Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 1101 Wishes Come True

The vendor screamed loudly, but he was not injured. He was just frightened by the hungry wolf's fierce momentum.

I have to say that Hungry Wolf is just about to have it written on his face that he is a bad guy. At this time, he is looking for prey called 'heroes'. He worships weirdos and hates heroes, so he becomes stronger by hunting heroes and looks for his own weirdo. the road.

The counterfeit vendors were so frightened that they huddled in the corner. Hungry Wolf didn't bother to say anything to such a weakling, and turned around and passed by Dulan. He didn't seem to notice anything special about Duran.

With this attitude and wanting to be a weirdo, Dulan even looked down on this hungry wolf.

Hungry Wolf is an older junior high school student. When he was studying at Silver Fang Gym, he beat away all the other disciples in the gym and was kicked out of the gym by Silver Fang. Since then, he has been looking for heroes to fight and torture. Have fun fighting the heroes of the Hero Association. This is completely the grudge that Hungry Wolf has to take revenge for the fact that when he was a child, he could only pretend to be a weirdo and was bullied by his peers who pretended to be heroes.

Because he was bullied by people pretending to be heroes since he was a child, he believed that there are no real heroes in this world, only hypocrites. His goal is to tear off all the hypocritical masks of heroes and let everyone know that the root of the chaos in the world is these heroes. , if there is no hero, human beings will be controlled by eternal evil. Of course, the controller is him. He will use evil and fear to suppress discrimination, bullying, and even war in the human world. So the weirdo is more important than the hero.

But is using evil to suppress human beings an idea that a weirdo would have? Obviously not. Hungry Wolf's thinking like this shows that he has not broken away from the human way of thinking at all. Real weirdos do not care about the life and death of humans. Real weirdos and humans are definitely not on the same path. They should belong to a race other than mine, and their minds must be different. category.

So Dulan looked down on the hungry wolf, and he thought the same thing, but fundamentally he didn't find the right way. If he became a monster in order to destroy all mankind, maybe it would make Duran look at him seriously, but he didn't It is to eliminate the conflicts within human beings, which has nothing to do with becoming a weirdo. What he wants is the ultimate dictatorial power, but he puts the weirdo in the position of being 'oppressed' by the hero, and he can justifiably cause trouble for the hero. , so not stupid.

"Hey, you!" Just when Duran was about to leave, the hungry wolf behind him suddenly turned around and called out to Duran: "You know the undocumented knight? Tell me where he is."

It turned out that Hungry Wolf had seen Duran and the undocumented knight together before, recognized Dulan, and asked him about the location of the undocumented knight.

Ignore him and keep walking.

Frowning, this man can actually ignore his own weird power. Why? The vendor was so scared that he almost peed his pants, why didn't he react at all?

Weird, the hungry wolf had a strong aura, and in an instant he was about to grab Dulan's shoulder after crossing ten meters.

"Sir, do you have a dream?" Dulan was a little angry. Why is this hungry wolf so troubled and he doesn't want to care about him? Do he have to fix him by himself?

"..." The catch was empty. Dulan's figure completely disappeared from Hungry Wolf's eyes, but the other party's voice still came from all directions. He had met a master, and his ferocious face had an extra layer of frost, making the original ferocious look of the hungry wolf even more obvious. All I can say is that he looks like a bad guy. No wonder he has been playing weirdos since he was a child.

Behind him, he turned his head sharply and sure enough, Duran was looking straight at him. The same question came out of his mouth: "Do you have a dream?"

Of course, he has a dream: "I want to become a weirdo and destroy all the heroes in the world." The hungry wolf's eyes released a cold light and he punched directly.

Tsk, what a sneak attack, Dulan smacked his lips and retreated beyond the opponent's punch range: "This dream is easy to realize, why bother shouting to kill, since you want there to be no heroes in this world, it's not easy." Dulan Take out a universal capsule and release it.

A phone booth appeared on the street: "This is what a phone booth would look like. Now you go in and just pick up the phone and say, 'If there are no heroes in the entire human race,' then all the heroes on this planet will disappear."

...This is impossible. Hungry Wolf didn't believe it. He met Dulan's contemptuous eyes and heard Dulan say: "It seems that you still can't let go of heroes. That's right. If there are no heroes, who can protect you when you are in danger?" .”

Cackling, crushing fists, chewing gums, he is a hungry wolf, a hero hunter, how can he need the protection of a hero? He stepped into the phone booth, picked up the phone and said, "I need a world without heroes."

As expected, he was an idiot. Dulan made the other party angry with just a few words. With this mentality, he still had the nerve to say that he was a weirdo?

I walked out of the phone booth angrily and looked at Dulan with an unkind expression, as if to say you were lying, I was very angry.

"Don't stare at me like that. Congratulations, you have created a world where there are no heroes but only weirdos. I think you will like it." Duran put away the phone booth and disappeared.

...Hungry Wolf has no idea what happened. Did he meet a god? Otherwise, why would Duran disappear suddenly?

Of course not, Dulan went back to his original world.

If the phone booth does not really change the original world, it will create a new branch of the world. All in all, it's an awesome prop. This time, let's just throw him into a world without heroes as the hungry wolf wishes, and see if he likes it.

This is hell, and humans are slaves and two-legged sheep of weirdos. There are no heroes here, and naturally there is no one to protect humans. Strange people with powerful strength rule the entire planet in different areas.

The cities along the coast were submerged into the sea and became the territory of the Deep Sea King. The center of the continent was the lair of the Sky King. There were countless weirdos around the world who fed on human flesh and blood.

Walking on the road, there is only a layer of thick reddish-brown liquid that can never be cleaned off.

The bones on the road silently tell the tragic experience of mankind. There are no heroes in this world.

The hungry wolf opened his mouth and was stunned. Is all this true? I really came to a world where there are no heroes but only weirdos, where there is no hypocrisy but only extreme evil, and human beings are ruled by extreme malice.

His nose seemed to be completely blocked by the smell of blood. At this time, Hungry Wolf could not imagine what he had experienced. Who was that man?

Hallucination? The hungry wolf bit the tip of his tongue, feeling a stinging pain straight into his heart.

"There is a human here who knows that our Deep Sea King is coming, but he doesn't give in. Do you want to be a hero?"

The hungry wolf turned around and saw a group of seafood coming from the distance. Surrounded by shrimps, soldiers and crabs, there was a powerful weirdo chewing something that seemed to be a human leg bone in his mouth.

"Hahaha, humans have no heroes at all. They are really the most rubbish race." The seafood laughed loudly: "Pippi Shrimp, kill him."

Hungry Wolf just felt like his whole body was not well. What on earth was going on? There were countless questions without any answers. It was a joke that he, a hero hunter, was treated as a hero.

Seeing a strange man with a red shrimp head walking out of the seafood, spraying a water column from his mouth to attack, the hungry wolf cleared his mind and knew that he could not sit still and wait for death. All questions could be discussed later. What he needed now was to deal with these guys: "I I'm not a hero, I'm a weirdo!" He punched Pippi Shrimp with a high-pressure water cannon.

The seafood was very strange, and Xin said that this was the first time he saw someone who claimed to be a weirdo.

The Deep Sea King watched the hungry wolf block the attack of his beloved general Pipi Shrimp with his fists, and also showed an expression of appreciation: "This is the first time I have seen a human being who claims to be a weirdo. Come back Pipi Shrimp, this person should You want to surrender to me, so you wait for us to pass by." "Human, what is your name?"

Hungry Wolf never thought of surrendering to a weirdo. He didn't like heroes, but he never thought of colluding with a real weirdo. The atmosphere was very delicate for a moment. The weirdos around Deep Sea King didn't have a good look at this fake weirdo. If Deep Sea King hadn't allowed him to continue fighting, they would have eaten the hungry wolf long ago.

ps: I got a stomach flu recently, so I really don’t have the energy to type more. It’s still one chapter.

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