If the sun doesn't flash, why do people suffer so much?

So whether the sun has helium or helium flash was once again discussed. If there is no helium flash, what are humans doing? Was it suicide?

The rebels said there would be no helium flash, it was all a joke, a huge joke. Therefore, they should return, change direction, and return to the original track. The call for return is very high. After all, life is difficult. In addition, the rebels made various promises, saying that without helium flash, everyone's life would be very good after returning to the original place. They would not have to be crowded in a crowded space, nor would it be dark, and they could have children if they wanted to, and they could run on the grass if they wanted. You can run, go as far away as you want, and say goodbye to the grievances.

"We can take back everything everyone has lost, as long as everyone supports us. The so-called helium flash is just an excuse they use to scare people. They have no evidence to prove that helium flash will happen 100%." ​​The voice of the rebels It keeps coming out, constantly arousing everyone's resentment.

In fact, you don’t have to go back, but you have to have something to look forward to. You can’t live like this all the time. Then what’s the point of living?

There has to be some hope, some future. If the Wanderers can't give it, then everyone has to go with the rebels. At least they did give a good idea, which is to go back and return to the embrace of the sun.

"The returning army has grown, but there are not many who support the development of the earth's surface. They are basically supporters of returning to the sun. We are now marginalized people." Xiao Wang is very anxious, because he feels that helium flash is still possible and cannot be ignored. Anxious to go back.

"This is natural. Hasn't your egg-eating theory been proven?" Duran said.

Xiao Wang sighed: "Human beings will always choose the easiest way to obtain resources. The current return movement is indeed the easiest choice. But the sun..." Although he is a rebel, there is really no conclusive evidence about the sun, no Speaking of absolute helium flash does not mean absolutely no helium flash, so we have to be moderate and don’t make a decision in a hurry. Anyway, the time for helium flash calculated by scientists is almost there. Waiting for another fifty or a hundred years will have no impact.

It's a pity that this kind of compromise idea can no longer be spread. Now everyone just wants immediate change. Either the sun flashes immediately and they accept reality, or it returns.

Not only Xiao Wang was anxious, Liu Qi was also anxious. Because the streets were full of people returning to sports, he didn't know why this was happening. Didn't they work together to solve the problem not long ago? Why is there such chaos now? Is it really true that people's hearts are like water and people's movements are like smoke?

Not understanding, Liu Qi went to find Li Yiyi. The two were about the same age, but their knowledge was much different. Li Yiyi learned about the current situation through various channels and could explain to Liu Qi what the problem was. Everyone was very dissatisfied with the status quo, especially after spending so many resources and making so many sacrifices on saturation rescue. The Rangers hierarchy were unable to make amends or promise a better future.

"Honestly, from a data perspective, we cannot withstand a similar crisis. This time we lost the Peace Space Station, more than 300 aircraft, more than 1,000 vehicles, and almost 200 flints. , more than a hundred were damaged, nearly 10,000 people died, countless wounded, and more daily necessities and medical supplies were consumed. Moreover, the loss of effective rescue was also a lot, more than a thousand flints were used in one restart, and of course All kinds of messy facilities were damaged, and these numbers mean that we can no longer withstand the second blow." Li Yiyi said, he is a man in science and engineering and likes to speak with data.

Men with liberal arts majors like to use literary vocabulary to frame something in a colorful way, but men with science majors like to use data. The persuasive power of data is more powerful than any words.

"Since there can be no more chaos, why are there so many people protesting?" Liu Qi didn't understand.

"Because everyone can't see hope, they are uneasy, and coupled with the instigation of the rebels, that's why it is like this." Li Yiyi also sighed. Although he saw the problem, he could not solve it unless productivity increased.

Speaking of the rebels, Liu Qi thought of the unscrupulous Du Lan, who later took advantage of the chaos to escape. "These guys were taking advantage of the situation at the time, and now they are sowing discord. They are really not good people. I saw them, and I had to arrest them all."

"The problem is not that simple. The rebels are indeed fanning the flames, but the dim future is indeed a headache. You should also feel that life is difficult now. Resource constraints are serious. Even if there are no rebels, everyone will still be dissatisfied. And there is indeed no 100% evidence of helium flash.”

"Then do you think helium flash will happen?" Liu Qi asked.

"I don't know." Li Yiyi said: "If it is just data, helium flash will definitely happen, but obviously they will not believe the data."

"Obviously, it will be over if you endure it for a while." Liu Qi really didn't understand, wouldn't it be over if you endure it for a while?

Yes, you can indeed get through it if you endure it, just like the era of escape also passed if you endure it. Who else cares about the people who are still struggling on the surface? For people on the surface, this is the price they pay for their patience.

Just be patient and wait until others pay the price, and the problem will be solved. But bad money drives out good money. Don’t forget how many people who were eager to have children and forged documents sneaked into the underground city. Their behavior was not to endure, but to fight. It is not their character to endure. For them, survival is the most important thing, and they will never voluntarily become the price of solving the problem. They were in a hurry to enter the dungeon, and now they were in a hurry to get out.

Li Yiyi knew that Liu Qi was an ordinary person, and he just wanted to think about it. When he really encountered a problem, it was not so easy to solve. He couldn't help but said: "It's no longer a matter of being able to bear it." , but a problem of trust between dungeons. The closed environment of dungeons can easily breed distrust. Especially after saturation rescue, some dungeons are seriously damaged and have fewer resources, while some dungeons are relatively intact and have more resources. Now resource allocation has become a problem. Many dungeons have been declared closed. Under such circumstances, everyone's dissatisfaction will become more and more intensified." There are various dungeons in various countries around the world, and more than three hundred years is simply not enough time. In order to unify the people of the earth, there are still various chains of suspicion, so once a dungeon is closed, it will trigger a chain reaction. "Besides, it's okay to endure it for a while, and it's okay to endure hardship, but we must propose a direction for development. We can't endure it again and again. Tolerating now is for a better future, but now we don't have the ability to develop."

The Wanderers are not fools. They know that developing the surface is a direction. The problem is that they are responsible for all dungeons and planetary engines. They consume too many resources and have no money left to develop the surface. After this saturation rescue, there is even less money. Even if there is a rationing system, which can reduce the resources consumed by everyone and continue to accumulate power, the accumulated power will continue to maintain the engine instead of developing the surface. It will take at least two hundred years before there is enough money for development. .

The returnists never thought about it. Only Duran thought about slavery. If you want to implement the slavery system, you have to fight. The loser will become a slave. It is impossible for the homeless faction to propose it, and they will die faster if they propose it. Duran took advantage of being a latecomer and retraced the Twenty-Five Years of History in an attempt to promote slavery through war.

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