Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 1077: Intercession

Inoue Orihime said that she didn't know why someone came to arrest her, and she didn't do anything.

Ise Nanao was a step late, and Ulquiorra had already caught the girl, opened her black mouth, and took away a human hostage in full view of everyone.

"Damn it, is this the purpose of the Arrancar?" Although they don't know why they want to capture Inoue Orihime, it is definitely not for no reason. Aizen must be thinking about something very evil: "You must report to the captain immediately."

In Soul Society, Ulquiorra appeared in the desert holding Inoue Orihime's waist. A trace of doubt appeared on his face. Shouldn't he return directly to the Hollow Night Palace? Why come to the desert?

"Do you know him?" a voice said from behind Ulquiorra.

Turning around, I saw a group of people who were incompatible with the desert. There were gods of death and gods, adults and children, men and women. But Ulquiorra knew the boy with short orange hair, "Kurosaki Ichigo?" He never thought that he would meet Kurosaki Ichigo again.

"Ichigo-san." Inoue Orihime didn't expect it, so she immediately called out: "Help me."

"Inoue-san?" "You bastard, put my friend down." Ichigo Kurosaki saw that Arrancar actually attacked his friend, and he couldn't stop being angry: "If your target is me, go ahead and do it to me." "Let me go." Drive her."

Ulquiorra took stock of the current situation and found that he didn't seem to be afraid. The opponents were just a few Shinigami and Daxu, so he turned around and left, ignoring Kurosaki Ichigo.

"Stop!" Kurosaki Ichigo was angry. He was such a big person talking. Could it be that the Arrancar on the other side was deaf? "Put it down Inoue."

Ignore him and keep walking.

Damn it, releasing his spiritual pressure, Kurosaki Ichigo rushed forward.

"Ichigo, be careful, that guy is very powerful." Everyone has seen the battle between Ulquiorra and Kenpachi. Ulquiorra's fighting power is much higher than them, which is completely disappointing: " If that doesn’t work, let’s unite.”

Ichigo Kurosaki made a jump attack behind Ulquiorra, but it missed the target because Ulquiorra had already moved 20 meters ahead with a whirling sound, and Inoue Orihime was still holding him under his arm.

Tsk, another pretender, Du Lan said, can’t people in the world of death just be normal? Why are you so pretentious?

So Duran took action, and Ulquiorra felt like he couldn't move no matter how much he walked. The desert beneath his feet seemed to be retreating, and it was useless no matter how fast he stepped.

Arrancar used Sound Spin again, and Duran used the skill 'Grab'. Ulquiorra returned to the original place and returned to Duran.

This time Ulquiorra finally realized that there was a master among the group of people he despised, and his eyes were fixed on Duran: "You are neither a Hollow nor a Shinigami. Your spiritual pressure is very strange." It seems that he believed that Duran was up to something.

"Put the girl down and talk nicely. Maybe you can be saved." Duran said.

"Do you want to save people?" Ulquiorra said that if Duran said yes, then he would be an enemy.

Dulan felt the opponent's tense aura, "You can't even defeat Kenpachi, do you still want to fight with me, his master?"

"Kenpachi?" I don't recognize him.

"It's the fighting maniac you fought against in this world before."

After hearing Duran's identity, Ulquiorra did not dare to look down upon him: "Your name."

"You must have heard of it. Aizen may have mentioned me. My name is Duran."

As expected, it was him. Ulquiorra wondered when such a powerful figure appeared in the Three Realms. So the person in front of him was Duran, who was considered a thorn in Lord Aizen's side? At first glance, it turned out that he couldn't see clearly: "You are very strong."

"I'm stronger than you, so if you want to survive, put Inoue Orihime down."

"It is my mission to bring her back." Ulquiorra would not give up on Aizen's mission: "If you want to save her, you need to step over my body."

"Does it mean that to save a human being, you have to kill an Arrancar?" Duran smiled: "You are quite content with death. Are you really not afraid?"

Life is so sad and death is so painful. Ulquiorra's expression was calm, as if he was criticizing the world, scolding Hueco Mundo for being invisible, this world being careless, and Soul Society being ruthless. This world seems to have disappointed Ulquiorra, so life and death are just a state, meaningless.

"A dead pig is not afraid of boiling water." Dulan gave this detached temperament an extremely unflattering comment.

"Put down Inoue-san, if you want to fight, come to me." Kurosaki Ichigo came out to fight, Zangetsu pointed at Ulquiorra and issued a challenge.

However, in the eyes of the 4th Ten Blades, Kurosaki Ichigo is not worth mentioning. This is the conclusion he came to after observing the battle between Ichigo and Yami, and he also reported this to Aizen.

At this time, Kurosaki Ichigo's fighting prowess really depressed Ulquiorra, and he continued to ignore Kurosaki Ichigo and look at Duran.

"Damn it." Kurosaki Ichigo was furious. He had finally made it through Soul Society, and being ignored over and over again was really angry: "Put down my friend." The spiritual pressure increased: "Swastika !”

Ulquiorra then looked at Kurosaki Ichigo and said calmly: "To deal with you, I don't even need a Zanpakutō!" It was simply Hong Guoguo's contempt.

Kurosaki was furious.

Duran waved his hand to Kurosaki to calm down: "Ichigo, your fighting power is not as good as his, so calm down." Then he said to the Arrancar: "You don't have to give Kurosaki Ichigo face, but you have to give me face. Ur Kiora, I have dined at the same table as Aizen. Aren't you afraid that I will complain to Aizen and ask him to clean up the house? Since Aizen mentioned me, you should know about Aizen and I. How strong the relationship is."

Everyone was stunned. They thought Dulan would take action, but they didn't expect that he would suddenly start a relationship. They all said that Du Lan was contrary to what he said. The relationship between you and Aizen is completely incompatible. Why are you so strong?

But Ulquiorra refused to give in. Threats were useless, and showing mercy was useless. He only gave Aizen face. So he looked at Duran expressionlessly, saying that even if you had dinner with Aizen, it had nothing to do with him.

"You must be heartless if you are so unkind."

Ulquiorra has no heart, but the heart has no meaning to him, and the world has no meaning to him. Because Ulquiorra was born as an alien, he later prepared to commit suicide and return to nothingness, but at this time his mask was shattered and he became a native Arrancar, and his heart was already dead. Now he can't find any meaning in life except Aizen's mission. His soul has long been exhausted and calm.

"Young man, you're going to suffer a lot if you're walking around like this." Dulan showed off his big brother air: "Since you are Aizen's subordinate, and for the sake of Aizen and I being buddies, in this way, you will treat the girl Don’t worry, then I will teach you how to get along in the arena. As the saying goes, people can’t help themselves in the arena. The most important thing to get out is loyalty!"

What and what? Ichigo is about to collapse. It’s important for Captain Duran to save people. Stop talking nonsense. However, Orihime Inoue, who was caught, looked at Duran with wide eyes. She had confidence in Duran, so she was watching the fun without making any noise.

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