Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 1040 Internal Conflicts

Duran found it very interesting. The attitude of the Shinigami team towards Lucia's death sentence could be said to be completely different. It completely evolved into two aspects, one was protection and the other was opposition. There was almost no one who maintained a neutral attitude. This phenomenon interested Duran very much, as it illustrates the differences and independent thinking in the structure of the Death team when it comes to problems.

Most of the Shinigami who sympathize with Rukia were born in Rukia. The captain established the Mao Spiritual Arts Academy, absorbing civilians from Rukongai and children from poor backgrounds to become Shinigami. However, it was not the interests of Rukongai but the interests of Seireitei that were safeguarded. If the status quo is not changed, the Shinigami born in Rukongai will be perfunctory about their Shinigami missions.

Rukia's execution once again truly allowed the Shinigami from Rukongai to witness the ruthlessness of the Seireitei nobles. First of all, Rukia's background is very special. It can be said that she is the golden phoenix that flew out of Rukongai. Being born in Rukongai makes common people naturally feel close to her. Being in a noble family makes everyone yearn for it. It can be said that Rukia is a Rukia. The goal and role model for all the residents of Soul Street. They saw the possibility of advancement in Lucia and believed that they could also become a member of the nobility, as long as they worked hard.

But now the former idol has been mercilessly pushed to the gallows, and the aristocratic family who adopted her has done nothing. Seeing this, everyone suddenly realizes that all their previous efforts were illusions. Commoners are commoners and will not be affected by nobles. Acceptable. If a true noble blood had encountered what happened to Rukia, they would never have been sentenced to death.

At this moment, the common people recognized the hypocrisy of the aristocratic class, and their envy for Lucia turned into sympathy. In this matter, the civilian-born Shinigami did whatever he could, and even helped the travel disaster directly and indirectly. This was the reason why Ichigo and the others were able to make such a big fuss in the Seireitei.

The civilian Death God hopes to use this incident to send a voice to the nobles, who are very dissatisfied. It's just that this silent protest is insignificant to the nobles. They just think that the God of Death is incompetent, so they directly put pressure on the captain to solve the problem immediately.

Hanatarō Yamada, Orihime Inoue, and Uryū Ishida saw the weird Death Captain in front of them suddenly looking into the distance, and thought to themselves, what is he doing? Now they were extremely nervous. If Dulan found out that they had stolen the god of death pretending to be the god of death, it would be over.

They didn't know that Duran's thoughts were flying far away, thinking that the main contradictions among various classes in Soul Society were violently erupting with the Lucia incident as the trigger, and the dissatisfaction of the civilian Shinigami reached its highest point, which could be exploited. The process of implementing the rule of law in Soul Society.

"Captain Duran, if nothing happens, I will take them away first." Hanataro said in his heart that a stalemate would not be good for them, and now they need to leave as soon as possible.

"You don't have to go back. I really need help. Come with me."

It's over. He won't find out, right? Ishida Uryū and Inoue Orihime looked at each other, and Hanataro was also shocked: "But, sir, our Fourth Division also has a mission." The final struggle.

"Your captain is a good person and won't mind if I borrow a few of her subordinates." Uozhika Retsu is indeed a good person now, not counting what she did a long, long time ago.

There was nothing he could do, so Hanataro motioned to the two travelers to follow him, stop talking and do nothing, just pretend to be the god of death quietly.

After walking a few steps, Dulan suddenly stopped and turned to look at the three of them. The three of them were frightened by Dulan's sudden look back, and their faces were pale and bloodless.

"You have forgotten something very important. Didn't Captain Unohana Retsu tell you?"

Very important thing? How did Hanataro know that the two young travelers were secretly worried that they had been exposed? Be alert and may launch an attack at any time.

Du Lan secretly laughed in his heart, I can't scare you to death, you little guy. "Smile, remember that we, the God of Death, want to move people with our smiles and smile at all the souls of the dead, so that they can feel at home even after they die."

Smile? Indeed, even death needs to smile. Only then did Hanataro remember that the man in front of him was the promoter of service with a smile. He had completely forgotten to smile because of his nervousness. He immediately smiled and said: "Of course I haven't forgotten. Our captain likes service with a smile the most, isn't it? I never forgot to smile, please smile." He winked at Lv Hui.

The two Earth teenagers understood immediately and immediately showed awkward smiles. They had countless complaints in their hearts, but now they could only smile reluctantly.

"Very good, let's go then." Dulan saw that they were all smiling and expressed satisfaction.

When a group of people came to the double corpse, Hanataro didn't understand what Dulan was going to do. He was thinking about running away all the way, but thinking of Duran's terrifying strength, he still didn't act impulsively.

The two travelers were even more confused about what they wanted to do. Even when they got to the execution platform, they didn't know what they wanted to do.

"Today our task is to decorate the execution platform. Did you see the relief below? I am going to change the content to 'Welcome the 1,000th death row inmate, buy one get one free' to open with enthusiasm, execute one person A coffin will be sent to you on a first-come, first-served basis. What do you think?"

As expected, it is Captain Duran, which is hard to figure out. But the travel disaster from Earth looked confused and didn't understand what Dulan was talking about. Anyway, he was turning serious things into entertainment.

"Captain Duran, Miss Lucia's crime will not lead to death." Hanataro mustered up the courage to say this in front of Duran.

Duran smiled: "There are many Shinigami who know that her crime is not worthy of death, but Lucia still has to be sent to the execution platform. To be honest, I think the death penalty is too serious."

When the three of them heard what Dulan said, their eyes lit up, and Duran's image changed in their eyes in an instant.

Inoue Orihime said even more excitedly: "Since everyone thinks that Rukia-san should not be executed, why don't you all save her?"

Hanataro sweated profusely and said not to speak. When Inoue Orihime opened her mouth, she was Rukia-san. The Soul Society does not like this kind of address. It was revealed.

But Dulan didn't seem to hear it, and just looked at the girl with interest: "You have great ideas, why not learn to cook with me."

Phew, Uryū Ishida thought that Duran had some great ideas, but he didn't expect that Duran would talk nonsense. He was no longer silent. He wanted to criticize Duran, the captain who dared to think but not act, and this unfair Soul Society. : "If you ask me, you are simply afraid of power, so you don't dare to resist."

Hanataro covered his face. As expected, he was not afraid of anything that might happen during the trip, and he dared to say anything. Yes, Central Room 46 is a powerful force, and everyone in Soul Society knows it, but no one dares to resist.

"Young man, what you said is correct. Why don't I send you to the captain of the Gotei Thirteenth Corps? If you say these words to him directly, maybe he will leave you intact." Duran said with a smile: " The reason why power is power is that it is protected by forces that ordinary people cannot defeat. If it can be overthrown by a few words and a few people, is it still called power?"

ah? Ishida Uryu was stunned. What Duran said was right. Even the God of Death knew things. He, an outsider who didn't know the details, shouldn't blame them.

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