Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3085 Surfaced

Isolated island, memorial ceremony, cult, this must be a carnival, a banquet to enjoy the joy of death.

Most of the people on the island and all the shadows have gathered together. After a while, the shadows will kill all the living people, perform a blood sacrifice, and dedicate all their lives to the ghosts and gods to help her regain her strength.

The witches were singing, the audience was laughing, and the girls were wearing yukata and enjoying the night view of the island.

Ancient shrines, dense woods, long steps, dim lights, faint waves...

"The night view on the island is so beautiful." Xiaolan, Yuanzi, and a few girls chatted. Originally, Conan and Conan came together, but Maori went to the bar, and Conan decided to use his last night to enter the underground cave again to find the truth, so neither of them attended the memorial ceremony.

"I really don't want to go back." After tonight, they will embark on the return journey tomorrow. They really want to go back to the past, and they really hope to stay on the island for a few more days.

"Yeah, I'm really lucky. I didn't encounter any cases this time." Xiaolan was also frightened. She thought that when she came to the isolated island, she would encounter the same cases as before. Then her father would go There is no way to enjoy the holiday while investigating the case.

Fortunately, there was no case this time, and Xiaolan was very happy. But she was obviously happy for too long.

Belmod's face was solemn, because he was surrounded by shadows, and the shadows on the island gathered together. Who knows what will happen next? This atmosphere is so bad, it feels like a storm is coming, weird and depressing.

The chanting of the witch seemed to be urging people to die.

"It's really a perfect occasion for cult sacrifices. It's so touching." Dulan said that this kind of atmosphere is what he wants.

Netdai Shinpei, his adopted sister, his friend and his friend's sister, the four of them enjoyed a rare event together. Although there are still many secrets that have not been solved, don't think about them tonight and just let him relax.

But everything was not that simple, because Amidai Shinpei discovered the figure of his suspected dead sister. The blond hair was too conspicuous, and he immediately chased after her.

The dead have come back to life? Of course, this kind of thing is unlikely to happen, so there is only one possibility, not the resurrection of the dead, but the shadow.

The shadow will copy human intelligence, and then transform it. It will become exactly like humans, and then kill humans and replace them within seven days. As long as humans are dead, shadows can live on.

The adopted sister Xiaozhouchao is dead, so the shadow Xiaozhouchao can survive. When Shen Ping saw Xiao Zhouchao, he couldn't calm down at all. Even though he knew that the other party might be a shadow monster, he couldn't control himself at all when he looked at his lost and found sworn sister who dreamed of Chaosi.

He and his adopted sister are in love and like each other, but they haven't confessed yet. When Shen Ping left the island to learn cooking, he actually wanted to become independent as soon as possible and then pursue the person he likes. But I didn't expect that saying goodbye would mean saying goodbye forever. In just two years, we would be separated from each other.

I originally thought that I had lost my adopted sister, but I didn't expect that she would appear alive again in front of me. Every move, every smile of the other party is really exactly the same as that of her adopted sister. Because Shadow scans human intelligence and can copy it perfectly, even close relatives cannot tell the difference.

Although he knew that the other party was a shadow, Shen Ping couldn't help but care and protect him. Because this is the person he cares about.

It's a pity that the reunion is a farewell, because next the shrine will perform a bloody sacrifice.

The Shadows are ready, armed with various weapons, ready to attack unprepared civilians. Use human life to provide energy for ‘mother’ and fulfill mother’s wishes.

Shen Ping and Shadow Boat Chao left the venue, completely unaware of what happened in the venue. A group of shadow monsters brandished weapons and launched an attack on the crowd. At that time, there was a river of blood and it was too horrible to watch.

"What happened?" Before Xiaolan and Yuanzi could react, they only heard screams from the edge of the crowd, and then the crowd rolled up like a flood, unable to stop them at all.

"Ah!" Xiaolan could only break away from the crowd and jump into the sky. Then she saw a scene that was about to burst into flames. A group of lunatics were attacking the crowd with weapons. Unexpectedly, in the end, a major case occurred.

Even Xiaolan, who was used to seeing brutal criminals, couldn't help shouting: "Stop!" She immediately entered combat mode and put on a full-coverage battle suit in an instant.

Yuanzi knew something must have happened at the first glance and completed the transformation.

The two came to the edge to stop the indiscriminate killing of innocent people. Unfortunately, they didn't know that the shadow monster's weakness was its shadow. Only by attacking the shadow can it kill. The body on the ground is just like human hair, no matter how you attack it, there will be no harm.

The shadow's movements are very fast, it can teleport away from the ground, and it is extremely powerful. At the same time, the body of the shadow can be continuously repaired without attacking the shadow's body. So during the fight, the attacks of the two female high school heroes were useless, as they were completely held back by the monster. And at this time, two baby shadows as big as bears rushed over.

The shadows piled the dead together. For Hiroko God, the corpses also contained information. As long as there was enough information, she could restore energy.

Seeing such a bloody and terrifying scene, Belmod was a little moved. But she found that Dulan didn't react at all, his expression was completely cold-blooded.

This was just the death of about a thousand people, but he had encountered death where the entire universe was in crisis, and it was just a small scene in front of him.

"Tsk, tsk, it takes such a plan to kill hundreds of people, and you also need to recruit ordinary people. It is really too weak. How dare you call yourself a ghost? A real ghost can easily recruit tens of thousands of loyal people. If a believer commits suicide, there will be no need for outsiders to sacrifice him." Duran said that it is not easy to want to live? Wouldn't it be enough to get some believers?

Wouldn't it be too shabby for ghosts and gods who don't even have believers?

There are not enough believers, so tourists come to join in.

Duran believes that this kind of sacred sacrifice is only for believers to contribute themselves, which is integrated with the great gods. The believer's information will become a part of Hiroko God, and he will be separated from the material universe forever and become a higher-dimensional existence. Isn't it beautiful?

With such publicity, not to mention a thousand people, but even ten thousand or one hundred thousand people can raise the funds. When the time comes, we will not be afraid of not having enough to eat, but we will be overstretched.

It's a pity that the Hirudo God has no publicity and no followers. She only has the shadow monsters she gave birth to as her thugs. There are very few human followers who voluntarily sacrifice themselves. They are really arrogant ghosts and gods.

"Too weak, too weak. As a god, she can't even find tens of thousands of believers who are willing to die for her. She still needs tourists to make up the numbers. I'm embarrassed for her." Duran said about this cruel incident. There is only one evaluation of the bloody incident, which is to see more and more the embarrassment and poverty of 8 million ghosts and gods.

"Is this what you want to say?" Belmode couldn't help it and said, "Shouldn't we stop the conspiracy of ghosts and gods?"

"No, time will go back, as long as Netdai Shenping dies." Du Lan said the key point of time back, which is the chef.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi were back to back, and they were already surrounded by shadows. They were not brave, but the shadows were not normal enemies. They could not kill the shadows until they found their weaknesses, and over time they were surrounded.

There were corpses all around, and the shadows killed people by chopping melons and vegetables. Especially the tall shadow with six eyes and four hands was even more crazy, killing all the people like a strong wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

The corpses were piled into a hill, and a huge shadow appeared on the ground, supporting the hill like a dinner plate.

Amidai Shinpei had no idea what was going on. After hiding the shadow of Kofunushio, he came to the door of the shrine again and found that a trickle of blood was slowly flowing from the steps, and there were shadows around him hunting humans. He realized that Something bad happened, my sister-in-law and my friend are still at the shrine.

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