Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 2899 Fooling

The magical zoo in Yonggu City contains all kinds of creatures that are not usually seen. Now you only need one ticket to see them all, and there is an endless stream of customers.

Although the clouds of war are lingering, life must go on. The people of Yonggu City are still very confident in the towering city walls. They believe that even the Fire Nation will only fall into the sand again. They believe that victory belongs to Yonggu City in the end.

Business was good, but it was far from the world of Pokémon. After all, trainers in Pokémon were able to throw logs as thick as a water tank at the age of ten. Although there are gods and magical animals in this world, the physical fitness of the magicians is far inferior to that of the elf trainers, and it can be said that they have no fighting ability.

Trainers can defeat divine beasts with just their fists, but mages cannot.

"Now I know why there is a dark age in this world. It's because their fists can't compete with the divine beasts, and they can't use the elf balls to conquer the gods. They are really useless humans." Duran said that if humans can't protect the light by themselves, every time If we all need the help of the God of Light, it will definitely not work. Human beings must strengthen themselves.

In the future, this planet will follow the dual path of technology and imperial skills. With the development of science and technology, technology will surpass imperial arts. Because there are too many shortcomings in the magic. Although the magician controls the elements, he is also a mortal body. He can be poisoned, can be plotted, and can be easily killed. The more advanced the technology, the better the means for ordinary people to fight against the magician. many.

Dulan believes that in addition to technology and royal skills, a third path should be opened, that is, the path of trainers, to train children to train mythical beasts to fight.

But to tame a mythical beast, you must first physically contend with it. Being able to consume one hundred thousand volts is a must. You must also lift a ton of weight with one hand, jump dozens of meters away, and withstand a fall of hundreds of meters. .

Human beings said that if they really had such physical fitness, what kind of mythical beast would they need? Couldn't they just roll up their sleeves themselves? This won't work, it's so inelegant to do it yourself.

Speaking of trainers, Dulan knew a female trainer who trained a magical mount that could track scents. She had previously been hired by the prince to track magical powers. Not only can this mount track scent, its tongue can also attack like a whip, and it also has a paralyzing effect, which can paralyze the nerves of the mages and make them lose their combat effectiveness.

Unfortunately, he was restrained by the environment in the end and chased him to a yard full of pickle jars. He was finally defeated by the pungent smell in the jars.

This is an example of using animals to fight. He almost grasped the supernatural power. If it weren't for the fact that there were a lot of jars with pungent smells in the yard, this battle would have been a complete victory for the animal trainer.

So trainers do have a lot to offer.

"Uncle Wang, this is indeed a dragon, right?" The prince asked the uncle next to him seriously. It stands to reason that his uncle is the last dragon-slaying hero, and the last dragon has been killed by his uncle. Why does a dragon appear in Yonggu City? ? So after get off work at the teahouse, they finally went to the zoo and saw the dragon up close.

The prince has never seen a real dragon, so he needs his uncle's confirmation.

It must be a dragon, but Uncle Wang doesn't know why, because he obviously hid the last dragon in the ruins of the Sun Warrior and gave it to a trustworthy person for protection.

"Awesome." Jie still didn't know that the uncle and nephew next to him were from the Fire Nation, and he treated them as compatriots from the Earth Power Nation. He also came to visit the magical animals together, and was so shocked by the various strange creatures that he said sharp.

"The three of you seem to be very interested in magical animals. Have you ever thought about becoming trainers?" Dulan appeared elusively behind the three of them again: "I am the director of the magical zoo, Dulan."

Jay asked with great interest: "What is a trainer?"

But Uncle Wang's eyes flashed with contemplation imperceptibly, because the name Dulan reminded him of a dead man, the swordsmanship teacher who was killed by the princess.

The prince was equally curious.

"A trainer is a person who trains spiritual beasts to fight. This is a brand new profession, but its potential is definitely no worse than that of a warlock. I think in the future, there will be fewer and fewer battles between humans and humans, and competitive competitions will More and more. But always watching competitive games will still make people bored. At this time, a battle between spiritual beasts and spiritual beasts can make people's blood boil and return to the wild era. In the future, warlocks will only be job seekers. "Trainers are the profession with the highest popularity, the highest income, and the strongest combat effectiveness." Duran described the bright future of trainers and drew a big picture.

There is nothing wrong with the logic, because the more developed the civilization is and the more resources there are, the less the struggle for interests will be. But it is impossible for human beings to avoid confrontation, so the mode of watching other people's confrontation was born. The richer the place, the more prosperous gambling is. From cockfighting and dogfighting to boxing and fighting, and finally to battles between spiritual animals and gods, this can be said to be the inevitability of historical development.

Trainers will definitely have great potential in the future, it will definitely be a very popular profession, and it will definitely make money. Duran's blueprint for hundreds of years in the future is a bit too advanced for the moment.

However, the improvement of combat effectiveness is still very realistic. When Jie heard that combat effectiveness could be improved, his ears immediately pricked up. He really hopes to become stronger. Although he is still looking for the right method of revenge, as long as it is revenge, strength must be indispensable.

"Are these magical animals strong?" Jay asked.

"Of course, the pinnacle of magical animals is the gods. Are magical powers powerful? He is so powerful solely because he has gods living in his body. The power of magical powers can also be said to be the power of gods." Duran said.

Uncle Wang couldn't help but said: "The more powerful the spiritual beasts are, the more intelligent they are. They will not be willing to become human thugs."

"Everyone gets what they need. If the trainer can help the spirit beasts evolve more powerfully, they will be willing to cooperate with the trainer." Duran said that the trainer and the elf each get what they need. Trainers fight through elves, and elves evolve through trainers. The two complement each other and each has something to gain.

"Can people help spiritual beasts evolve?" Uncle Wang said that he had never heard of such a thing.

"It's normal that you don't know. This world does not always maintain light, but light and darkness are constantly alternating. In the bright era, humans can develop, and in the dark era, spiritual beasts can dominate. But a long time ago, the light When there is balance with darkness, it is an era when spiritual beasts and humans coexist peacefully. It is an era called "Pokémon"..." Dulan just opened his mouth. Anyway, the history of hundreds of thousands of years ago is completely insignificant. It's entirely up to him to be sophisticated.

Dulan fooled the three of them into a daze. The prince was moved after hearing this. After all, training gods to fight is basically equivalent to becoming a supernatural being.

Uncle Wang is interested in the balance and alternation of light and darkness. What exactly causes the imbalance and alternation between the two? The history of mankind is actually very vague. I can't even remember the era of the first generation of magical powers, let alone what happened before, let alone what happened in the last dark age.

There are not only times of light, but also times of darkness, which are truly unimaginable to humans. In the bright era, the human race was still struggling, let alone the dark era. How did humans survive in the dark era?

Of course, they are hiding under the protection of powerful gods. For example, in the last dark age, the lion turtle protected the seeds of the human race.

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