Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 2813 Struggle

Ikari Yuantang and Ikari Shinji's father and son finally took different paths. Ikari Yuantang continued to complete the work, and Ikari Shinji continued to restart. The reason why father and son made different choices is mainly because Ikari Yuantang's goal is the little love limited in his heart, and he can only find happiness in his heart.

Shinji Ikari's goal is everyone's happiness, which does not mean that he thinks it is enough. When Shinji Ikari is full, he cannot think that others are also full. When Shinji Ikari is happy, he cannot think that others are also happy. He cannot achieve his goals by himself.

Because their goals were different, father and son took two different paths. Why did Kaoru Nagisa prevent the nearly third attack? He just knew that Shinji Ikari would not be satisfied with living a small life with Rei Ayanami, and he would definitely blame himself.

If Shinji Ikari was content with living a small life, he would have completed the story twice in the TV version and the old theatrical version, once to complete himself, and once to leave only himself and Asuka, but he did not accept it and chose to restart. So even if Shinji Ikari rescued Rei Ayanami from the Angel of Power, if the third impact really happened, he would definitely not be happy. So Kaoru Nagisa stopped Unit 1 because he wanted to help Shinji Ikari achieve a perfect ending.

However, after nearly the third attack, the land has turned red and is no longer suitable for human survival. Only Misato Katsuragi and others can use purification equipment to restore cleanliness to a small area of ​​land. What's even more pitiful is that Shinji Ikari has become a scapegoat. How did he know that saving Rei Ayanami would cause shock? He had no idea, let alone the fact that he had not yet rescued Ayanami Rei, whom he was familiar with.

For Shinji Ikari, the perfect ending is not his own happiness, but everyone's happiness. But this ending was too difficult, and in the end he had no choice but to compromise. He couldn't make the world 100% in line with his wishes, so he could only settle for the next best thing and change himself. Instead of pursuing a happy ending for everyone, just delete the apostles and let the rest take its course.

If the apostles are deleted, the world will become ordinary, and everyone may be able to find happiness in the ordinary world. Shinji Ikari is no longer a savior. He will not impose his heart on society. He will not become an adult like his father.

In fact, Dulan feels that the world without apostles is not a good place, and it is more interesting to fight against apostles.

"Okay, it's decided. From now on, you and Ikari Wei can see each other once every Chinese Valentine's Day. At other times, you can live as ordinary people. Stop playing tricks. If you continue to engage in conspiracy, then you Every time a conspiracy is made, the meeting time is shortened by twelve hours, and there is nothing to discuss anymore." Dulan said that this was the decision.

Ikari Yuantang was unhappy, but he didn't dare to disobey because Dulan gave him a feeling of being too mysterious and omnipotent. So in the end he could only say: "You still say that I am idealistic. I think you are the most idealistic one and the most unreasonable one. You are more evil than the devil and you also play tricks on people."

"Thank you for the compliment." Dulan said, "It's not that I like to tease people, but that you are too bad at changing. Not everything in the world will run according to your plan. You can't say that you won't change your mind every time you encounter something. Things are evil and teasing. Things are often unsatisfactory in this world, and you have experienced too little. You must learn this from your son."

Without Duran, Shinji Ikari would have lost his mother first, then his best friend, then his beautiful girl, and finally his eldest sister. Every time he lost it as soon as he got it, and he just wanted to cheer up and be a savior. Because of the unscientific nature of combat and the apostle's miraculous abilities, he was pressed to the ground and rubbed, always experiencing dangers.

Shinji Ikari's various quarrels and emotions could not make things develop in the direction he wanted. In the end, he just finished it, leaving him confused. Doesn’t defeating the apostles save mankind? Why is it that after saving mankind, there is a great cleansing of neurons? How can it be an evil completion ritual? He was confused and had no idea why this was happening.

After hitting the wall again and again, Shinji Ikari finally realized that if he collided with the objective world, he could not change the objective world, so he had to compromise.

However, Ikari Yuantang relied on conspiracy and machinations to control the neurons, and step by step seized control of the human completion plan. In fact, there is not much introduction to how Ikari Yuantang became the commander of Neuron. It is very likely that the forces of Ikari Wei's family helped, or the forces established by Ikari Wei himself helped.

The plot only introduces that Ikari Yuantang fell in love with Ikari Yui in college, then joined Seele, and then became the commander. After becoming the commander, he controlled the Akagi mother and daughter through a beauty trap, and then obtained the key through a multi-faceted spy and Ryouji. Then through cultivating Ayanami Rei, we tried to establish a path to complete the process. In the end, he used his son to drive Unit 1, hoping that Unit 1 could use its full strength to destroy all the apostles. This is his layout.

Of course, the commander still had to break the situation during the process, mainly the surveillance of Seele, and the key to destroying Seele's leading fusion, which was Nagisa Kaoru. Kaoru Nagisa was also an apostle, but after being controlled by seele, he was born in the form of a human embryo and became the channel for seele fusion. Therefore, Ikari Gendo must intensify Nagisa Kaoru into an apostle and then kill him in a reasonable manner.

Nagisa Kaoru cooperated every time and gave the opportunity to Ikari Shinji, even if it was not true love.

There is nothing wrong with Ikari Gendo's layout and breakthroughs. Problems only arise at the end. As the first villain, Ritsuko Akagi, this is not a big problem. The rebellion of the second Ayanami Rei-2 is a huge problem. The third is Ikari Wei's choice, she chose to help her son.

In the new theatrical version, there is also the rebellion of Ikari's forces represented by Fuyutsuki and Makiha. If Fuyutsuki and Makiha hadn't given the Spear of Hope to Shinji Ikari, he would not have been able to restart a world without apostles in the end. world.

Therefore, the Ikari Wei family or Ikari Wei himself must have some influence, and they belong to the reform-selective faction in Seele. They didn't think fusion was the best outcome, so they made other arrangements. It can be inferred that Ikari Yuantang has been using Ikari Wei's reformist faction to fight against the anti-doctrine faction, but in the end the reformists betrayed Ikari Yuantang and chose Ikari Wei's son instead.

Four major forces emerged from the human completion plan: the original doctrine sect, the reformist alternative sect, the usurper sect, and the opposition. Ikari Wei's Reform Sect is definitely very attractive. After all, it is not certain whether the integration of the Original Doctrine Sect is good, so some people must have questions. If they have doubts, they can join the Reform Alternative Sect and not put their chips on the integration side. And Ikari Wei himself led by example, entering Unit 1 and creating new options.

Ikari Gendo's mistake was to take credit for the success of the reformists. Moreover, Nagisa Kaoru always said that he was the "King of Ribayashi" and praised Ikari Gendo to no end. But in fact, Ikari Gendo Not one person can accomplish so much work, there are also the efforts of the reformists left behind by Ikari Yui behind the scenes. Ikari Yuantang is just a representative. Du Lan said that we should look at issues from the perspective of people's history and cannot follow Kaoru Nagisa's perspective of heroic history.

If everything was Ikari Yuantang's efforts, then he would not be defeated by his son in the end. Because Ikari Yuantang represents the usurper faction, and Ikari Wei is the representative of the reform faction. When Ikari expressed his opposition for the first time twice, the reformists realized that there were differences in the purposes of the usurperists and the reformists, and in the end they had no choice but to cooperate with Shinji Ikari. Of course, Shinji Ikari was confused, but Yui Ikari believed that his son's kindness would allow him to make the right choice.

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