Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 1028 Death Smile Service Evaluation System

While Duran was promoting reforms in Soul Society, Ichigo Kurosaki was active in the real world as an agent of death. He got to know Kyon and a group of very powerful classmates around him.

Kuchiki Rukia also seemed to have forgotten that the time she came to reality had exceeded the prescribed time, until she met the captain and deputy captain of the 6th division who took her back.

Byakuya Kuchiki and Renji came to the present world, defeated Ichigo Kurosaki, and brought Rukia Kuchiki back to Soul Society.

Rukia Kuchiki's situation is more serious. Not only did she stay in the human world for too long, she also had her power of death taken away by humans, which is a serious crime. Finally, Central Room 46 sentenced Kuchiki Rukia to death and was sent to the double execution.

After hearing the verdict, all the Shinigami were stunned, especially those who cared about Rukia Kuchiki, such as Renji, and Rukia's direct leader, Division 13 Ukitake Jushiro. In short, they were all shocked and didn't understand why the sentence in Central Room 46 was so serious.

However, the Central Room 46 represents absolute authority, and no one can refute the decision made, so for a while all the Shinigami thought that Rukia was dead.

When Du Lan heard that the plot had already progressed and he had to kill Lucia, he still hadn't come back to his senses. He thought to himself, time passed so quickly? I am really obsessed with building a ‘smile service evaluation system’ and I can’t help myself.

Kuchiki Rukia found that when she returned from two months away, the Shinigami around her seemed different. If anything was different, it was the creepy smiles on their faces. She even wondered whether Soul Society had been controlled by aliens. , otherwise why would her colleagues laugh?

Being imprisoned and awaiting execution, Kuchiki Rukia has fully realized that it is the best outcome for her to bear all the sins alone, so that at least Kurosaki Ichigo and her brother will not be implicated.

Kuchiki Byakuya, Kuchiki Rukia's adopted brother, but she still doesn't know that the reason why Kuchiki Byakuya adopted her is because Byakuya is her brother-in-law.

Rukia Kuchiki's elder sister abandoned her when Rukia was very young because of her poor life. However, her sister later met the fateful Prince Charming, Byakuya Kuchiki. Byakuya married his sister who was born in poverty despite the opposition of his family. After her life got better, her sister always hoped to find her sister, but her wish was not fulfilled until she died of a serious illness. Her last wish before she died was that her husband would find her sister and take good care of her. And Kuchiki Byakuya did find a sister-in-law who was exactly the same as his wife in Rukongai, adopted her and started training her.

Rukia didn't know the reason. She only thought that Byakuya Kuchiki was the best adopted brother in the world, so she was the younger sister who always hoped that she could become a qualified Kuchiki and worked hard. Now she has no complaints, everything is her own responsibility.

Activating double execution means that the crime is serious, and the news spread throughout Soul Society for a while.

"Hello, I am your warden. I will be responsible for your food, clothing, and daily life in the future."

Lucia knew that the other party was the chief officer of the 9th Division. The 9th Division specializes in guarding criminals and being in charge of prisons. It can be said that it is the most serious team among the thirteen teams, but he is actually smiling now, and he is still talking to herself. This guilty body is so strange.

Although Kuchiki Rukia is a dying person, she is still very scared when encountering such a strange thing: "Thank you." She said cautiously.

"You're welcome, are you satisfied with my service?"

? ? Rukia stared with innocent eyes, not understanding what the other party meant.

I saw the other party took out something like a smartphone from his clothes and handed it out. It was a dark screen with two lines of words on it: Please rate this service, not satisfied, average, satisfied.

"Please be satisfied." The warden smiled.

Um... Lucia raised her hand blankly and clicked "Satisfied".

The warden's smile became even brighter, but in the eyes of the prisoners, it was shuddering: "Thank you for your evaluation of this service. You are welcome to come to this prison again next time, dear."

A chill ran down her back, and the chill rushed from the soles of her feet to Tianling Gai. Lucia felt like she was going crazy. What on earth was going on? But the weird things just started. I originally thought that as a death row prisoner, no one would come to visit me, but in fact, it was just the opposite. Not only did people come, but they were also a group of very enthusiastic Death Gods, who simply came to the cell to bring warmth.

"This is the tablet I bought. After you die, I will ask everyone to write down your name so that your family can burn incense and worship it every day. If you like it, please give it a good review, dear."

"We can provide you with whatever colors and styles of clothes you want to wear during your execution. We will make sure that you are executed in a glorious manner and go on your way happily, dear. If you are satisfied, we will also give you shoes, dear."

There is also the warden, who comes to express a few words of condolences every day, and then asks Lucia to press the button of satisfaction. He is more diligent than signing in.

Why is this happening? Lucia is going crazy, can she still be a quiet death row prisoner?

The God of Death in prison was looking for various reasons to satisfy Rukia all day long. She was completely stupid. On this day, I finally met a normal person. Renji came to visit his childhood sweetheart.

But seeing a Shinigami without a smile, Rukia breathed a sigh of relief. She thought everyone was crazy: "Renji."

The girl he had a crush on was dying. Renji wanted to laugh but couldn't. "Rukia." He didn't know what to say. He was a useless man and couldn't even protect his girl.

"Renji, you're here just in time. Please tell me what is going on in this prison? Why do they pester me all day long to make me satisfy the strange things in their hands?"

Seeing that Rukia was still energetic, Renji felt sad but did not want to continue to increase the other person's pressure. He took out an identical evaluation machine from his Death God suit: "This is the evaluator for our Death Smile service. If the satisfaction level is high, , then our spiritual pressure will increase."

"Nani?" Lucia was stunned. Is this okay?

"You've been gone for two months, Soul Society has changed." Renji felt frightened when he thought of everything that had happened in the past two months. It was so terrible. That man was so terrible.

Dulan had actually been waiting for Aizen to take action against him. However, Aizen seemed to know that there was no benefit in taking action and fell silent. Therefore, Duran could only keep promoting the Death Smile Service and adding various extracurricular activities to the Death. Finally, a week ago he Finally, the 'Death Smile Service Evaluation System' was launched, which can increase reiatsu by collecting satisfaction.

Each Shinigami has a bound evaluator, and they increase their strength by gaining satisfaction. This gave the God of Death, who was already very difficult in training, an opportunity to become stronger, so the lower level Death God was very enthusiastic about it. Now he has to comment on almost everything, and it is even more popular than posting selfies of babies on social media.

There are three satisfaction levels. Satisfaction will increase spiritual pressure, normal spiritual pressure will remain unchanged, and dissatisfaction will decrease spiritual pressure. It can be said that Dulan's behavior reversed the problem of poor service attitude, inconsiderate service, and killing but not burying the Death team in one fell swoop. It made the Death team deeply realize how important a smile is to the Death. A smiling service attitude can make their Death gain more. Satisfaction and enhance the strength of the Reaper team.

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