Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 2919 Continue to cheat

Shen Tong hopes to build a city where everyone can live in harmony. This wish is obviously unrealistic, but it is also in line with his character who pursues the best of both worlds in everything.

To build a city, you must first complete the original accumulation. This completely depends on everyone's support for magical powers and the convenient transportation environment. It's not that the original accumulation is complete just because ordinary people and magicians live together. Ordinary people these days have little education, so they still need to spend money to popularize education before they can develop.

Once infrastructure, education, and medical care are established in a big city, it will inevitably attract outsiders from around it. These outsiders come either to hunt for gold or to settle down. The city’s limited conditions cannot accommodate everyone.

If public facilities for 1,000 people are built first, then 1,100 people will be attracted, and the subsequent 100 people will not be included. If you build facilities to cover 10,000 people, you will attract 11,000 people, and so on... There will always be some people who are not included in public facilities and cannot receive education and medical protection. At the same time, because new people are constantly coming in, asset prices in the city will remain high.

But big cities represent the priority of information, and the priority of information represents opportunities, which will continuously attract more people.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to prevent urbanization. We can only get rich first and then get richer later. We can only rely on cities that develop first in terms of geographical environment to develop other places without geographical advantages. This can ensure that conflicts can be alleviated.

However, Shen Tong obviously did not have such an idea. He just naively thought that building a harmonious city would be enough.

"Then why do we all live together? Is there no other goal? Without a goal, ordinary people have the interests of ordinary people, and the magicians have the interests of the magicians. If the conflicts between them cannot be reconciled, then this city The city will be full of all kinds of conflicts. In the end, Shentong An will stop being a second-rate talent and will not be able to become a first-rate talent."

Dulan's requirements are still very high, saying that it would be impossible for An to achieve harmony just for the sake of harmony. Harmony is for a greater goal, a great goal that everyone can accept compromise.

"Your demands are really high." Jie has completed his revenge and defeated the Fire Nation in the war, but he is still confused about the future. He also agreed with An's goal, a city where everyone can be harmonious, but now after listening to Dulan's various explanations, he found that to achieve the goal, the most important thing is actually culture, a culture where everyone can trust each other.

Why should ordinary people and mages trust each other? How to trust each other? These problems have not been solved by magic.

Just like how could nobles and savages trust each other in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States era? It is definitely not enough to rely on Shang Yang's south gate. Although the law can stipulate that benefits are transferred from the nobles to the hands of the barbarians, it is not certain that both parties can really trust each other.

Shang Yang's approach was to expand. As long as the benefits were sufficient, everyone would share the spoils together. There is no such thing as trust or distrust, everyone is a grasshopper on a rope.

But expansion is not forever, and in the end it still depends on Mencius’ righteousness. When expansion ends, it will be necessary to rely on justice to redistribute resources. Sacrifice one's life for righteousness and regard righteousness as the highest standard. Abandon the altars and rituals of the nobility, use justice to regulate the nobility and barbarians, ensure mutual trust between the two, and regard righteousness as the standard of distribution.

Faced with the crisis of trust between ordinary people and magicians, An was unable to handle it. An would make laws and rely on his own moral character to set an example, but he did not create a culture that was accepted by both parties. Then when the interests are not divided enough, and after An dies, conflicts will erupt intensively.

Because there is no basis for trust, neither party knows what to do to gain the other's trust.

The reason why magical powers are trusted is entirely due to the accumulation of magical powers in the past hundreds of generations. Even if An disappears for a hundred years, once he returns, everyone can still trust him. You must know that the ending of the first generation of supernatural powers was very bleak. He wanted to create peace all his life, but in the end peace did not come. He was still young and had to fight on the battlefield, and finally died on the battlefield.

The trust gained by supernatural powers did not appear out of thin air, but was achieved by the example of supernatural powers throughout the ages.

Unfortunately, it is too difficult to create a culture. It is very difficult to get everyone's approval and to get everyone to accept a set of values. As the old saying goes, one of the most difficult things in the world is to turn other people's money into your own, and the second is to put your own thoughts into other people's heads.

There is no brainwashing device in this world. It is a good thing to directly make everyone believe in the same idea without pressing a button.

"The time, place and people are favorable. I think now is the time for the birth of a new culture." Dulan believes that now is the opportunity for the birth of a new culture. If Shen Tong can seize the opportunity, it can reduce a lot of troubles later.

Jie doesn’t understand it very well, and certainly doesn’t know how to invent culture. Speaking of which, what is the definition of culture?

“Culture is the ritual, text, and ideology that enables everyone to accept the unfairness in the distribution relationship and enables different classes in the distribution relationship to trust each other and cooperate. The rituals, texts, and ideologies that can achieve this goal are culture.” Duran said that culture is necessary.

This is really difficult to achieve, and Jie can't do it anyway.

An couldn't figure it out either. Although the city's construction was going smoothly and many people were willing to come and settle there, on the whole, everyone now only looked at the supernatural power. When everyone's strength increases and the magic power is dispelled, the power of the magic power will be much less intimidating, and then disobedient people will appear one after another.

At the same time, as the city develops, more and more people will come to the city to make a fortune. Not only are they honest wage earners, but there are also criminals who want to get rich. These existences will deepen the conflict between ordinary people and magicians. .

After the conflict deepens, ordinary people and magicians will create conflicts in order to protect their own interests, and there will be a chain of suspicion. People with bad intentions will add fuel to the flames and destroy harmony, which will eventually lead to war and tragedy.

"So now we must first obtain a new identity, and then we must care for the vulnerable groups."

"Why should we care for the vulnerable?" Jie asked.

"Come on, this is the question that cultural creators must answer." Duran was very happy that Jay raised this question. On the other hand, there is another question: why should the weak believe in the strong?

Confucius did not answer this question, but Mencius answered it, so the teachings of Confucius and Mencius were connected, because Mencius supplemented Confucius' benevolence.

Why benevolence? Why righteousness? If we are just looking at interests, we can just ensure our own interests. Why should we care about vulnerable groups?

Jun Jun, minister, minister, father, son, son. If we only consider the interests, we only need Jun Jun and father, and minister and son can be completely ignored. Why should we be benevolent, why should a king care about his ministers, and why should a father care about his son?

Mencius believed that this is because people have four principles: compassion and benevolence. The heart of shame is the beginning of righteousness. The heart of resignation and the courtesy. The heart of right and wrong, the end of wisdom.

People have these four beginnings when they are born, so human nature is good, everyone should trust each other, benevolence, justice, etiquette, and wisdom are also formed spontaneously in the heart, and everyone has it. Because human nature is kind, it is natural to care for the vulnerable. Just like being sad when seeing a cow being killed, or being anxious when seeing a child fall into a well, it is human instinct. It's just that when people grow up and are blinded by interests, they have questions about caring for the weak.

Later, anyone who wanted to do great things would claim to be loyal, and the main manifestation was caring for those who were weaker than themselves. The weak must also use their own actions to protect the rules of the strong and form complementarities. Building a trusting relationship through this interactive behavior is righteousness.

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