Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 2819 Probably finished

I blew myself up, I blew myself up for my own ideals, for the future of mankind, and for everyone's happiness.

When Dulan saw it, he couldn't help but think that these blindly confident people were really cute. They obviously had no scientific basis to support their ideals, but they relied on only imagination but firmly believed in their own imagination. This was really happy.

Just like a bad student who swears to promote his experience in solving questions, if there are three long and one short, I will choose short, if there are three short and one long, I will choose long, and if the same length is the same, I will choose c. Although there is no basis at all, he is full of confidence and even wants to pass on his experience to others.

In Dulan's eyes, Seele is such a scumbag.

However, Seele said that he has the "Dead Sea Document", and the positions of Adam and Lilith are all consistent, and the content about the apostles is also very different. Of course, the more important thing is that human society is not good in the first place, so integration must be good.

As the old saying goes, poor human society cannot prove that integration is good. Likewise, the fact that the apostles are in the correct position does not prove that the integration is good. There is no causal relationship between these at all. The former is a criticism of others, while the latter is dogmatism and empiricism.

What was done correctly before may not lead to the correct result in the end.

Whether the result is correct or not can only be known after application and practice. Practice is the only criterion for testing truth. Truth without practice is not truth, so small-scale integration is needed. If it is really good, it should be implemented on a large scale.

However, the "Dead Sea Document" does not record the method of small-scale fusion, only the method of complete fusion in one breath, so Seele can only perform complete fusion step by step.

There are still fifteen seconds left. The thirty-second countdown is really fast. Sometimes Duran can't help but wonder, why does the self-destruction have to countdown? Why doesn't it just blow up when you press it?

It stands to reason that everyone has decided to self-destruct. Doesn’t the countdown give people a chance to regret it?

It's like all self-destructions explode directly without pressing the button, and there is a countdown process. The long one is half an hour, the short one is thirty seconds.

"Dulan, no matter what method you use, it is impossible to stop human will. We will let you know what humans will do if they are forced. Come to hell with us." Seele's slate is a righteous speech, and he went generously. Die without fear, because they believe that they are dying for the right thing and someone will replace them.

To die for your ideals means that success does not have to depend on me. Success must depend on me. Even as a villain, having such a spirit is worthy of admiration. It’s just that you haven’t put this spirit down to earth, and don’t think about becoming fat in one go.

After majestically speaking their last lines, it was almost time to die, and let their lives dissipate in a gorgeous self-destruction. Although their deaths are small, their successors will definitely inherit the great cause.

Countdown to five seconds.

Duran smiled. It was indeed a pleasure to watch these people with ideals blowing up. It's a pity that these people don't care about science, they are completely feudal and superstitious.

When the time came, the self-destruction did not happen.

Seele's slate was full of confusion, obviously not understanding why the self-destruction would stop. Sure enough, science is unreliable, and it has never been successful when it comes to science. Science is wrong. It is never a panacea that can make all your dreams come true. Science also depends on the user.

Science and technology, theological doctrines, moral ethics, and finally their implementation in the real world still depend on the users.

When monotheistic religions explain why the world is not perfect, there is a view that it is not God’s fault that the world is not perfect. Before God created the world, the world in his mind was perfect, but after the world was implemented, problems appeared and the world appeared. All kinds of imperfections.

So perfection only exists in the will of God, and the real world is imperfect.

The application of various theoretical techniques is also a process from idea to reality. Once implemented, it will not be perfect, and simply put, there will be a sense of loss of control.

The so-called sense of loss of control means being out of control.

For example, when plotting, there will always be times when things go wrong. So there are false business wars: all kinds of commercial espionage, all kinds of intelligence snooping, all kinds of honey traps. And real business wars: directly climbing over the wall to take secret photos, directly grabbing official seals, and directly hitting people with cars. The more complex a plan is, the greater the chance it will get out of control. No one can have a perfect plan. On the contrary, the simpler the plan and the fewer links, it is often possible to achieve a return to nature and simplicity.

When God created the world, he couldn't resist the feeling of being out of control and couldn't create a perfect world according to his own will, so naturally it would be impossible for seele to get what he wanted.

"Technology is not on your side." Duran said: "It's a pity that you, these scourges, have to live to witness Black Moon being punished for discriminating against inorganic substances."

"How is it possible? The self-destruction system is independent. Even if you can overcome the security system, it is impossible to cut off the self-destruction." Seele has absolute confidence in the independent system. This is a physical isolation that Duran cannot control at all.

"Technology is on the side of truth. Just like Copernicus's research will never prove the existence of God, technology will only prove the ridiculousness of superstition." Duran said righteously, as if he was the one who was the leader in technology. Spokesperson.

"Technology will not stand on the side of a lunatic like you. Why does Black Moon discriminate against inorganic substances? This is a joke. Black Moon is just a container of the soul. She has no consciousness at all, so how can she discriminate?"

"How dare you assume Black Moon's function? You discriminate against Black Moon." Duran said Black Moon would be sad.

"A container is a container." Black Moon is an altar. Although it is extremely noble, it is just a sacrificial object. No matter how noble he is, Seele will not regard Black Moon as a living being. So they just thought Duran was talking nonsense.

"You are also discriminating."

To tell the truth, has it become discrimination? Seele despairs of this politically correct world. Sure enough, human society still needs integration. To be honest, I want them to improve, not let them falter. Empathy and integration are also to make the world a better place, not to maintain the status quo. Why doesn't Duran understand it?

It's a pity that the self-destruction failed, and there is nothing Seele can do next. Looking at Dulan's look, you can see that it is unreasonable to accuse him. He said discrimination is discrimination, and he said it is unwarranted. No matter what Duran said, he was playing with seele from the beginning.

"You have nothing to say, then admit the existence of discrimination, and then the next step is to seal the Black Moon." Duran is going to seal the Black Moon to Proxima Centauri, so that if humans want to merge again, they must at least arrive first Proxima Centauri is 4.2 light-years away.

Seele could only curse: "Dulan, you have ruined the future of mankind, and you will be despised by all mankind. Your actions will only plunge mankind into chaos. In another one or two thousand years, mankind will definitely fall into disgrace due to strife." destroy."

"This is also an inference that has no scientific basis. If you had talked less about inferences and done more practical things, you wouldn't have ruined the earth like this." Duran was not polite, it was just a spat session, everyone talked trash together. .

Human beings will definitely become extinct. According to the extinction of species, it is very likely to happen. But possibility does not mean certainty. Science will never say that human beings will definitely become extinct. Science only infers from previous experiences of species extinction. There is no evidence that humans will definitely be doomed. Therefore, it must be strictly said that there is a high probability that humans will be doomed.

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