Ritsuko Akagi said that there is no starting point for the study of demons. It can even be said that demons completely transcend the concept of science and are even more exaggerated than apostles. The apostles are at least cloned using human biotechnology, but demons cannot be considered living creatures. Although they are also intelligent, they look like Schrödinger's demons, superimposed between matter and energy.

Although apostles also have wave-particle duality, their forms are much more stable than demons. Demons are very unstable and therefore difficult to kill.

When he was at Neuron, Ritsuko Akagi's main research direction was genes and souls. Of course, she has not studied the relationship between the two. Her understanding of souls and genes is still very shallow, even dogmatic, and she does not rely on science to solve problems.

According to experience, the driver's biological mother must be added to the EVA in order to exert the strongest combat power, but this is just dogmatism and discrimination against orphan drivers. Could it be that an orphan pilot who couldn't sacrifice his parents wouldn't be able to use EVA to its fullest ability? Isn’t it easy to use my father’s soul? When can male mothers stand up?

This is not science, but empiricism, and should be criticized.

How should we study when facing demons? The natural rule of thumb is to catch one, slice it and take samples to see if it can be cloned, extract its soul, or see if it is possible to integrate the devil into a human body. After all, this is what neurons are best at, and demons and apostles really have many similarities.

Apostles cannot be killed by conventional weapons and must use an AT field to be effective. Demons cannot be killed by normal things either, only chainsaw demons can kill demons.

Generally speaking, a demon will return to the demon world after being defeated, but if it is killed by a chainsaw demon, then the demon is really dead, completely dead. Therefore, the chainsaw demon is very famous and is one of the most famous demons in the demon world. The weak demons regard him as a hero, because as long as the chainsaw demon hears the cry for help from the weak demons, he will appear to help defeat the powerful demons, no matter how powerful the enemy is. The chainsaw demon will keep fighting.

The powerful demon regards the chainsaw demon as a thorn in his side. After all, no one wants to be killed.

Special means must be used to kill them. Apostles and demons are the same in this regard, and they both have superimposed states, but demons have a much higher IQ than apostles. Apostles will not use intrigues, nor will they form alliances and cooperate, but demons will, and the more powerful the demons are, the more they will use various diplomatic means to achieve their goals.

"Actually, if you want to study demons, you can sign a contract with them. This is also the main project of our investigation this time. With the contract, we can borrow the power of demons." Duran said: "Even without the ability of the Blesser, ordinary people and demons Isn’t it wonderful that the contract also has the ability to develop Doomsday?”

"What you said is simple. You can tell from the name that demons are not good things. How can you trust them?" Misato Katsuragi felt that demons were not worthy of trust. After all, demons have a derogatory connotation.

Duran said: "It is true that most of the demons are villains, but there are still a few who are willing to get along with humans and have coexisted with humans for thousands of years. They are still trustworthy."

Misato Katsuragi looked at Duran with distrust. To be honest, Duran's behavior was almost like that of a demon. He was not a normal person anyway.

Kaji Ryoji also said: "You seem to be very knowledgeable about different worlds. I have to wonder if you have already made plans and don't need our consent at all."

"I'm just giving my opinion. The final choice is up to you." Duran said: "After going through so much, you should know that you had no choice at first, because you couldn't stop humans from completing the plan. There was nothing you could do later. Solve the doomsday. I gave you a choice. Now you are wronging me for not giving you a choice. I am really wronged." "Do you have a feeling that having a choice is not good? It is better not to have a choice that is so clear .”

Honestly it is. If they have no choice, they can go all the way to the dark side. No matter what happens in the end, at least they have implemented their own ideas.

But with choices, it can be hard to make up your mind.

Because you have to bear the final price of making a choice, and every choice is so important, it is really difficult to make a decision.

"Anyway, let's give it a try first. No matter how good it is, it's not as effective as it is effective. Let's see if humans and demons can coexist." "And if you want to understand demons, how can you study them from a distance? You have to be in contact to study them, just like in the past If Neuron had not dug up Adam in the Antarctic, it would not have been able to study EVA. Therefore, only by first contacting can we further understand the demons. We can study their attributes, clone their cells, and extract their souls." "The souls of demons are definitely better than The apostles are more interesting.”

Through previous research on neurons, it can be found that even if the body looks strange, the soul is interconnected. For example, Lilith's soul can be split into pieces and become human souls. Nagisa Kaoru was originally an apostle, but his soul could be reincarnated in a human body. Moreover, the soul of the biological mother can also enter EVA, which is the apostle clone.

Although the bodies of apostles and humans are very different, the energy of their souls is interconnected and similar. The body is full of strange things, but the inner soul has no threshold.

The same may be true for the devil's soul. It is said that the devil's soul can definitely become a way for humans to improve their strength. If we can master the technology of souls, humans may eventually become immortals who long for souls.

Mechanical ascension, genetic ascension, maybe a soul as well. What the soul is, the Neuron people have not explained clearly. They only know that the human soul can leave the body and enter the Black Moon. And wishful thinking that such a state is perfect and the final ultimate form of human beings.

In the end, it seems that the soul still needs a container to find peace, and the soul cannot escape from the container. For example, Lilith's soul, even if it has been divided into many pieces, still needs a container.

And the soul of Shinji Ikari’s mother entered the container of Unit-1.

So what would happen to the soul if there was no container? Neurons don't know. And they don't know whether the soul will be lost, whether it can continue to grow, whether it can be used in various ways, they don't know these. Neuron's technology mainly focuses on genes and force fields, and cannot control the soul.

But Duran knows that the soul is a good thing. In some worlds, such as the world of "Dark Soul", the soul is even the root of the mythical era. Only with the flame of the soul burning brightly can the era of gods be maintained and powerful souls have a place to live. place. The strong men in this world collect souls everywhere to strengthen their strength. Finally, they face a choice: burn their souls to maintain the mythical era, or take the power as their own and enter the next era.

Souls are the good stuff, the souls of apostles, the souls of demons, even the souls of well-wishers, these serve as forces that move the world forward. However, the soul is too abstract. Without a container, there is no way to embody the soul or allow the soul to interact with the material world.

The soul is like information. If there is only information data without a medium, the soul is rootless duckweed. And the world without a soul is just chaos without order. The soul is like a small movie, and the container is like a computer. Only with the cooperation of the two can the world enter the sage state.

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