Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 2830 Dedication (Happy New Year)

The rebels have the soil for development, ideas, and popularity. It can be said to be an inevitable trend, although in the end history will prove that the rebels are wrong and the sun will flash. But people on earth who don’t have the ability to predict will not know. They will only act for immediate interests, and have nothing to do with beliefs and ideas. Most people take actions because they are erratic.

Duran said that he can also be a rebel, he can be a returnist, and he can also follow the Sun Era.

Trade must continue. Although the lives of people on the surface are getting worse and worse, there are many natural caves on the surface. Although the depth may only be a few hundred meters, they can still be habitable after processing. There is also underground water in them, and some industries can also be developed. There are also many temporary protective shelters built on the ground, which are also relatively resistant. Although not everyone lives underground, life always has to find a way out.

However, people with foresight should know that the surface is the future of the wandering era. There is no hope in being confined to the underground city. We just need to wait for the development of science and technology before we can continue to fight back to the surface. Therefore, it is also necessary to build some facilities on the surface.

Duran made a lot of money from trade, so after he found the rebels, he threw money over to express his intention to join, and the rebels immediately welcomed him.

In fact, the current rebel army is just an amateur organization. Although it promotes the Fa Solar System and the Return Movement, its number is very small. After all, there are not so many public complaints yet.

"The current era is similar to that of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, where one point controls one area. Except for a few people who can travel far away, the others can only stay in the stronghold and cannot leave at all. Such a model cannot last long. The ceremony will soon be ruined, so I made an investment in advance by joining the rebel army." Dulan said clearly, saying that the rebel army is a very good investment and has great potential in the future.

During the enfeoffment of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the princes built cities on the main transportation roads, forming a line from west to east. After that, these princes continued to expand, and then there was a lively scene in the Spring and Autumn Period. At that time, those who could travel around were nobles. Being able to drive a carriage was also a high-end technology at that time. It was one of the six skills that a gentleman must learn. Going to the Emperor Zhou's palace every year to collect bacon and participate in sacrifices may seem boring, but being able to go out represents the status of the princes.

Nowadays, people live in underground cities, surrounded by ice. Being able to go from one underground city to another has become a privilege for a few people. Being able to drive surface vehicles across the surface has become a high-end profession. Duran believes that it is inevitable that in the future, when technology is sufficient, it will move from the underground to the surface, because this is the trend of human development. If we are really trapped in the underground city and cannot get out, sooner or later humans will go crazy.

Duran believed that after the rebels killed the Wanderers, their historical mission was to develop the surface and climb the technological tree. Although he praised the sun, in his heart, the sun was dead.

Not only can Du Lan go out, but he can also do business. His investment in the villain army is also very similar to Lu Buwei's rare goods. The bet is on the future of the rebels.

The Wanderers are bound to be eliminated. If they are not eliminated, public anger cannot be quelled. They should not blame the rebels, but the sun. If the sun had had a helium flash earlier, this would not have happened. Unfortunately, public anger was more fierce than the sun, and it detonated before the helium flash.

The ancients said: There are too many saints, too few sages, and everyone has no fault.

The mistakes of the saints are many, the mistakes of the sages are few, and the common people have no mistakes. Of course, this does not mean that the public does not make mistakes, but that they do not reflect on their mistakes. Sages always reflect on themselves, so they make the most mistakes. Sages reflect less frequently, so they make fewer mistakes. People do not reflect on their own mistakes, so they have no faults.

But the reason why we don’t reflect is because it is impossible for the public to go any further in the distribution system, and it is useless to reflect. Saints and sages can go one step further after introspection, becoming kings and hegemons, and the nine princes can rule the world. Ordinary people reflect on themselves and make themselves uncomfortable.

This sentence points out the phenomenon of the Spring and Autumn Period, but the phenomenon is the embodiment of the essence, but not the essence. The essence is that the classes in the Spring and Autumn Period were severely consolidated. Saints and sages had to deal with different things and receive different people every day. The more they did, the more mistakes they made. However, the masses faced the earth with their backs to the sky every day, had simple interpersonal relationships, and worked repeatedly. The less you do, the fewer mistakes you will make.

After all, the era of wandering is not the Spring and Autumn Period. If there are too many saints, then overthrow the saints. If there are too few wise people, then threaten the wise people. If they make mistakes, they will directly strike hard. So in this era, saints and sages are best like the 'Emperor's New Clothes'. Even if they know that they are not wearing them, they cannot admit it. If they know that they have made mistakes, they can ignore them. In this way, everyone can enjoy themselves in the dungeon until a child says that the Emperor has not worn them. If you wear it, it will explode. If saints and wise men admit their mistakes, they will detonate themselves.

Duran said to the rebels: "The rebels are children who tell the truth, so our behavior is great and just, and it is the responsibility that history has given us."

The rebels thought to themselves that everyone has always said that they are making trouble unreasonably and have sour grapes mentality. They did not expect that Duran would think so highly of the rebels. No wonder they would come to join. This kind of spirit is not worth mentioning. He dares not to worry about the country even though he is in a low position. This is the backbone of the rebel army that persists until now.

As Dulan wiped his mouth with honey, he put forward various programs for the rebels, making him the backbone of the rebels. Duran did not dwell on whether the sun would flash helium, but started from the mistakes that the Drifters had already made, saying that the rebels should be honest children to expose their mistakes.

As for whether the helium flash appears in the end, it has nothing to do with Duran. The Wanderers had better be like Qi Jinggong in fur clothes, praying for colder weather and for the helium flash to come earlier, otherwise they will be overthrown for sure.

But if we pray for the helium flash to come earlier, this anti-human thing should also be overturned.

Therefore, the Wanderers cannot please both ends, and if helium flash cannot come, they are guilty. Even if the helium flash comes, they are still guilty. It can be reasonably suspected that they are expecting the helium flash to come, which is a crime against humanity. In the final analysis, it is because the Vagrants have done various things and caused various problems. When problems erupt, there is naturally a price to pay, and the Vagrants are the price to quell public anger.

It's unreasonable. Unfortunately, the historical process is illogical. It seems that the only fault is that the helium flash didn't come early enough.

Duran was like a fish in water among the rebels, and he not only proposed solutions, but also proposed proposals, which was to develop the surface of the earth.

"But in the future wandering era, the engine will run at minimum power, and the surface will be dark by then. How to develop it?" It's simple to say, but how to develop it?

"The first thing is not how to develop, but how to ensure that each dungeon can obey orders. You must know that dungeons are easy to defend and difficult to attack, but they are more difficult to control than princely territories. Once development begins, the different areas with the dungeon as the core will be The heroes are divided. In the next two thousand years, we will go through the twenty-five histories." Dulan said that development is development, and how to keep every dungeon loyal is the most important thing.

"All flints are controlled centrally, which should ensure their loyalty. Besides, we believe that the sun will not flash helium. The core of the future is to return to the sun. By then we can develop as before." The rule of the rebel army The policy is to take everyone back and continue to live in the sunshine.

"We have to grasp it with both hands, both hands must be strong. If a helium flash really occurs, we must make plans to develop the surface in the cold." Duran said.

Many rebels thought that if a helium flash broke out, they would still rebel. Obviously they are different from Duran. Duran regards rebellion as an ideal. Regardless of helium flash or not, he must rebel to be worthy of this profession.

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