Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 1250 Beginning

The third class, the seventh class, the eighth class, and the tenth class. The four classes, one chuunin and eleven genin, were assigned a very important task, escorting Kimimaro to Saori's new secret ninja base.

Tsunade understood what a new ninja is: a new ninja can communicate with nature and has the important mission of being a bridge between man and nature. It is prepared to adapt to the world of great changes in the future.

Knowing this, Tsunade immediately said who are you trying to fool? A normal ninja who grew up in Konoha would not believe that the ninja era was about to decline. She thought that any new ninja was nonsense.

The thoughts of the Dulan family are unfounded. She does not believe that there will be no place for ninjas in the future.

However, the Sandaime had long been persuaded by the Duran family, and Saori also selected a group of ninjas in Konoha as a reserve for new ninjas, including the Sandaime's son Sarutobi Asuma. So the Sandaime personally had a long talk with Tsunade, affirming the strength and wisdom of the Duran family. At the same time, Tsunade learned that there is still a 'ninja school' strength in Konoha, although it is not usually visible. There is no dew in the mountains, but Dulan's teachings are deeply imprinted in their hearts like morning bells and evening drums. As long as Dulan needs it, these 'academics' will definitely support him.

Tsunade was shocked. There were already many hills in Konoha Village, but now there was another 'academic'. Wouldn't this cost her her life?

The Sandaime comforted her that Duran would not be an official, so the 'academic faction' would always be hidden. They were just supporters of the principal and would not disrupt the power of the village. He also told Tsunade that he was also an 'academic' person and he absolutely trusted Duran.

Even the Sandaime supports the new ninja, what can Tsunade say. Besides, there is no excessive request, it is just to transfer a prisoner.

However, Tsunade also fully knew that the Duran family did not have fuel-efficient lamps. Needless to say, Duran has an amazing influence in Konoha. I didn't expect that his daughter would be so powerful. He started to establish an organization at a young age and care about the future of ninjas. Now Tsunade regrets asking Dinisa as a consultant. At that time, she thought that only Duran in the family needed attention.

Considering the wisdom that Dinisha possesses, you should also know that she is not an ordinary person. I was so confused that I actually took the initiative to help the Dulan family increase their influence. It can only be said that the Duran family is like fireflies in the dark night. They are so outstanding that they were noticed at a glance. Moreover, the Duran family does not seem to have any conflicts of interest with Konoha. Tsunade arrived here for the first time and did not fully understand the details of Konoha, which is why it became like this.

It's not that Tsunade can't tolerate others, it's just that it's really uncomfortable to be passive everywhere now. I really don’t know how the teacher accepted Dulan’s existence. Of course, he was impressed by Duran. The Sandaime was one of Duran's earliest fans, and he still has a fondness for Duran's works.

So a luxurious lineup composed of Chuunin Shikamaru as the commander-in-chief set off. Although a group of genin met during the Chunin exam, this was the first time they performed a mission together.

And such a lineup also made Shikamaru feel a little unusual. He was very smart and knew that the escort mission should not be like this. In short, there was a trace of weirdness from the beginning of the mission.

In fact, the other genin were also confused, because they had never carried out the task of escorting prisoners. Shouldn't they find an adult ninja to lead the team?

Kimimaro was locked in a special magnetic field carriage, and several ninjas surrounded the carriage to guard all sides.

"Where are you sending the prisoner? Isn't he a very important prisoner?" Naruto said he didn't understand why Kimimaro was sent outside the village.

"..." Other ninjas didn't know either and found it strange.

"This is a mission, just carry it out." Sasuke couldn't stand Naruto anymore. No one else spoke, so why did his teammates talk so much?

The atmosphere between the four teams is also very subtle. They used to be competitive, but now they have to cooperate.

In the dark, Kabuto watched carefully. Orochimaru wanted to perfect his genes, so he sent the best Otogakure ninjas. Kabuto has the most skills and experience as the leader, and all four of them are dispatched, with the cooperation of multiple ninjas.

The viper-like eyes behind the round glasses showed a dangerous light. The other party was just some children, and Lord Orochimaru was really cautious.

After leaving Konoha, Kabuto kept thinking about Nonoyu, but the other party didn't recognize him at all, which made him even more disgusted with Konoha. Everything was Konoha's fault, otherwise he could have lived happily with Nonoyu forever.

Let these children know what it feels like to be hurt first.

"Divide their formations and attack them separately. Show no mercy."

The four people wanted to hear this. They were fully armed, just to give it a try. They wanted the children living in the cradle to know what the real world was like.

The atmosphere was not right, and Shikamaru immediately told everyone to stop.

Hinata and Neji immediately opened their Byakugan and looked in both directions, looking through the woods for any suspicious spots.

However, the enemies are still out of sight, simply because their murderous intent scares away the animals.

It was so quiet, Shikamaru knew that this mission was not that simple, and he was obviously being watched. He must be an accomplice of Kimimaro. When the mission started, he had questioned why there were no adults or jounin escorting such an important criminal. This group of them is more like bait than performing a mission.

Everyone also felt the crisis. Everyone took out their weapons and stood in formation. Naruto, Sasuke, and Li Neji stood in the outer circle. Sakura, Hinata, Inuzuka Kiba, Shino Shikamaru, and Tenten Ino Choji were in the inner circle. layer.

The battle has begun unknowingly, and the first one is illusion.

At some point, everyone heard the light music, and then the scenery in front of them changed. This is an illusion cast through sound, and several ninjas who are not resistant to illusions immediately hesitated.

"Not good." Although Shikamaru knew it was an illusion, it was too late.

After the genjutsu came the kunai, and the super kunai of Adamantium alloy cut the leaves and rushed towards it.

Fortunately, there was an illusion master here. When Sasuke opened his Sharingan to recover from the illusion, he saw a flash of cold light, and he pounced on him without even having time to think about it. The kunai resisted but was cut open mercilessly. Fortunately, the strength of the Adamantium alloy weapon was also removed, but blood was only seen on the shoulder.

Sure enough, he is Kimimaro's accomplice. Sasuke has seen Adamantium alloy from his father and knows that it can break gold. Now his face turns pale, the enemy is coming.

In just a moment, Sasuke was already approaching, and he didn't have time to think about it and punched Naruto in the face: "Wake up, you idiot!"

Use force to break the illusion.

Before Naruto could react, he saw a dark figure rushing towards him and immediately rolled away. Fortunately, he was not Wu Xia Amen now. He immediately knew that this was an enemy and that others were in danger. He used his clones to build a human wall to keep the enemy out.

Click, Shikamaru used the shadow imitation technique to break off his own finger, and used the pain to wake himself up. Other ninjas also woke up on their own or were awakened, and they all broke the illusion.

In the first round, Sasuke was injured and Shikamaru lost his finger. The young shinobi of Konoha got off to a bad start.

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