what happened? Why are there air strikes? Amidai Shinpei is an ordinary person. His biological parents are divers and archaeologists. Living on Rito Island is convenient for diving and archeology. He should have had a good life. Unfortunately, his parents died in a shipwreck ten years ago. He was also adopted by his father's close friend.

This can be said to be the decline of his family's fortune. After graduating from high school, he went to a big city to study cooking, hoping to become independent as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, he received the bad news of the death of his adopted sister, returned to Ridu Island, and then encountered a shadow monster. I originally thought this was a superstitious legend on Ridu Island, but I didn't expect that I actually encountered him, and he was killed.

However, something magical happened after his death. Although the person died, time reversed. In other words, he has the ability to read files and can go back to the past after death.

But now he is full of question marks, and he has no idea why a series of strange events happened.

He must protect his sister and his family, and he must never let tragedy happen again. But these weird things are really beyond the scope of his ability as a chef apprentice. He still hasn't figured out what is going on. First it was a shadow monster, and then it was an air attack. It was too exaggerated.

I have no choice but to investigate a little bit.

Dulan stood next to Amidai Shinpei and said: "Young man, are you a chef?"

"How did you know?" Shen Ping was surprised. After all, he didn't have his own aspirations engraved on his face.

"Haha, isn't this simple? I can tell just by looking at your hands, and you smell of oily smoke." Dulan said that he also studied detective, and could determine the identity of the other party just by observing and shaking hands.

Shen Ping thought something was wrong. This man was a policeman, but he had never talked to him before. He would not get involved in the investigation until the funeral. No, there was no investigation at the last funeral. I saw that the other party went to talk to Yanqi. Now it's the third time, and the other party's actions are different again.

He was getting more and more confused.

"Young people, as chefs, must have the power to protect their loved ones." Dulan said seriously: "If you can't even protect the people you care about, what kind of chef is it?" ""

What the hell, why does a chef need strength? He has been studying cooking for two years and has never heard of it. Apparently, his son, an underwater archaeologist, became a chef. He had already made plans to marry into Xiaozhou's family and was planning to take over a Western restaurant when his father-in-law got old.

"You will understand later." Dulan said and left.

Conan was wondering, what did Dulan say to the victim's adopted brother for no reason? Do you really plan to let this brother fight monsters? What does chef have to do with fighting?

It’s very relevant because chefs play a very important role on the historical stage. When the Yin and Shang Dynasties destroyed Xia, the leading party was a cook. When Duke Huan of Qi starved to death, Yi Ya was a cook. Cooks have influenced history ever since.

If you can't even save the people you care about, you're not a good cook.

Now Shenping must think carefully about what happened. The first is the shadow. He knows that there have been rumors of shadow disease on the island, but it has a long history and there are no detailed records. Last time he looked back, he also asked a lot of questions, but basically no one could answer the shadow disease accurately.

So there are really a lot of questions, and I can only investigate a little bit.

"It seems that the monster has no memory of being attacked by an air raid." Belmode said, and she found that Yanqi acted as if nothing had happened. "So what caused the reverse flow of time?" This is what she wanted to know, and asked: "Where is the elixir of life? You seem to know a lot of things. Stop being a Riddler and tell me everything you know. Bar."

Conan pricked up his ears and wanted Dulan to tell the truth. He also felt that recent things had gone too far. This is no longer within the scope of the detective's abilities. Even with Doraemon's blessing, it is still a bit difficult.

"Isn't the elixir of life obvious? Yanqie said that ghosts and gods began to appear three hundred years ago. It was she who saved the island from famine and turned people into shadow hunters, so ghosts and gods have lived for at least three hundred years." Du Lan said: "But according to legend, the gods came to the land from the ocean. So before landing, the ghosts and gods had lived in the sea for more than three hundred years, maybe even three million years. Isn't this immortality?"

Indeed, Belmode nodded.

"These are not important. What is important is that if a shadow can completely imitate a human being, and can also coexist with humans, and even help humans, then is there any difference between the shadow and the person being replaced? This is a philosophical question, what is a human being? Is it personality, emotion, memory, or body?" Duran said this is very philosophical.

Conan said that these are not important. If the shadow is really the same as a human being, then the shadow murderer will also be punished by the law.

Belmode is also more interested in immortality and has no sense of philosophical issues. Of course, she was also a little curious about the ghosts and gods on this island and said: "Are ghosts and gods and mortals? The ghosts and gods seem to have very strong abilities, but they have not left the island for three hundred years. It seems that these eight million ghosts and gods are about the same as the local tycoons. , all have a strong sense of territory. Or are the ghosts and gods from other places stronger?" She has begun to accept the settings of gods, gods, and ghosts.

It has to be said that the arrival of Dulan has added more dimensions to the world. It can be said that everything is created out of nothing. Tao gives birth to all things, one, one, two, three and three.

The detective world originally only had artificial intelligence crimes, and only once. As for the ghosts, there is no clear confirmation, but now they are all confirmed.

New criminal methods are born from scratch, followed by the development of technology and laws around new crimes, and then new crimes are continued to be developed based on technology and laws, and in this way a new detective world is shaped.

"I think the ghosts and gods in other places are stronger, so the local shadows can only bully ordinary people, but cannot compete for more territory." Duran said.

Of course, if Duran did not appear, these legends would be just legends. The so-called eight million ghosts and gods actually refer to landlords and Chinese people from all over the country. They have lived here for generations, they are the old squires, and the people have to depend on them.

Therefore, the internal fighting among the Chinese people in the island country is the internal fighting between the eight million ghosts and gods, and the internal fighting between the old country squires and the old country squires.

Eight million ghosts and gods are doing tyranny to the people, just like the old country gentry is doing tyranny to the people. But the problem is that it is difficult for the people to unite to fight against the Chinese because people in different areas rely on different Chinese groups.

As long as the local Chinese take control of the policies, the local people will live very well and there will be no need to cooperate with outsiders. Unless the entire island country encounters an uncontrollable famine, only then will all the people unite. However, this happens rarely, only once or twice in history. As long as grain production does not decrease by 50%, and as long as part of the Chinese fundamentals can be stabilized, there is no way the peasant uprising will succeed.

Duran just hoped that Belmode would understand these histories, then rebel against the country and complete the most incredible crime. However, Belmode obviously doesn't care about the life and death of the local people, he only cares about the elixir of life.

As for Conan, in fact, if his rebellion can better reflect the "movement of the rebel", a defender of the law eventually became the biggest destroyer, which is so dramatic.

But Conan obviously thinks that as long as the illegal ghosts and gods are brought to justice, there is no need to target all eight million ghosts and gods. He does not want to go against all the ghosts and gods. After all, the laws need ghosts and gods to uphold the laws.

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