Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 1009 Sowing discord

Europa? Why are things from a hundred years ago coming back? Is it a wanderer returning home?

In fact, the remains of aliens on Europa were discovered. The metal mutants obtained information from the remains and found that the earth was a very suitable planet for their development, but there were earthlings on it, so they considered whether they could coexist with earthlings.

The brainwaves emitted by the Transformers made the metal mutants mistakenly believe that humans are creatures similar to them, and that they can live symbiotically with humans on the earth.

The so-called symbiosis means that they and humans become one, allowing humans to become metallic life forms. Of course, this is also the first time for a metal mutant to come into contact with aliens, and they don't know how to communicate with humans. So they first used Europa as a vanguard, letting a small amount of metal mutants land on the earth to find those humans with powerful brain waves to make contact with.

Metal mutants have no IQ. They only think about survival. Their planet is about to end because of the explosion of the star, so the metal mutants on the planet have to take huge immigrant spacecrafts to look for suitable planets.

"Aren't they supposed to come to Earth?" The Enterprise looked at Europa who was on the way to Earth at first, but then veered off course and started heading towards the sealed Salamander.

"It's not fun to save the earth all the time. It was me who lured them to the Salamander. If the metal mutant wants to find a living space, he can definitely survive on the Salamander. Anyway, the Salamander The size of a snake is the size of a planet.”

"But what did you use as bait?" Sergey and the others said they didn't understand.

"Of course it's the brain waves." Dulan said: "We will sit on the mountain and watch the fight between the tigers, but we want to see who is more powerful, the flesh curse or the metal storm."

What an evil guy, wanting to provoke a fight between two alien species.

"Dulan, the Salamanders are hostile aliens, but the metal mutants haven't shown any hostility yet. If they are just asking for help, it's not good for us to provoke a war with them," Sha Ci said.

"There's nothing wrong with it. They don't have any IQ or civilization anyway. I pointed out a clear path for them. It's up to them whether they can persist. If they can't succeed, then it can only be said that they are destined to be like this. , if they succeed, we wouldn’t mind having one more neighbor.”

Du Lan smiled and said: "If it is possible not to fight, I don't want to fight, so this is definitely a clever way to divert trouble to the east. I am still a pacifist."

Everyone rolled their eyes, pacifism? Who are you kidding, but what Duran said is correct. They humans are not the galactic police. Their lives are so tight that they have no spare time to help aliens. Besides, what if the metal mutants are also aliens with evil intentions? Although people on earth are not afraid of war, it is not a big deal if people are killed in a war. Therefore, there is no need to be verbose about aliens, just keep them away from the earth.

The Salamander was sealed, but there was still a lot of toxins in the living planet. When Europa and the Vanguard fell to the surface, metal and flesh came into close contact, and the two began an incredible chemical reaction.

"Maybe we can witness the birth of a new race."

If metal mutants become flesh, they will lose their ability to break through the universe alone. Although metal mutants have low IQs, they have the ability to imitate various machines. Therefore, if there is a war with humans, humans will definitely not have the advantage. I have to say that Aeolia is right about this. But as long as metal mutants can be turned into flesh by the curse of flesh and blood, then they will lose their biggest advantage. By then, humans will have a hundred ways to teach them how to be human.

The Deep Space Force has been on standby, but once again lost the chance to fight, because the metal mutants were sent by Duran to the Saloman Serpent to undergo the pain of evolution.

The huge round celestial spacecraft is the incubator where the metal mutants store the entire planet's DNA galaxy. It is their navigation and beacon for traveling in the universe. It was also inexplicably guided by Duran to land on the living planet of Saloman Snake.

He was captured by poisonous gas in an instant and began a long evolution.

Duran could feel that the two completely different DNAs were constantly fighting for the high ground. Sometimes the silicon-based ones were dominant, and sometimes the carbon-based ones were dominant. The back and forth did not know how long it would take to end.

The heavenly beings also saw all this. They originally wanted to have another conversation and fight, but unexpectedly, Duran abducted the aliens directly.

"Okay, Saber, go and call Wang Rumei and the others. It's time for us to leave."

Saber knew what leaving meant, that she was leaving this planet, so she nodded slightly and disappeared. Du Lanxin said that Saber had gained something, while he had gained nothing by patronizing and slapping her in the face. After thinking about it, it seems that only the VEDA Fortress in this world is worth collecting, so I teleported to Aeolia.

At this time, Aeolia was already taking oxygen, and all his life-long plans turned out to be in vain. This blow made the old man look as haggard as he does now.

"The metal mutants did not have any dialogue with the Salamander, but directly logged in to fuse. Or maybe fusion is their way of talking. Did you know that from the beginning?"

Aeolia weakly raised her head and looked at Duran: "Nevertheless, sacrifice is necessary for humanity." People who talk to aliens will be infected by aliens. Aeolia guessed this from the beginning possibility.

"So does Livonz know this?" Duran felt that a Gundam in the corner of the universe was rapidly approaching the Salamander.

I don’t know if Livonz knows this, but Livonz is also on the move, and another alien is coming, so it’s time for him to have a conversation.

The stolen solar furnace was installed on his original Gundam, which was a super Gundam with fortress firepower and the prototype of the Reborn Gundam. Now equipped with the genuine sun and dialogue device, he wanted to continue his unfinished mission.

The original revolutionaries have all been killed by Livonz. He wants to be the only one. He doesn't need those people with evil intentions anymore. The only original reformer who survived was the female reformer who stayed in the Celestial Being organization and fell in love with Lyle.

Livonz was now going crazy. All the original changers were transformed in order to complete the plan. They all wanted to be the protagonist, but among them, Livonz was the most persistent. As the first changer to obtain the power of change, he was determined to complete the plan. The desire for expression is stronger than anyone else.

It's a pity that in Aeolia's plan, the original reformers are just a transitional one and not the protagonist. Livonz will never accept this reality.

Livonz Almac, although tens of thousands of people have gone there, green particles are falling towards the Salamander, and the only thing in his eyes is the huge metal ball: "Come on, let's talk!" Realize your own existence The time has come to fulfill the ultimate mission of the Original Changemakers.

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