Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3102 Pros and Cons

Although Conan is still working hard to solve the case, he has a new understanding of the complexity of the world. There are many things that he cannot accept, but he cannot change.

It's still as simple as before. You just need to complete your reasoning and send the criminal to prison. There are clear legal provisions to abide by. But now everything has become so vague, especially when it comes to Chinese infighting, ghosts and gods, and other events that are completely beyond the legal regulations, making the legal regulations very unreliable.

As a legalist, what can Conan do? He has no ability to perfect the laws, he can only abide by them. But he also knows that relying solely on the current laws and regulations is too lagging behind, and many things are not controlled at all. Once there are no legal standards, who is right and who is wrong can only be determined by the outcome of the duel.

But in this case, everyone will no longer consider right or wrong, and will only seek to win by any means necessary. This will cause chaos, and it will turn into a pot of porridge.

If etiquette breaks down, music collapses, and there are no standards, it will be troubled times.

From the collapse of rituals to the great unification, it took hundreds of years to re-establish a set of standards. Moreover, the cost of establishing new standards was very huge, and continuous improvement was required. It's too troublesome. The island country said it would not change its standards and continue to play within the emperor's rules of the game. It would just change the person in charge, which would be low-cost and low-risk.

Changing words and people is much simpler than changing standards. So to be precise, there is no collapse of rituals and music in the island country, it is just a matter of disputes between people. Of course, the legal standards have indeed changed, but this can only be regarded as a change in gang rules. However, the model of the gang has not fundamentally changed. It is still the same method of selecting speakers.

Now is the time to snatch the speaker. It will be chaotic, but there is order within the chaos. Unless someone like Oda Nobunaga appears who tries to change the standard, this pattern can continue.

So there is no need for Conan to feel bad. Anyway, the island country has been a family forever, and unless an emperor appears, it cannot be changed. As for the lag of the law, there is nothing we can do about it. After all, illegal crimes come out of nowhere and always appear at angles that humans cannot predict.

Conan is uncomfortable, and that's all right. Only when you are uncomfortable can you learn and make progress. Everything he experiences in the future will become a reference for the law.

Crime in Mika Town will not stop, the crime rate remains high, and Conan still has his uses.

The current situation in the island country is quite chaotic, and no Chinese is 100% sure that they will be the talkers. The more there is no obvious trend of victory or defeat, the more nervous everyone becomes and the more eager they are to give it a try. After all, if there is no one who suppresses everyone, then everyone will have a chance.

The organization has now become a ninja in the eyes of the Chinese. They hope to use the organization to weaken their opponents through murder.

Although Boss doesn't want to take sides, he has no choice now but to arrange murder. At the same time, after listening to Belmod's advice, the boss was also a little moved. Who doesn't want to become the emperor? If all the Chinese are really killed and the organization takes over, the boss will still be very happy.

But how should it be done?

How about supporting a puppet Chinese race? The organization hides behind the Chinese to eliminate all competitors, and then waits for the puppet Chinese to become the talker before the organization replaces them?

Or are you talking about holding the emperor hostage to order the princes? First control the emperor, and then use the emperor's orders to carry out various assassinations. Wait until the emperor attracts all the hatred, then get rid of the emperor and complete his ascension?

"It's hard to replace an old standard with a new standard. Either the new standard is really good, or the old standard is really bad. But there are no new standards that are good enough, and there are no old standards that are bad enough. So I propose Your organization can help the evildoers, crazily destroy the reputation of the old standards, and make everyone realize that they cannot do without changes. Then the organization can launch the emperor's new standards single-handedly, and maybe it will be able to complete the great cause." Duran helped Belmod with suggestions, and together we rebel.

There are still successful experiences, such as Lelouch. This guy played the role of attracting hatred. In the end, he did a lot of crazy things as the emperor and was disgusted by people. As a result, he was stabbed to death by Zero, played by Suzaku, completing the replacement of the old with the new.

"Organizations can set up branches to do good and good deeds, while at the same time helping the Chinese to help others. When everyone discovers the strong contrast, they will be disappointed with the old standards and accept the new standards."

Belmode said that Duran's plan was simply two-faced. Aren't you afraid of being divided?

"Since everyone does not accept the new standard, it means that the old standard can still be used. Is it really necessary to replace it?" Belmod said helplessly.

"This is about history and life. In fact, a person living in the same area in different eras, or a person living in the same era in different areas, has completely different senses," Duran said.

If a person lives in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, he will definitely feel happy. If a person lives in the Anshi Rebellion, he will definitely not feel that there is anything good about the Tang Dynasty.

If the same person was born in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, in the north, he would definitely be very helpless because there were always wars. But if you live in the south or Shu region, the feeling is different.

"There are definitely benefits to enfeoffment. Even if other places are in chaos, there are always one or two places that can avoid war, take over the transfer of resources and talents from war-torn areas, and achieve development." Dulan said.

The advantage of enfeoffment is that there are always places that will not be swept away by war and can provide stability, so this old system is very stable.

To be honest, if there were not such a domineering presence as the Qin State, no matter how chaotic the Warring States Period was, there would definitely be areas suitable for survival. It stands to reason that when the Qin State can no longer conquer, those places that have not experienced war can naturally continue to continue the fire of enfeoffment.

It is a pity that the Han Dynasty inherited the Qin system, and all subsequent emperors chose Hanization. The emperor's determination to turn all the land into his own private territory was firm. At the same time, the nobles were constantly impacted by the arrival of scholars from poor families and could not monopolize knowledge. The result is a unique unity.

For other countries, although enfeoffment is not the best, it is not the worst either. Even if a war breaks out, there will still be some areas that will not be affected by the war, so that they can preserve their strength and even make a fortune and become the main force in enfeoffment.

In different eras, different regions have completely different feelings about enfeoffment, but as long as there is a region that can develop stably, it is enough for some people to accept enfeoffment. As for people who don't have the resources to go to safe areas, forget it.

Another premise is that they have not encountered Qin.

"In short, it has been decided that the organization can be divided into two parts, one part shows the good of the new standard, and the other part publicizes the bad of the old standard. Only in this way can the old be replaced by the new. Of course, in the end, you may have to be meritorious. Use, select poor families, and appoint common people. After all, the nobles are the beneficiaries of the old system, and they will not take the initiative to change." Dulan said that if the organization wants to rise to the top, this is an inevitable choice: "Of course you can also capitalize assets , package the rebellion into financial products and list them internationally. I think there will definitely be many wealthy people willing to invest in the organization." "Rebellion is more attractive than the elixir of life. After all, if the rebellion is successful, investors can be rewarded immediately."

Duran said that using financial weapons of asset capitalization to assist violent murder will definitely succeed.

"Isn't rebellion a doctrine? Why do you think it's just a business?" Belmode said, shouldn't propagating doctrine be the most important thing in this kind of thing?

"It is still important to seek foreign aid. The organization's current strength is too weak."

"Then aren't you the best investor? As long as you provide technology, I think the organization's rebellion can easily succeed." Belmod looked at Duran and said, "You can invest."

Dulan said: "I'm afraid your boss doesn't believe me." He knew how suspicious the boss was.

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