Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 2825 Test drive

Spectacles harm the country, but ancient dynasties really cannot live without spectacles. To a certain extent, spectacles monopolize the right to interpret the communication between humans and gods.

The Egyptian pharaohs built the pyramids, believing that if they died and were buried in the pyramids, they could communicate with the God of Death and be resurrected. Those who have mastered the pyramid are naturally the most powerful in the country. If others don't have it, they can show their differences.

There are also churches, which took hundreds of years to build and cost countless people’s money and anointing, just to monopolize the power of communication with God. God has a spirit, and He must also like big houses. The bigger the church, the closer it is to God.

Pagodas, Buddha statues, etc. all have the same meaning. It is also true that the emperor's palace was built with great splendor and was taller than all the buildings in the city.

The wonder is that I can create it but you cannot, so I am greater than you and you have to listen to me.

But in modern times, wonders are tourist attractions, and although they still have some political significance, they are certainly not as big as in ancient times.

The planetary engine is definitely an industrial wonder of this era. It goes five kilometers underground, rises ten kilometers into the sky, and has a vertical distance of fifteen kilometers. The ground part also needs to be covered with a fixed plate with a radius of ten kilometers to prevent the engine from sinking due to the huge thrust. The technology and funds required for such a behemoth are unprecedented, more than building a space station.

Coupled with the various difficulties encountered during construction, other countries that have not yet built planetary engines have a toothache. After spending so much money, when will I get my money back?

It’s not that it’s bad, engines can generate electricity and people can live underground. Even if there is a nuclear war, such a building can withstand nuclear bombs, which has many benefits. But it's really too expensive.

Expensiveness is a customer problem, not a product problem. Moreover, any expensive technology product is basically expensive when you buy it, but it will definitely be enjoyable to use later. This engine is a good thing. Even if it does not push the earth, it is still good for preventing a nuclear war.

If everyone builds engines, and a nuclear war breaks out, won’t countries without engines be doomed? It seems that it has to be made, even if it is expensive. If others have it but we don't, then they can drop nuclear bombs without restraint.

In the end, the U.S. imperialists stopped arguing. The two parties were worried about the nuclear bombs falling, and finally agreed to fund the construction to prevent the other two major powers from dropping nuclear bombs.

The construction of the second and third planetary engines finally started. Only after the construction started did we realize that it was really difficult.

Dulan watched on the construction site as the engineer's hair fell out, and the remaining hair turned gray. They are also constantly trying new construction techniques and new materials.

This kind of steel must withstand not only low temperature but also high temperature, because there is a period of transportation during the wandering stage. Except for the operation of the equatorial orbiting engine, other engines will not operate at full power. By then, the earth will be completely exposed to the low temperature of the universe. Even the atmosphere will freeze completely, and the engine will have to withstand the test of the low temperature of the universe.

Of course, when starting, the engine temperature exceeds 10,000 degrees. At such a high temperature, most metals would have already melted. Anyway, this metal is awesome, but very expensive.

Trisolarans represent alternating high and low temperatures. They are familiar with it. When the three suns of the three-body system appear together, the ground is ignited. But when the three suns sink together, the atmosphere of Trisolaris will freeze directly and turn into beautiful blue snowflakes. It is beautiful, but when the atmosphere is completely frozen, the ground will no longer be able to survive. Therefore, the Trisolarans can only stay dehydrated and hide underground, or in heavy pyramids made of huge rocks.

However, the engineer will not give up. After all, he is a wanderer. He believes in the data collected by science and believes that the sun will definitely flash helium. The latest data proves that the sun is not getting better, so the Wandering Earth plan must continue.

As for other projects, such as the spacecraft project, they are actually in progress, but according to the current political situation, the planetary engine will bring the most short-term benefits, especially in terms of defense against nuclear bombs. In fact, according to the laws of history, World War III could have started a long time ago, but it has been held back because no country can defend 100% against nuclear bombs. But if there is a planetary engine, it may become the starting point of a nuclear war.

Although spaceships are good, spaceships cannot be directly transformed into a force for nuclear war.

However, Duran knew how much his predecessors had sacrificed their lives and blood to implement the plan, and how ironic the story that would happen on Earth in the future would be. In fact, it doesn’t matter whether helium flash occurs or not, it is ironic to mankind, because it is just a struggle of mankind.

In the end, humans encountered problems and humans paid the price. It just depends on whether the problems encountered are big or not, and the price paid is heavy or not.

People living in the quasi-wandering era are still happy, because there is no military control, and all actions are carried out based on the existing social structure and economic activities. Using political competition as an internal driving force, people building planetary engines do not think that The earth will really leave, they just think they are actually building power plants.

With the investment in planetary engines, a large amount of money has been put into operation, and each industrial chain can get a share of the pie. The economy is stable and the employment situation is excellent. And industry insiders believe that the cost of engines will be reduced in the future. When the entire industry chain matures, engines can be completely modularized. By then, you can just dig a standard hole and assemble the engine.

This industry seems to be booming. Once they have money, more and more beneficiaries will start to fund wandering scientists, and they will continue to preach that the sun is hopeless, hoping that more people will invest in engines. Maintain your own earnings in the process of building the engine.

Future generations of humans may not know that the Wandering Plan was political blackmail at first, and later became a capital flow. They were not trying to save the world, but just for their own benefit. They just happened to be on the right path. This is luck.

After seeing it, Dulan could only say that human beings are not unlucky. In fact, economic guidance is definitely more practical than some high-level rescue of mankind. After all, this is four hundred years. Even if this generation is willing to shed their lives and blood, what about their children? What about the children’s children?

It is impossible to inherit hatred and ideals. It can be said that using profit as the guide is the best choice. Grandpa, father, and son all know that there is profit, so they will naturally move in this direction.

At this time, the capital that relies on engines for a living continues to promote the destruction of the world and allocates resources, which plays a positive role in the wandering plan.

As soon as everyone saw that there was money to be made, more and more people joined in, so the fourth engine was also put on the agenda. After fourteen years of hard work, Duran stood in front of the completed engine and visited the launching ceremony with other workers.

In fourteen years, the Anti-Japanese War was victorious. Many people have grown from young to middle-aged and have acquired ailments. The aging chief engineer even had tears in his eyes.

Put in flint, and it's actually a small hydrogen bomb.

Everyone was watching the ceremony from a very far away place. It didn’t matter how far away it was, because the engine towered into the sky, and if you got too close, it would be evaporated due to the high temperature. Everyone put on their sunglasses as if they were watching a nuclear bomb detonate.

With the roar of thunder, a heat wave hit, and then an orange fire broke away the clouds. Everyone felt warmer than ever before. This is the wonder of industry, the planetary engine, which was successfully tested.

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