Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3114 Tit for tat

Conan would not have thought that his father would ask book fans to be test subjects for the Completion Plan. If he had known about it, I wonder if he would have arrested his father.

Although he didn't know what Kudo Yusaku was doing, Conan's detective radar already suspected his father.

As a father, and as the leader on the road of detective Conan, how could Kudo Yusaku not be aware of his son's suspicions? He knew very well that his son would definitely get to the bottom of it once he became suspicious, and the more flaws he made in his actions and the more clues he had, the sooner or later his son would discover him.

So Kudo Yusaku now has two choices. One is to break up with his son and become his son's enemy like the black organization and hide completely. Er asked his son to join in and persuaded him to become a companion.

Honestly there are pros and cons to both routes. Kudo Yusaku actually knew that Duran's pirate ship was very dangerous. If it failed, it would be doomed. Although he was a "sergeant who heard the truth and acted diligently," he did not put his eggs in one basket and boarded Dulan's ship himself. It would be best for my son to be on another boat.

This way, no matter which ship sinks, the Kudo family can continue to exist.

Of course, as the old saying goes, father and son go into battle, and brothers fight tigers. If both father and son are on Dulan's ship, as long as the ship can develop, both father and son can be reused.

Sure enough, we should have more sons, and then spread more sons to different ships. This is the best arrangement.

Having more wives can lead to alliances with multiple families, and having more sons can allow them to share risks equally.

Kudo Yusaku said that there are too many ancient sayings in the Central Plains, and they are very contradictory. How to choose depends on the specific situation. Kudo Yusaku is worried about whether to fight or cooperate with his son now. He is an excellent mystery writer, but reasoning also requires intelligence. However, the future is now dark and there is no intelligence at all.

But as far as he knows so far, the book fans' experiment is still very successful. These book fans all voluntarily accepted the experiment. The body and soul were separated. The body was modified and a network socket was installed, and then nutrient solution was put in, and the soul was input into the online world through the socket. .

They communicate with cyborgs in the online world.

Duran's technology really amazed Kudo Yusaku, and he even suspected that Duran was an alien. With such technology, Duran's probability of success is very high. The future may really be a world where cyborgs, humans, robots, and biochemicals live together, a society maintained by the balance of rights and obligations, rather than by the definition of human beings. and maintain a balance of rights.

Maybe it would be a good idea to drag his son onto Dulan's boat, because Dulan has a great chance of winning. Although the society may undergo drastic changes in the future, with Dulan's mastery of technology, all this will definitely come. It's better to let Conan know early. .

So when Kudo Yusaku let book fans undergo an experiment, he asked Conan to follow him, giving his son a chance to understand everything that was happening.

Conan found out that his father left with a woman in black. He was very suspicious. Of course, he still didn't know what his father was doing, so he suspected that his father was having an affair.

Although he didn't want to think so, his father had been too suspicious recently. He returned to the country alone and then became mysterious. I called my mother, but my mother didn't know what my father was doing. You must know that the two of them used to spend all day together, and my son felt a toothache just looking at them. He is already old, but he is as passionate as a young man, as if he does not have a son.

He couldn't let his father feel sorry for his mother, so Conan followed. After following this, I discovered that what my father did was worse than having an affair.

At least it's not illegal to have an affair, at most it would cause a scandal, and at most it would mean holding a press conference to apologize. But when he sneaked into the secret factory and saw that human experiments were being conducted inside, and these experimental questions were all book fans invited by his father, Conan was dumbfounded.

This is an illegal crime. Modification of the body is against human ethics and the law no matter how you look at it. And his father seems to be a leader, and everyone in the factory respects him.

What exactly is going on?

"Mr. Kudo, Cai asked me to bring you a message. The information you sent is very important." The woman in black said. She was not from the organization, but from the US imperial intelligence agency.

Although Kudo is helping Duran, he also maintains contact with the American emperor, as if he is a double agent. He did not want to oppose Duran by sending Duran's intelligence and technology to the American emperor, but he just felt that he needed a back-up. If Duran insists on having his own way, at least there will be American imperialism to deal with him.

If only Duran had technology, then Duran could become a dictator, which was not what Kudo wanted to see.

"I will continue to send information." Kudo said, "This is the future."

"Yes, this is the future, and this technology will change the world." The woman said.

After a while, the woman left first, leaving Kudo Yusaku alone. He said: "Xinyi, I know you are here, come out."

Conan looked at his father with a stern face. At this moment, his father seemed to be a stranger whom he didn't recognize at all. Originally, his father was the goal that he had to surpass, but now he feels that he can no longer understand his father.

"You must have a lot of questions, but I can tell you that everything I do now is for the future." Yusaku Kudo said this, but his son would not understand it at all.

"What future? Conducting human experiments is against human ethics and the law." Conan said sadly: "Father, do you know what you are doing?"

"Human ethics? Human ethics and laws are the boundaries of distribution relationships. These are always changing. In the future, the boundaries of humans will expand. Cyborgs, robots, and biochemical humans will all join this distribution relationship. Human ethics and laws will also change. You The old world we protected will disappear." "Of course I also know that it is impossible for humans to revolutionize their own lives. Since ancient times, if you want to change, you need to establish new interest groups to fight against the old interest groups. It is difficult. Let the old interest groups change themselves, humanity is now obsolete and must accept change.”

Kudo Yusaku is very convincing. The world is about to change. If human beings don't change themselves, they will wait to be changed by others.

Conan said he didn't understand it at all: "Who can understand what you are saying?" "I only know that you are doing something that is not allowed by law."

"The law only protects humans as currently defined, and does not protect the broader cyborgs, robots, and cyborgs, and I am working hard for these future humans," Kudo Yusaku said.

After hearing this, did Conan think his father was a demon? What future humans? He couldn't see it at all, he only saw a group of tortured experimental subjects. "There are no future humans here, just a group of tortured victims," ​​Conan said.

"This is a matter of definition between us." Regarding definition, who is listening to? Are these people lying in the nutrient solution future humans or victims? What standards should be used to measure it, and who should we listen to? This is what humans have been arguing about since ancient times, and generally speaking, the winner is listened to.

The winner decides the definition so there can be no dissent.

Unfortunately, Kudo Yusaku and Kudo Shinichi are father and son, not the winner and the loser, so neither of them can convince the other for a while.

Kudo Yusaku believes that these experimental subjects are future humans, and Kudo Shinichi believes that they are just poor victims. Definition determines good and evil, good and ugly, law-abiding and illegal.

This is the boundary of the distribution relationship, just like Westerners like the definition of freedom, because mastering the definition of freedom can draw the boundary between humans and non-humans.

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