"Father, please let me go to Arnus with the Knights of the Order."

"Pinna?" Molt sighed inwardly when he saw his fifth daughter. This daughter didn't like red clothes and preferred to be armed. She gathered a group of noble children to form some kind of Knights of the Rose.

Of course, the empire is martial, and it is not impossible for the children of nobles to join the army. But if you say that the knights formed entirely by the children of nobles are sent to the front line, which general would dare to use them? Therefore, Princess Pinna's behavior is basically regarded as playing house by everyone.

This time the Dharma Knights went to fight, and the emperor did not dare to send the children of his ministers to such a dangerous place: "No nonsense, this is an important action related to the peace of the two worlds, and it is not a joke for you young masters and young ladies. place. Back off.”

"Father?!" Pinna still wanted to fight for it: "Didn't Dad let the child go to Italica before? It happens to be on the only way to Arnus, so at least let us go with the Knights of the Law." The Order of the Law is the most mysterious army in the empire. It is definitely a great honor to have close contact with them.

"It's okay if you're just traveling together, but you can only go to Itarica. As an important transportation town in the southeast of the empire, you should know what I want you to do. Don't neglect your mission."

That place is very unstable now, so the emperor hopes to send someone there to stabilize humanity. Originally, a son is the best, but as the empire grows, there are not enough sons. He can only send the fifth princess who likes to show off. At least she still has some ability. .

"Yes, Father."

Setting off with the Rose Knights, Ping Na finally caught up with the Dharma Knights outside the city who had already taken the lead. All of them are bright red armor, which makes people around them shy away.

Legend has it that the armor of the Knights of the Law was dyed red because they killed too many people. In fact, this is not the case. The truth is that it is too troublesome to clean up after killing too many people. It is better to just use red armor to avoid cleaning up during the battle.

You can't get too close at all. There are only thirteen Dharma Knights, but the bloody aura on their bodies is greater than that of thousands of troops. It seems that anyone who dares to get close will be mercilessly killed by them.

Such a knightly group that is difficult to ignore, where do they usually practice?

The Knights of the Dharma are usually responsible for the safety of the Dharma. They are basically the guards of the C.C., and they are also a group of people with the strongest faith.

Although they were on the same road, Ping Na didn't dare to get close. It wasn't until she discovered that the captain of the Dharma Knight seemed to be able to communicate with another world that she plucked up the courage to lean over and talk to him.

His name is Ander, and he is the knight who rushed into the North many years ago and beheaded the enemy chief. He was later named the Sword of the North, which means the sword that pacifies the North.

He is an incomparably handsome and perfect man, less than thirty years old, but his facial features are like divine structures, and his eyes are like a clear lake that makes people unable to extricate themselves.

Pinna wanted to know how Ender learned to communicate with people from other worlds.

"It's a gift from the Pope." "Because the Dharma Knights are responsible for negotiating with people from another world, each of our thirteen brothers can speak the language of another world." Ander didn't hide it either.

"It turns out to be the Pope." Ping Na has never met C.C., but she is very familiar with the magic of the Pope. It seems that the Pope represents omnipotence, "Only she can be so great and magical."

When Ander saw that Pinna respected the Pope, he became much more fond of her. Several of the emperor's children were dissatisfied with the pope. They believed that the emperor was the oldest in the empire, and the emperor's son was second. It was not his turn to receive the teachings, so they were disrespectful to the teachings.

Those people are grasshoppers after the fall, and they will be killed by the Knights of the Order sooner or later.

"Can you teach me? Those otherworldly languages."

"Of course you can. Now we have to give language classes to these prisoners every day. You can also listen in. The classes also include content about their language."

It turns out that Fa Jiao really thinks a lot. First, teach them our language and let them know that the Empire is the greatest country in Malfat. People from other worlds will naturally yearn for the Empire in the future.

"By the way, I heard that the customs in other worlds are very different. Why do these people look the same as us, and the clothes are not distinctive." The princess was very curious about the captives, and found that the Dharma Knights were not as cold-blooded as they seemed. After that, the enthusiasm grew and she had lots of questions to ask.

"This is for their own good. We changed their clothes specially. If they walked on the street wearing the clothes of people from another world, they would be torn apart by the people of the Imperial City." Ander said.

"Why?" The princess didn't want to understand.

"The Central Army has 150,000 soldiers, part of which was recruited in the imperial capital." Ander only said this, leaving the rest to the princess's taste.

The 150,000 Central Army obviously refers to the main force that went to Arnus Hill one after another. They all died. And some of them were recruited from the imperial capital, which means that the imperial capital has their relatives.

I understand, they are afraid that these captives from another world will be angered and killed by the families of the dead soldiers. So many people have died in the empire and countless families have been broken. It is natural that some people will hate the world on the other side.

Thinking of the tragic deaths of 150,000 elite soldiers of the empire, the princess also clenched her fists, "Is the other world really so scary?"

Ender didn't answer, but just looked into the distance. No matter how scary it was, the Knights of the Law would not flinch. The Pope's will is what their swords point to, whether it's a different world or a god, they will never stop.

But the princess thought that the other world must be really scary, otherwise her father would not be able to negotiate peace. You must know that the pressure of peace talks is very huge. It's a pity that the princess didn't know that this was just a fake peace talk.

It takes a long time to walk from the Imperial Capital to the Hill of Arnus, and they did not hurry along the way, but studied while walking. It had been more than ten days by the time they arrived in Italica, so the princess stayed and the others continued. On the way.

It was already a month later when we arrived at Arnus. At this time, Arnus Hill had completely changed. The Self-Defense Forces had built a huge five-star fortress with reinforced concrete and firmly controlled the gate.

And more weapons and equipment are being transported, which means that the day is not far away when the Self-Defense Forces will expand outward to seek resource points.

It’s just that the situation seems different from what was imagined, because there is no movement at the United Nations, and the storm that the Japanese government originally expected has disappeared. It seems that the United Nations does not care what Japan has done in the other world, nor does it care whether the Self-Defense Forces have been clean. They don't seem to care whether energy has unlimited resources.

This lets the Japanese government know that the five permanent members of the United Nations are really capable of going to other worlds, and the gate is not the only one.

This cold treatment also let them know that trying to change the pattern of World War II has become a fantasy, nothing will change, and they are still just the yes-men of the United States and are not allowed to have their own voices.

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