Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 2801 Becoming a Human

What exactly is a human being? This question is one of the eternal explorations in the science fiction world.

"Ghost in the Shell" believes that people are people with souls, and the so-called soul is a special substance produced in the brain that cannot be copied. Even in the electronic brain, this substance called soul can be produced , anyway, those with souls are humans, and those without souls are machines. Even if he behaves like a human being, he is still not a human being.

But many science fiction worlds do not have such convenient things, and it is difficult to define what a human being is.

Why define what a person is? In fact, it is very simple, it is the distribution relationship. Only people can join the distribution relationship, and people who are not can be kicked out.

At the beginning of ancient Rome, the Romans were composed of three clans: Latins, Sabines, and Etruscans. Only people from these three clans were Romans. But later, as expansion progressed, the definition of Romans was no longer just three clans, but became people with freedom, men with families, and citizens with the right to vote.

In ancient Greece, only those whose parents were Greeks became Greeks. This kind of country could not expand, so in the end it could only strengthen internal distribution and reduce the outflow of resources.

Identity is needed not just in politics, but also in religion. Buddhism always says that everyone can become a Buddha, so it is necessary to clarify whether, in addition to humans, animals, plants, bacteria, and inorganic substances can become a Buddha? If possible, the monk cannot even eat fast food. If not, then why not?

There are also monotheistic religions that require the birth of the Messiah. The Messiah is the savior, and when the savior appears, the world will become a better place. Then the condition for the birth of the Messiah is to require people in the city and outside the city to stop working and worship. So this package of people in and out of the city does not include people who are going in and out of the city? And how is this scope of work included? Should the soldiers who are standing guard and the doctors who are rescuing people also stop? Does the package not include pagans?

In the early period of the Central Plains, there was a debate between Hua and Yi, and in the later period, there was a debate between "the people with Yi and Di who are from China, then the people from Huaxia are the same, and the people from China with the Yi and Di, then the people with Yi and Di are the same".

Positioning is all about distribution relationships. Only our own people can accept the distribution, and outsiders will go away.

The positioning of ancient Rome and ancient Central Plains can be changed, and the barbarians of ancient Rome can join the distribution through war upgrades. The ancient barbarians in the Central Plains can also join the Chinese game by accepting education.

In the world of science fiction, although equality for all has not yet been established, many people have already begun to think about what human beings are, and have erected walls for humans early to prevent artificial intelligence, artificial humans, robots and other products from joining the distribution relationship of humans.

Obviously human beings have several sets of distribution methods within themselves, and they are not yet unified and equal. It is obviously a little early to think about what a human is first.

So Duran directly said that people who can participate in the distribution relationship are human beings, and those who cannot join are not human beings. It is really based entirely on profit and has no humanistic care at all.

But this is indeed correct, because to start from humanistic care, we must talk about human particularity. Only by finding the unique advantages of human beings can humans and non-human beings be distinguished. But Dulan has experienced so many worlds and knows many non-human civilizations. He knows very well that these non-human civilizations are as good as humans. Moreover, the problems they encounter are actually similar to humans, and the methods of solving problems are also similar, so humans have no superiority at all.

Even the contradictions inherent in human beings are not unique. Many non-human civilizations also encounter the same contradictions. Even contradictions are not special, so how can human beings have any unique advantages?

Therefore, Duran really cannot answer what human beings are from the perspective of humanistic care, so it is much simpler from the perspective of distribution. Those who can participate in distribution are human beings, and those who cannot participate are not human beings. Of course, this statement is very hard on the old man Dongyue. After all, their generation still believes that human beings have merits. Although they were suppressed by the apostles, humans were able to come up with the "Human Completion Plan" and compete with the apostles for the dominance of fusion, and the human ancestors left strategies like the "Dead Sea Document" early, which was very prescient.

And the apostles have been sleeping for so long, and when they wake up, they start to give experience one by one. Even if humans are reckless, they can still defeat the apostles with technology. Isn't this the advantage of humans?

However, Duran knew that many non-human civilizations could also do this. As long as they mastered the technology tree, there was nothing special about it.

"In your opinion, do human beings have no advantages? You first said that true love has no appearance, and then you said that distribution is the way to distinguish human beings. Do you think human souls and bodies are so backward?" Dong Dong Yue, as a human being, needs to be broken.

"There are thousands of living creatures in nature, and the human body has no irreplaceable advantages. Although the human body does a good job in dissipating heat, it is only good, not the best. And it makes their bodies more perfect, Let’s just talk about the appearance of Thunder Angel. It is an absolute plane, which is absolute in the physical sense. Human beings cannot compare with it. There is also an absolute spherical shape, which is also absolute in the physical sense. The human body cannot reach it at all.” “Let’s talk about humans. One soul of Lilith is worth hundreds of millions of humans. In terms of quantity, humans must lose. What about quality? Ayanami Rei has a variety of varieties, which is enough to prove that the quality of Lilith fragments is much higher than that of humans. There are also demons , Demon's Soul is also very powerful, so we also lost in terms of soul. It is really difficult to admit that human beings have no advantages, but it does not say that survival must be the best. Sometimes mediocrity is also a kind of survival wisdom." Duran said .

Standing in the wind, a pig can fly into the sky.

"So humans don't have any merits to be proud of?" Dongyue still doesn't admit defeat. He hopes to be recognized by Dulan, because Duran is a strong man, and being recognized by a strong man is of great significance to mankind.

"It can't be said that there is none at all. Human beings have a good foundation and can be transformed in various ways. This can be regarded as an advantage. It is precisely because of mediocrity that the compatibility is good." Dulan said that it is very important to carry out various transformations based on humans. Potential: "The God of Ceres is immortal, and there is nothing wrong with not being excellent."

The immortality of the Valley God comes from the Tao Te Ching. Valley is the valley, God is the spirit, and the spirit of the valley is tolerance. It does not have any great abilities, but it can tolerate everything. The cup is empty, so water can be put in it. The door is empty inside, so you can go in and out. In other words, it is better to have no advantages than to have advantages and have more choices.

Once you have advantages, it is difficult to change. If there is no advantage, you can always turn around and take another way out. So from a Taoist perspective, mediocrity is actually the only talent.

It sounds like comforting words, after all, if there is no water in the cup, it means nothing. There is no point if there are no people at the door. But on the other hand, if you pour water, the cup will be criticized as being too big or too small; if someone leaves, the door will be criticized as being too wide or too narrow. Therefore, it is safest to stay empty and mediocre.

To survive, naturally the safest way is the best way. Therefore, the ability of human beings to survive and survive in mediocrity is the advantage of human beings.

Dongyue didn't hear the praise she expected to hear, but Duran didn't say that humans were bad, so he just did what he had to do.

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