Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 2863 Desperate Confrontation

If you can't beat it, you can't beat it. It won't be transferred by human will. A powerful enemy is like a natural disaster. It's bad luck when you encounter it. There is no chance of opportunism at all. The dinosaurs are immobile, no matter what plots and tricks humans use, they don't care.

But it cannot be said that if the dinosaurs don't care, humans will stop taking action. Failure to take action is tantamount to suicide. There is still hope for taking action.

The chase in the universe continues, and the dinosaur ring is getting closer and closer. Two hundred years from now, two hundred years later, for the dinosaur people, the chase is a carnival. Grandpa, father, and grandson can watch the performance of the earthlings in succession for three generations, just like a long TV soap opera.

Many TV series about Earthlings have more than a thousand episodes, and TV series about Dinosaurs last for more than 200 years, and can be watched by three generations.

Dinosaurs are more oppressive than Trisolarans, after all, Trisolarans can't be seen at all in the early stage. However, the dinosaur man keeps chasing the wandering earth, and the distance is getting closer and closer, which is more intuitive than Tomoko's ghost countdown. The dinosaur people were very happy to watch the various performances of the people on earth.

Of course, the dinosaurians also discovered that the earth may be their origin, but what does it matter? They have been away from the earth for hundreds of millions of years, and they have long since ceased to care about their origins, and have long forgotten why they left the earth.

As strong men in low-end civilization, their lives are very comfortable. As long as they don't offend the great civilization, they can be forgiven for anything they do.

This is like Fat Tiger bullying Nobita, and the teacher directly acquiesces. Of course, you can't use the school's rules when you're in the universe, but that's the point.

The dinosaur people came into contact with the civilization of the great gods, and even offered sacrifices regularly. In the original book, it was because the dinosaur people brought humans to see the civilization of the great gods. Only the civilization of great gods has the opportunity to come into contact with human poetry, and only then human beings have the opportunity to regain their freedom.

The Great God Civilization only provides help to valuable civilizations.

The universe is so ruthless. It is normal for humans to have just left the warm embrace of the solar system and have not yet adapted. After they have been livestock for a few years, they will naturally understand.

Human beings have worked hard. In the past two hundred years, the earth's surface has been covered with a lot of vegetation, and many landmark buildings have been built to withstand low temperatures and produce oxygen. At the same time, mankind also built the most magnificent space fleet in history.

There are a total of 120 space battleships, including 80 battleships, 30 cruisers, and 10 logistics rescue ships, divided into three fleets, ready for battle.

Today, two hundred years later, the dinosaur ring is already in front of us, and the gravitational forces of the two are already acting on each other. Seeing that they were about to be trapped, humans decided to launch a desperate counterattack.

Although the landmines and other things prepared by humans in the past are useless, we still have to fight them.

"If the fleet doesn't work, we can only activate the protective shield." The president of the 35th Generation Management Association said seriously.

This is a battle where the future of mankind is at stake, and all the soldiers on the battleship are betting on their mortality. The main weapon of the battleship is the missile launcher. There are eighty launchers on the battleship and one hundred and twenty on the cruiser. The missiles are all equipped with macro-atomic nuclear bombs, which are very powerful.

The battleship also has twelve heavy nuclear fusion cannons, which fire energy attacks like planetary engines. There are only six doors on the cruiser.

Then there is the close-combat beam defense artillery array. Each battleship has six guns, which are used to intercept approaching targets.

Of course, there is also the highest technology in mankind, the macro-atom shield, which uses observation to mine macro-atoms in the universe to form a shield. It can effectively intercept attacks and protect the weak structure of human battleships. Human warships are still made of steel and are not strong enough at all.

The time has come for the decisive battle, and the battle to determine the future of mankind has begun.

But what is the human fleet compared to that huge ring? The longest human warship is only 400 meters, and 120 ships connected end to end are not enough to make a circle.

The dinosaur ring is like an enlarged jade bracelet. Various craters can be seen on the appearance, which shows that the ring has experienced various tests. They have defeated all kinds of powerful enemies in the universe, including the harsh environment of the universe, and have withstood the impact of countless meteorites. And what about humans? It has only been moving the earth for six hundred years, and it is simply a little baby.

The huge gap did not make humans give up, but launched a decisive charge and the battle began.

boom! attack.

As the battle unfolds, a space station carrying human seeds is also launched from the other side of the earth. Eggs are not placed in one basket, and humanity must survive.

Of course, there are not only wars going on in the universe, but the Army is also preparing on the ground. If aliens land on the Earth, the Army will fight the aliens on the ground. And there is another tactic, which is to send the army to the ring and exchange homes with the dinosaurs.

Human beings will never give up anyway.

Nature cannot defeat it. The gap of hundreds of millions of years cannot be solved by human beings by improvising. When the space battleship runs out of weapons and ammunition, it is like scraping. It cannot cause any damage to the ring at all, but only leaves some scratches.

The ring is still taking its time to wrap around the Earth.

Boom, the earth's protective shield unfolded, trying to block the enemy. The macro-atom strong interaction force shield was fully opened, and the earth was covered with a white mirror shell. However, the dinosaur man's drill bits still came ruthlessly towards the surface. Each drill bit was bigger than Mount Everest, and so There are three hundred thousand huge drill bits.

The 12,000 planetary engines on the earth are already huge. Unexpectedly, the drill bits of the dinosaurs were even bigger and very strong. They drilled holes against the strong interaction shield.

Now the earth and the ring form a relatively stationary situation, both moving in one direction at the same speed.

"Sure enough, human weapons are useless, so they said that we should turn around and hit the ring with the earth. Only in this way can we have hope." This is an extreme militant group. They advocate that the earth should make a U-turn and hit the ring, and everything will be destroyed. . Of course, this kind of plan will naturally not be accepted. After all, if we don’t say whether it can succeed in hitting the ring with the earth, what is the point even if it succeeds? In order not to be killed, they died together?

The huge drill bit is right above the head, which makes people's scalp numb. The drill bit is very fast and very strong. I don't know if the strong interaction shield can support it.

The Dinoman's drill bit also has a strong interaction force. In order to push the drill bit, there is a propeller on the outside of the drill bit. The fastest speed can reach 30,000 revolutions per second.

At the same time, the dinosaurs also began to capture earthlings. They did not land on the earth, but directly used teleportation technology. Light teleportation can transport earthlings into cages. The whole process is to bully the people on earth as weak chickens and not give them a chance to fight back.

"Humanity is finished." Xiao Wang, Li Yiyi and the others were helpless as they watched everything in the virtual conference room. It felt as if they had encountered a boss just after leaving the Novice Village.

The universe is like a soul game, full of all kinds of malice. Human beings belong to this novice village that has just left the solar system. They immediately encountered a vicious boss battle and could only be tortured.

Dulan thought to himself that he had prepared the conditions for a decisive battle with weapons for victory, but humans didn't notice it, so it's not his fault. It can only be said that humans themselves don't have such luck.

The earth's shield failed to hold up, and humans began a career as livestock. But it's actually okay. There is food and drink, but there is no freedom and dignity. The dinosaur people will also breed humans to protect the continuation of humankind. Humanity will not prosper, but it will not die yet.

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