Although Godzilla has not disappeared yet, he moved forward after landing on the beach. According to the trend, he will definitely go to the sea, so don't worry, just be patient.

Although a certain country has relied on space offensive to defeat Godzilla, everyone pretended not to see it. Unfortunately, we are now in the Internet age. The Chinese can pretend to be invisible, but the common people cannot.

In this era, people can easily understand foreign information. Seeing that solutions have been found, the Chinese in their own country are indifferent. The people must have resentments. It's just that due to etiquette, they can't stand in line to fight against the Chinese.

The etiquette in this country is restricted from top to bottom, and it is the cooperation between nobles and citizens, rather than the unity between citizens and free people. The common people only had a culture that relied on rituals, but did not create a culture of rituals.

Therefore, ordinary people dare not speak out when they are angry, and they can only hold back their grievances and follow the rules of etiquette. If someone proposed to return power to the emperor at this time, they would definitely take action.

It's a pity that Duran didn't want to 'return power to the emperor', but wanted to proclaim himself emperor.

Now that there have been examples of space strikes that wiped out Godzilla, all countries with space capabilities have come up with their own plans to launch attacks from space.

Countries without the capability can directly purchase this service. Although the island country has aviation technology, it does not have such advanced aviation technology, so it can only spend money to find American imperialism.

The American emperor wants to outsource. After all, outsourcing is fast and good.

The research on Godzilla is also carried out in an orderly manner. First, nuclear magnetic resonance, X-rays, etc. are used to see through Godzilla's body. I found that there seemed to be a regular object in its belly. I didn’t know what it was.

Of course, it is the stone tablet of "The island nation prospered, King Duran", just waiting for them to dig it out.

Du Lan is becoming more and more arrogant. Even Conan already knows that he has disobeyed the emperor and done various behaviors that violate etiquette. In a country based on etiquette, each class has its own etiquette. It cannot be exceeded, otherwise you will be ostracized.

Everyone is dependent on rituals. Without rituals, they would not know how to communicate and cooperate. All this time, they have no experience in creating a new set of rules. They only have the experience of constantly learning advanced technologies from outside and improving the etiquette system. In short, it’s impossible without etiquette.

The etiquette system is the most important system in a feudal country, because etiquette can distinguish classes. Nobles, citizens, and free people each have their own etiquette, which subtly affects life. Everyone must eat, wear, live, and travel with etiquette, which makes it difficult for people to transcend.

Dulan's behavior was the collapse of rituals and music. It can be said that he was the most disgusted existence in the feudal system. If Confucius was resurrected, he would definitely fight Dulan to the death.

However, Dulan's behavior did get a lot of supporters, and it was obvious that there were many people who were dissatisfied with the etiquette system. After all, many people want to break through the etiquette system, but they can't.

In the era of Confucius, the princes were already stronger than the emperor, and some officials were stronger than the princes. Therefore, they violated the etiquette system and enjoyed superior treatment. The constraints of Zhou Rites were no longer effective, so various countries fell into a struggle for power within the country. Wars between them are also becoming more frequent.

Confucius saw the collapse of rituals, but he could not propose a new system. He only hoped that everyone would restrain themselves and restore rituals and restore Zhou rituals, because in his heart, Zhou rituals were the best. But the problem is that the Zhou etiquette is not good because everyone does not abide by it. If everyone could abide by it, the etiquette and music would not be ruined. So Confucius saw the problem, but unfortunately he did not propose a solution. After Confucius died, Confucianism was divided into eight points.

Confucian disciples were looking for solutions to problems one after another. Mozi also studied Confucianism at first, but he felt that Confucianism was not working, so he founded Mohism.

Legalism and Confucianism also have an unclear relationship. Zichan cast the tripod to declare the law. Han Feizi and Li Si were both disciples of Xunzi, and Xunzi was a Confucian. Although the plans of Xunzi and Confucianism are no longer the same, the idea of ​​starting a new set of Zhou rites is still very consistent with Confucian thinking.

Mencius was a disciple of Confucianism, and he proposed a set of plans for Confucianism that were most in line with Confucianism's self-denial and restoration of propriety, which were the theory of the goodness of nature and the law of ancestors. He did not say that Zhou rites should be restored, but that everyone should learn from the outstanding sages.

As a pioneer in discovering problems, Confucianism has triggered different factions to propose their own solutions, some of which continue the core idea of ​​"denying oneself and restoring propriety" of Confucianism, while others have developed their own styles.

The Warring States Period was a process of practicing different answers. Mohism was once popular, but it basically practiced ‘non-attack’, and the idea of ​​universal love could not be practiced at all.

Mencius's ideas have also been put into practice, but the king only talks about interests when he opens his mouth, and Mencius's method cannot be used by the previous kings. After all, the kings of Dharma, Yao, Shun, and Yu all shared their own interests with everyone. Bringing benefits to everyone is the only way to enjoy it alone is not as good as the happiness of everyone. If the king learns this, he will be doomed.

Of course, then came the era of Wang Yangming. His philosophy was that everyone can become a saint, and everyone is like Yao, Shun, and Yu. It can be said that everyone is for me, and I am for everyone. Everyone is Yao, Shun, and Yu, which really means that everyone shares their benefits with the world.

Of course, within Western values, people are citizens, everyone for me and me for everyone, which is the equal relationship between citizens. Wang Yangming, on the other hand, believed that everyone in the world could become Yao, Shun, and Yu and provide benefits to others, so that the world would be peaceful. The study of mind can be said to be the ultimate form of Confucianism, but unfortunately it has yet to be put into practice.

During the Warring States Period, what the monarch wanted was to enrich the country and strengthen the army, so Legalism came on the scene. It was effective and effective. As long as you follow the methods of Legalism, you can get results in a short time. So the reform was all the rage, and it was unparalleled. So the law gradually replaced the rituals. Even after the unification, Confucianism became the mainstream, but the rituals became weaker and weaker. There is no longer a universal set of rituals in the Central Plains. There are only customs and cultures of various places. When you go to your hometown, do as the Romans do. Only the law is universal throughout the country, but it does not stipulate the specifications or methods of sacrifices in various places.

This is also because people from other countries will be so united after going abroad, because they are polite, which can invisibly bring them together. There is no etiquette system in the Central Plains anymore. Everyone just needs to abide by the law. However, after going abroad, their system is too backward and law enforcement is not strict. They can only make up for it by the etiquette system.

When there are plenty of resources, no one needs to break the law. But with fewer resources and more crimes, etiquette becomes even more important. If there is a system of etiquette, you can hug together to keep warm. Without a system of etiquette, there are no rules for holding a group, and no one will obey anyone.

Etiquette is the unspoken rule that stipulates everyone's class status. Only when everyone has a higher or lower level can they know their rights and obligations and quickly enter their roles. There is no etiquette, just abiding by the law, which is definitely not possible in a country with a feudal system. In the enfeoffment system, each region had its own laws, and there was no way to unify them.

If laws are not unified in various places, then etiquette, as an unspoken rule, is not subject to geographical restrictions.

In a country with unified laws, etiquette hinders the law, so etiquette is suppressed and unification cannot be achieved. In countries where laws are not unified, etiquette is very important, and etiquette represents organizational power. There is no etiquette system, so we can only rely on the party branch.

Du Lan broke the etiquette, some people wanted to kill him, but some people cheered. After all, bullying occurs in schools, and there are many people who are bullied and scapegoated in the corporate world. They are fed up with this cannibalistic ethics.

Therefore, it is true that ethics can eat people, but in feudal countries, it is also the basis for all classes to unite.

"It's a pity that they still dare not stand up and confront directly." Duran said.

"It costs money to stand on a team, especially to stand with a challenger. The cost is even higher. Because once the challenger fails, they will also be unlucky. When the challenger wins, it will not be too late for them to add icing on the cake." Dinisha said: "Whoever wins, they help. They are just followers of the rules and cannot be the creators of the rules."

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