Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 1298 Immortal

"Why is there a war?" Du Lan asked the general of the Qin Army. Although he roughly knew what the situation was, it was just that the people had to rebel because the government forced them to rebel.

Bang, the officer rolled off his horse and knelt down towards Duran and Dinisha: "Immortal, young general Ruda, I have seen an immortal." He was so frightened that he almost cried. He didn't know whether it was because of fear or excitement. Or a surprise, anyway, even Ruda himself can’t figure it out now.

"Answer my question, why the war?"

"Sir, these are the rebels from Kuaiji County. They missed the corvee period and did not arrive on time. We came to arrest them in accordance with the laws of the Qin Dynasty. However, these rebels actually resisted. The general is in the process of attacking them. Please give me a warning from the immortal." Ruda Not bad, eloquent, at least I made it clear.

Just as Dulan thought, after the unification of the Qin Dynasty, Qin Shihuang started many major projects at the same time, such as the Great Wall, the Mausoleum, the Afang Palace, etc. These major projects required workers, and these workers were young adults from all over the country.

The so-called corvee means that in addition to taxes, people have to complete unpaid labor assigned by the government, usually building tombs, repairing city walls, etc.

In the Qin State, those who were conscripted had to arrive on time, otherwise they would be beheaded if they were one day late.

A farmer close to General Qin obviously heard what the other party said and was very anxious. It was obvious that they were forced. If Qin's law had not been strict, they would not have ended up like this. Now the number of men in their village has dropped from ten to eight, and the fields are barren. Even if they are not killed today, they will still starve to death next year. They have no choice but to resist. Immortal, Immortal, you must not believe his lies.

Ruda means every word sincerely. He is from Qin and has abided by Qin law since he was a child. He does not think it is harsh. If someone breaks the law, he should be punished according to the law. If he should be beheaded, he should be beheaded. If the car should be broken, the car should be broken.

This is how the Qin State became powerful. The best evidence is that Qin's law is superior when the six kingdoms are destroyed.

"So this is Kuaiji County?" Du Lan was not in a hurry to resolve the dispute and took his time. Kuaiji County was the boundary of Jiangsu in later generations. To be precise, it should be near Suzhou.

Of course, this place now has a primitive style, without the grand scenery of the land of fish and rice in the south of the Yangtze River. Although it was unified, the Qin Kingdom was still in troubled times.

"Exactly, fifteen miles to the east is Wu County."

"It's interesting." Duran smiled: "If I asked you to stop fighting now, would you be willing?"

Of course he doesn't want to, because it's against the law. If he can't exterminate this group of rebellious people, he won't get anything good when he goes back. But these are the words of the gods. If he doesn't listen, he doesn't know what the consequences will be.

Gudong, swallowing, Luda didn't know how to decide.

Du Lan found that the man dressed as a refugee next to him also had something to say. He was holding a sharp bamboo gun in his hand. He had a sallow face and thin muscles. He only had patched clothes and straw sandals on his feet. This kind of dress was okay for going to the fields. , fighting is too different.

When the farmer saw Dulan looking at him, his face flushed with excitement, and his eyes spoke a thousand words. Dulan nodded, and the farmer leaned forward, and he was able to move.

Pa, he also knelt down immediately: "God, don't listen to his nonsense. There are not many men left in our village, and they still have to collect corvee labor, because we are afraid of damaging the village. We can't bear it, even ten-year-old babies." We went on board, and we finally managed to get two hundred, but they actually added another hundred. Wouldn't this cost our lives?" "But we knew that if we didn't go, all our fellow villagers would die, so we also sent the old people in the village to the hospital. After counting them all, I went to ask Shangguan for mercy, and finally got rid of fifty corvées." "But after we set off, it rained continuously and the road was difficult to travel. We drove day and night and it was difficult to reach our destination. We all had old friends. You Xiao, so I decided to run away after thinking about it. Please let the Immortal see clearly. Qin Fa is ruthless, but God is affectionate, Immortal." As he spoke, he burst into tears.

"Are you running away? You not only killed the officials but also went up the mountain to become bandits." Ruda said.

Du Lanxin said robbery? What can they grab? Their equipment is probably not even able to break down an earthen wall. They probably only grab some food rations from travelers. There is no future at all. It looks like they don't have enough to eat.

"Don't make any noise." As soon as Dulan opened his mouth, both of them immediately stopped talking. The farmer even stopped crying.

"Ruda, I want you to go to Xianyang to see the emperor, and ask him to prepare a hundred carts of grain. You bring the grain back when it gets dark," Dulan said.

"Um." "Sir, it's more than a thousand miles to go to Xianyang. How can I, Ruda, be able to come back and forth with a mortal body? Besides, even if there are thousands of miles of horses going back and forth, how can I bring back a hundred carts of food?" Ruda said that he couldn't do it. arrive.

"Of course you can't, but I will lend you two magic weapons so that you can complete my instructions." With that, Duran waved his hand, and a dark cloud appeared in front of Ruda.

It was Wu Douyun whom I hadn’t seen for a long time.

"This is Wudouyun. It can travel 108,000 miles in one day. It only takes less than a moment to get to Xianyang."

Ruda was already stunned. He was indeed an immortal, an immortal who could soar into the clouds and ride on the mist.

"I will give you a 'shrinking lamp' that can shrink the hundred carts of food. You can find a bag and carry it back, and you can bring back the hundred carts of food." Doraemon's props appeared again.

Ruda carefully finished a crystal-clear magic weapon and boldly asked: "Immortal, why don't you come with me to Xianyang? His Majesty the Emperor will definitely share the bed with the Immortal and drink together."

"Haha, you said I am an immortal. Of course an immortal has his own figure. He is the emperor who unifies the world, but he may not be able to catch my eye." "Okay, you go and come back quickly. If the emperor really If you want to see me, ask him to prepare a carriage and horses, and I will wait for him in Kuaiji to take me to Xianyang."

Ruda had no choice but to go, but he forgot that he seemed to have no navigation and no direction in the sky. How could he know where Xianyang was. He has been to Xianyang, but it was by land and he had never flown. Lying on Wu Douyun and shivering, fortunately Wu Douyun found the way by himself and went all the way to Xianyang.

On this day, the people of Xianyang saw a strange cloud falling into the palace, and then the palace guards immediately surrounded the palace. It is said that there was another person on the cloud, a god, and the First Emperor personally met him.

However, the strange cloud did not stop for long. Two hours later, the strange cloud set off again, and the atmosphere in the palace was strange. Then the First Emperor sent 800 miles to Kuaiji to rush to Kuaiji, and ordered the prefect of Kuaiji to immediately prepare the highest-standard motorcade to meet the two people.

Immediately, there were many messages. Some people said that the immortal told the emperor in a dream that those two people could help the Qin Dynasty consolidate the country. Some people said that the two people were the apprentices of the immortal who entered the world and made great achievements. Some even said that the two were immortals and that was why the emperor made such a big move. .

Luda naturally didn't know all this. At this moment, Luda just felt so lucky. He ran errands for the immortal, used the immortal's magic weapon, and even flew over. Even the emperor couldn't compare with himself.

Ruda carried back a hundred carts of grain and returned to normal under the effect of Duran's magnifying light: "Bury the pot to make rice. After eating, the soldiers and civilians are not allowed to fight again."

No one dared to say no.

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