Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3216 Self-cultivation

During the shogunate era, the emperor was a puppet, the shogun was the highest authority, and then there were the daimyo of various vassals below. There were several families and kendo halls in the feudal kingdom to provide talents to the feudal lord.

Although the current kendo gyms are in decline, the way in which talents are transported from various places has not changed much. They are still controlled by families from various places. Recommended by major families, they provide tuition fees and send talents to the upper-level families to cultivate talents for their own factions. The first ones chosen must be the descendants of warriors, after all, they have advantages over ordinary people.

It seems that the "Abandoned Sword Order" has removed the identity of the samurai, but in fact the identity still exists. It's like Tianzhu has abolished caste in theory, but caste is everywhere.

Identity is something that has existed for thousands of years and is integrated into culture. Unless you really change your life, it is difficult to get rid of it.

Just like Ah Q, when he was Ah Q, the people would despise him and laugh at him, because if he was not recognized by the Zhao family, he was not a scholar-official. But when he is Zhao Gui, he is a member of the scholar-bureaucrat family, and the people will be afraid of him.

Scholar-officials existed for a thousand years from the Song Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. It is very difficult to enter the class of scholar-bureaucrats. You must first obtain an identity, that is, you must first attend a private school and be recognized by the teacher of the private school. Private school teachers are basically people with a good reputation, and they must be scholars no matter what. They are the gatekeepers of status. Without a recommendation from a private school, you cannot take the exam.

It doesn’t mean that you can take the imperial examination just by reading a few books at home.

This is just like taking a driver's license test. You must go to a driving school at the beginning. Without going to a driving school, it is impossible to take the test and get a driver's license. Then you can study by yourself at home, apply by yourself, and take exams by yourself.

When there is no need for scholar-official certification and all examinations are based on one's own performance, the monopoly of scholar-officials is also interrupted.

To break the monopoly of warriors and castes, we must also adopt this method, that is, identity certification is no longer required, but everyone strives at the same educational level, everyone participates in cramming education, and then takes exams.

Obviously the island country has not done this. They use happy education, public schools and private schools. If public schools want to enter college, they must participate in extracurricular tutoring classes and pay extra costs. Private schools still put status first and grades second, just like the kendo gym, they are the gatekeepers of class.

Identity is a very abstract concept. Just like Ah Q, since he is Zhao Gui, he is qualified for revolution. If he is not named Zhao, he is not even qualified for the spiritual victory method.

It still takes time for Hyuga Neji to understand the concept of identity. Fortunately, he is from a separate family and has been oppressed by the Zong family, so he can still empathize with the common people.

He knows the shortcomings of civilians, but he also knows the advantages of civilians. From his perspective, ordinary people are cunning and treacherous, always taking advantage of ninjas, always lying about the difficulty of tasks, and putting ninjas into crisis. But ordinary people also work very hard to live, and they still struggle to support production activities even if it is difficult.

Neji felt the same way as them, becoming cruel and cunning because of being oppressed.

"Not bad, not bad. It seems that you have understood. Then you must use this cruelty and cunning in the right place. It is not against people weaker than you. It is against people stronger than you." Du Lan said: "Many villains have made a mistake. They always deal with opponents who are weaker than themselves. This is definitely a big mistake. Even if these weak people oppose your ideas, there is no need to be angry. You just need to be yourself and lead and support As your people continue to develop, they will naturally change their minds. Although it will take a lot of time, you can only succeed if you let them resist from the heart."

This is the same as what Mencius said about human nature. People must be kind from the heart in order to receive kindness education. If there is no good or evil in the heart, then even kindness education will be rejected.

The reality is that people will only listen to what they want to hear, and will not look back until they hit the wall. There is no need to instill any ideas into such people. The more you instill, the more troublesome it will be. Only facts are the best education.

Although there will be a few people who ignore the facts and ignore the facts. But after all, those who don’t talk about facts are a minority, and most people still have to rely on facts to make a living. As long as the facts are irrefutable, they will naturally change.

"If they don't listen, don't worry about it. Just develop yourself. Development is the last word. You should always keep this in mind and do things that are in line with development."

Hyuga Neji said: Is this really villain education? Although Duran's attitude towards bullying the down-and-out warrior was indeed a villain at first, the more he learned, the less he felt like a villain.

Because most villains are cruel and cruel, killing without restraint, but the villain Duran talks about leads everyone to development and does not use violence against opponents. Instead, he speaks with facts and allows opponents to reflect on themselves. No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like the path of a villain, but rather, it looks like the path of a leader.

"Is this still a villain?" Hyuga Neji said: "Eliminate status differences, let everyone have a path to development, avoid class counterattacks, and establish a new system and culture. It feels like it is not the path of a villain at all. "

"By following this path, you are a villain in the eyes of samurai, an enemy in the eyes of ninjas, and a rebel in the eyes of scholar-bureaucrats. Isn't that enough of a villain? This is an act that subverts society. Isn't that what villains pursue?"

"I think what the villains are pursuing is not this, but those who obey me will prosper and those who go against me will perish. They hope that the whole world can obey the orders of one person and become the demon king who rules the world." Hyuga Neji said.

"But this kind of person also has his subordinates. In the eyes of his subordinates, such a villain is the same as a savior, right?" Duran said that bad guys also have their saviors.

"With different positions, good and bad are different?" Neci was a little complicated: "One is a hero and the other is an enemy? It seems that they are indeed villains."

"That's right, they are villains, and the kind of villains you mentioned that 'those who follow me will prosper and those who go against me will perish' will not last long at all. My training class does not produce short-lived and failed villains, but the kind that can achieve its goals." A successful villain. So the first thing you need to learn is self-denial, which is to control your own temperament and not go to extremes. You were very extreme before, and extremes mean that you have no choice, so you are prone to making mistakes and failing. So you must be benevolent, righteous, propriety, wisdom and trust. , loyalty, filial piety, integrity, bravery, gentleness, respect, thrift, and humiliation. Only in this way can we become a new era villain with ambition, means, stance, and responsibility. This is the self-cultivation of a villain."

"??" I always feel like something is wrong. He doesn't look like a villain. With so many virtues, is he still a villain?

"In short, after recognizing the enemy of identity, the next thing to do is to make changes around this point. We must give qualifications to everyone instead of monopolizing qualifications. When everyone is qualified, then there is equality. Now. The hidden power will come out. I will teach you what to do and how to develop your own power."

Shinpachi hid in the corner and listened, very dissatisfied. He felt that everything Dulan said was wrong. He still did not believe that there were bad people among the samurai. However, he could not deny what Dulan said. He could not deny that warriors were indeed different from ordinary people in terms of status. Warriors could do things that ordinary people were not qualified to do. This difference existed.

Samurai are sacred existences in Shinpachi's heart, but he must also face reality. Nothing in this world is perfect. Samurai are the shackles of this era, and there are bad people among samurai.

It's very troublesome when a certain image of a samurai collapses and becomes uncertain. Questions kept popping up, making Shinpachi very uncomfortable.

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