li Lanfeng looked at the information again and found that nothing was accomplished in the information, so he asked Ling Lan in a low voice.

"Then give up Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran's line for the time being." Ling Lan found that Tang Ningyu couldn't gain anything, so she let go decisively.

"Let's look back at Mohuan's mission at that time. The mission they took at that time was to cover Longxiang's retreat. It is possible that something happened during the cover, or that they discovered something, which made Longxiang's senior management, He had trouble sleeping and eating, and even a month later, with the help of Meyer, the magic group was destroyed. "

"It can also be inferred that Longxiang's senior management had already colluded with Meyerfa at that time." Li Lanfeng heard what Ling Lan was saying.

"Not only that, but Huang Yaobin was also successfully sent out and handed over to Meyerfa. The magic mass destruction perfectly caused Huang Yaobin to disappear, and even caused death." Ling Lan said with a solemn face, "I suspect. The Son of God plan didn’t stop at all, it just started in a different place.”

Ling Lan asked Xiaosi to check the final result of Huang Yaobin, and sure enough, he found that he was suspected of death.

After seeing Huang Yaobin's death conclusion letter sent to him by Ling Lan, Li Lanfeng roughly deduced the truth of that year...

"Kill two birds with one stone! The people who designed this scheme are very powerful. If we hadn't re-searched the matter of the destruction of the magic group, we might have been deceived by them." Li Lanfeng deeply felt that in this world, there are many masters who are good at conspiracy. He still needs to continue to grow and work hard.

"Think about it, if Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran died while investigating the destruction of the Magic Group, how would the military respond?" Ling Lan suddenly asked Li Lanfeng.

"You said simulated response?" Li Lanfeng had some insights. He thought about it seriously and then replied, "There may be two responses. One is anger, completely breaking up with Meyer and becoming hostile to each other. The other one is that he thinks Meier found that the water was too deep and temporarily abandoned the investigation.”

"Actually, open hostility is the best form of collusion." Ling Lan said thoughtfully.

"You said you would be very angry?" Li Lanfeng's eyes lit up, and he seemed to have thought of something.

"This will clear their suspicions..." Ling Lan whispered.

Ling Lan walked back and forth in the room again, and finally she made up her mind: "I will inform my father to investigate Longxiang's senior officials."

"Captain!" Li Lanfeng stood up in shock. Although he and Ling Lan were here to speculate on the truth of the magic, he definitely did not support Ling Lan in uncovering the pot.

"Lan Feng, you have to do something even if you don't want to do it. I can't go against my heart." Ling Lan said with bright eyes, "This is my way!"

The firmness in Ling Lan's eyes made Li Lanfeng unable to say the words he originally wanted to stop. He knew very well that either Ling Lan didn't decide, and once she made a decision, she would risk her life to complete it. Such as the Battle of Cape Star!

"Understood, I support you!" Li Lanfeng said seriously. Now that Ling Lan has made a decision, he will follow her until death.

"Thank you, Lan Feng!" Ling Lan smiled at Li Lanfeng. That smile made Li Lanfeng stunned. He suddenly realized that Ling Lan's smile was actually no worse than his. Even though her face was covered with scars, It can't stop his charm. (To be continued.)

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