Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 2895 Cultivation

Having too many magical powers is definitely not a good thing, because magical powers need to be supported by people, and supporting ten magical powers would be a disaster for the people. If you are not careful, the supernatural powers will start a war and lead to chaos.

So Sokka looked at his sister and Toph who were enthusiastic about learning the realm of supernatural powers, but there was worry in his eyes. Because these potential threats were developing right in front of him, but he couldn't stop them. Although he believed that his sister and Toph were both kind, he could not trust others, so he said: "This idea of ​​spiritual practice must not be spread."

"Why?" Shen Tong asked strangely. He thought it was very good.

"Of course you have no problem practicing, but what if you are taught by bad people? For example, the guy with the scar on his face." He was talking about the exiled prince of the Fire Nation. Sokka had seen him, but they were being chased by the prince in a panic. .

The other three were stunned, obviously not thinking about what would happen if the bad guy became a supernatural being.

"Speaking of how the supernatural power chooses the next generation? If you are directly reincarnated in your mother's womb, how do you know whether the supernatural power will be a good person or a bad person when you grow up?" Toph was blind but had a bright mind. She thought of an issue with the inheritance of magical powers, that is Don’t supernatural powers ever have bad people?

For a moment, everyone looked at An curiously, hoping that this magical power could explain it.

However, An didn't know either. He didn't know how Shen Tong chose his host, let alone whether Shen Tong had any bad guys.

The characters of each generation of magical powers are different, and there must have been bad guys. Otherwise, why is there an organization called the White Lotus? Isn't the purpose of the White Lotus Sect to educate supernatural powers and shape personality?

He must have known that if supernatural powers are not educated, they can also lead to bad things, so in order to prevent such incidents from happening, a magical education institution was established.

There was no White Lotus Sect in the beginning, and the first-generation Avatar was also a deviant. Although very kind-hearted, the first-generation Avatar often did bad things with good intentions.

Therefore, the magical power is very strong, but it cannot ensure that he uses his power to do the right things. It must be because of the lessons learned that the White Lotus Sect was born, and the magical power was systematically educated to prevent the magical power from doing extraordinary things.

The answer is yes, the supernatural is not a naturally good person, and he has done things that are not accepted by others. In order to prevent this kind of situation, the education of the White Lotus Sect is needed.

Unfortunately, several young men could not complete such reasoning and could only look at each other in confusion. Finally, they reluctantly decided to only teach royal skills within their own circles and never to outsiders.

But Soka still said uneasy: "You can guarantee it, but what about Duran? Can he guarantee it?"

Obviously it couldn't be done, so everyone was silent again. An suddenly said: "What is Dulan doing now?"

Yeah, what is he doing? He was Toph's teacher before, but now that Toph is gone, what is he doing?

Dulan is currently doing postpartum care for the female dragon and is preparing to breed more flying dragons. More than a hundred years ago, there were many flying dragons, but during this century, with the rise of dragon hunting activities, only two dragons were left.

It is rumored that the last dragon has been killed by Uncle Wang, but in fact, he has protected the last two dragons and is guarded by the Sun Warrior. The Sun Warriors are a nation with a long heritage. It is said that their ancestors imitated the flying dragon and mastered the art of fire control. They mastered the most peaceful and natural form of fire control and did not need to activate negative energy to increase firepower like other people.

There are not many Sun Warriors left now, and they lived a primitive life until Duran appeared. Du Lan is going to show some very intense action movies to the two dragons so that they can give birth to baby dragons.

Mounts like dragons are so cool and domineering that everyone loves them. Who doesn’t want to be a dragon knight?

When the Sun Warrior heard Duran boasting about being a master of raising dragons, he naturally hoped that he could increase the number of dragons.

Back then, dragon hunting in the Fire Nation was mainly about fighting for living space. If there were too many dragons, humans would not be able to expand. The archipelago is originally small in area. In order to cultivate farmland, mine and develop industry, more land is needed. Although the Dragon Clan is the teacher of firebending, in the face of real interests, the Fire Nation chose to expand and eliminate the Dragon Clan to make room.

Duran came to the Sun Warrior's residence, where there were a large number of ancient ruins. It is located deep in the mountains. I don’t know if it was built by earthbenders at that time. There are dragon sculptures inside. Apparently, the Sun Warriors integrated the worship of dragons and the worship of the sun, creating a unique culture.

If Dulan takes action, the Dragon Clan will naturally give birth to dragons without any problems. When these dragons grow up, he will also become addicted to dragon knights.

The dinosaur people on Earth said that this kind of dragon is different from their dinosaurs and is not scientific at all. Their dinosaurs need wings to fly. Dragons from the Fire Nation can not only fly but also breathe fire. They are so powerful.

"It's cosmic energy." The virtual conference room used the most advanced instruments to check the life of the entire planet and found that the life on this planet is combined with the cosmic energy. Therefore, although they do not have powerful technology, they can all use cosmic energy, and the same is true in the Dragon Clan. the same.

"We need technology to master the energy, but their bodies can bring it themselves. They do have special meridians in their bodies that can help them run the energy of the universe."

Scientists are very happy to study. After humans gained superpowers through deep-sea medicine, they have always wanted to find a reference. Now that they have it, they can study it.

After research, I found that they are all cosmic energy, but they are used in different ways. Deep-sea medicine modifies the human body's organs, allowing human organs to have different functions. The Master uses cosmic energy to return the body to the universe and control the matter in the universe. As research deepens, humans wandering the earth can take a new technological line.

At the same time, the Fire Nation was undergoing economic reforms, but the princess was questioned as a reform representative. Although she received support from all aspects, some people still did not want the princess to become bigger.

Wouldn't it be better to kill the princess and take the whole plan and play it yourself? So anti-princess, but not necessarily anti-princess projects.

Just like opposing Dulan before but not opposing Dulan's plan, it was a struggle of interests.

The princess found that there were quite a few people who had opinions about her. Some questioned her age, some questioned her ability, and some questioned her character... Anyway, she was full of shortcomings, so she could still question them.

Faced with this situation, the princess was very angry and wished she could kill the opponent directly. Fortunately, the adviser stopped her and believed that the princess should leave the imperial city and patrol various security areas to win over people's hearts. At the same time, she should also build her own strength in the army, so that she could be more stable.

The level of new counselors is still very high. They know that political power comes from the barrel of a gun, and they must obtain force when it is time to obtain force.

The princess also followed the good example and was ready to hand over the entire plan to others and build her own force. Of course, you can't hand over all the plans. You have to place your own people in key positions. Without your own life, you cannot run smoothly. So on the surface, I left, but in fact, the princess was still in control of everything.

The princess took her two friends on a 'study tour' trip. It was said to be a study tour, but in fact it was to go to various security areas to win over people's hearts and win over the army. Although the combat effectiveness of the troops in the security area is not good, their influence cannot be underestimated and is worth fighting for.

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