Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3241 Self-blame

After turning black, Kagura not only had a greatly increased combat power, but the weapons in her hands were also upgraded, from a sun umbrella that could only shoot bullets to an unpredictable Thousand-Jiju Umbrella.

Kagura still wants to dominate the world and become the queen. Of course, the main purpose is not to dominate the world, but to accumulate combat experience and develop the Yetu tradition in the process of dominating the world.

If you want to master power, you must be familiar with it, which requires enough fighting.

"Kagura, what's wrong with you?" Kagura couldn't understand the change in her daughter. Is she going to become a bad boy like her brother?

Kagura did not answer, but only issued a challenge to the strong men in the universe: "Listen to the strong men in the whole universe, come and participate in the 'Kagura Game' I organized, and fight to the death. Using the earth as the stage, fight to the death. Fight to the death, the loser will perish, the winner will be king, let us fight to our heart’s content, GO!”

Kagura set up the 'Kagura Game' and invited the strongest players from all over the universe to come to Earth to fight through live TV.

"It's all my fault." Gintoki covered his face and said, "It's all because I love "Dragon Ball" too much, which has also affected Kagura. Cell is indeed very handsome, and Super Saiyan Kakarot He was forced into a desperate situation with Vegeta and Trunks, and even killed Kakarot, and was finally defeated by Son Gohan's Super 2. The Cell game is indeed a very exciting chapter, But Cell is a villain after all, so you can't imitate him. In the end, he will end up with no bones left." He believes that Kagura was influenced by the comics and became bad. So he hid his face and cried because the comics he regarded as treasures had a negative impact, which compromised the noble image of the comics.

"Ah Yin, don't be sad. The Parents Committee is getting carried away. They will definitely blame all their children's education problems on comics, TV, consoles, computers, mobile phones, games, and novels." Shinpachi said that he cannot admit it at this time. It's the comics' fault because the parents will take advantage of the situation.

Children's education is the joint responsibility of parents and schools. If a child is really addicted to comic novels, computers and mobile phones, it is a failure of parents to supervise, not a problem of the manufacturers of entertainment products.

After all, the manufacturer produces it, not directly sells it to children. And even if there are no entertainment products, children can still play flip rope, skipping rope, shuttlecock, hopscotch, playing marbles, playing cards, chasing people with one leg, throwing sandbags and other games. As long as they are not supervised, they will still be addicted to them.

It is impossible for parents to eliminate all these games, so they still have to supervise themselves, instead of being irresponsible and throwing all the responsibilities to others.

Will entertainment products teach bad things to children? Definitely, but you can also teach your children well at the same time.

Just as Gaozi said, education is like a carving knife. In fact, it is not just education. Entertainment is also like a carving knife. When encountering a carving knife, you can accept it or reject it. Therefore, formal education can teach children bad things, let alone entertainment products, which will definitely have negative effects.

But if bad people appear, we cannot say that education is wrong. This is how people are, the same kind of money can support all kinds of people, and the same kind of education can also produce selfish people.

Of course, Mencius said that even if he only loves himself, he is not a bad person. If he can love himself, he can learn to love others. It must be that the education method is not suitable for him. If the general education methods are not suitable for him, then the parents should be more responsible. Therefore, the child's selfishness is mostly the fault of the parents, not the fault of entertainment products and education.

Gintoki said: "It's not the manga's fault, it's my fault. Father, it's my fault. I taught Kagura bad things."

Shinpachi saw how frustrated Gintoki was and was helpless.

Kamiko said, "My daughter, is she going to go astray?" He held the handle of his umbrella tightly. If his daughter goes astray, he must stop her.

"Father, do you want to challenge this queen?" Kagura narrowed her eyes and said to her father with concentration.

"I can't let you become the public enemy of the universe." Shenhuang said: "If you want to challenge the strongest people in the universe, you have to pass me first." As a father, he has to fight when facing his children who have made mistakes.

"Forget it, this is the curse of the Yatsura clan. Let me cut it off. I will break through the Yatsura bloodline and establish an orthodoxy!" Kagura said firmly. Challenging the strong is only a means, not an end. By challenging the strong, you will understand The skills of each race to become stronger, and then learn from each other's strengths, integrate them, and establish an orthodoxy that is unique to Ye Rabbit.

Bloodline depends on the ability of the ancestors. Orthodoxy depends on knowledge and one's own learning ability.

Ancestors are determined innately, so you can’t just change your ancestors for yourself. But the knowledge of learning can be changed, and learning ability can also be trained.

The Night Rabbit clan is called a fighting nation and has many ancient bad habits. One of these bad habits is to kill relatives in order to prove that they have the strongest bloodline.

This is similar to the Uchiha family. In order to become stronger, they have to kill their brothers to absorb the eye power and make the Sharingan even better.

Because Yetu respects blood, parricide is the best way to prove his strength in the blood. However, this method was too primitive, so Kagura decided to break it and establish a new orthodoxy.

She has a dream that night rabbits of different bloodlines can learn and progress together without having to kill each other. The power within the body will not go out of control, and everyone can firmly control the power whether consciously or unconsciously.

This is difficult, but Kagura must do it. Even if her father thinks she is a pregnant daughter, she must complete it. This is her darkening!

Kamiko wants to stop his daughter, but Hei Hua is three times stronger, and he is no match for his daughter now.

Let the war begin!

The two Night Rabbits rushed towards each other in unison, and the father and daughter chose different paths. The father wants to protect the family and does not want his daughter to take risks. But Kagura wants to open up hope for the entire Yatsura clan, so that she can better protect her father and brother.



Both of them moved very fast, dragging the afterimages with lightning speed, so fast that even Gintoki couldn't keep up.

"Is Kagura so powerful?" Shinpachi knew that Kagura was a fighting nation, but he didn't expect to be so strong. If she had remained like this, Gintoki would not be able to take action against the enemies she encountered before.

Kagura is under a lot of pressure and he has worked very hard, but Kagura's combat power has obviously increased a lot.

"This is the result of my training in the Spiritual Time Room." Kagura said.

Gintoki said that if he stopped talking about "Dragon Ball", he would blame himself even more.

"Blackening is three times stronger, whitewashing is three times weaker." Duran appeared next to Gintoki: "In the spiritual time room, Kagura has deeply realized that if you want to break through the bloodline, you cannot escape, you can only face difficulties. And go up to create the Taoist tradition. She is very smart and strong, and is a very good student."

"It's you?!" Seeing Duran, Gintoki basically guessed why Kagura had such a huge change.

"It's me, the teacher of the Villain Academy, who has been focusing on darkening for a hundred years." Dulan smiled: "Do you long for power? Have you ever regretted that you were unable to protect the person you wanted to protect? Have you ever regretted it because of a dilemma? Despair and regret? Have you ever regretted what you lost? Do you have a partner that you must protect with your life? If so, don't hesitate to buy the blackening package immediately, and you can immediately master three times the power."

Gintoki said that he didn't need power, but this guy's words were indeed very confusing. A young and ignorant girl like Kagura can easily be deceived. It seems that he has to give Duran a try: "I do have these regrets, but life is made up of regrets. When I get older, , these regrets will make my life more fulfilling." Pulled out of Lake Toya, pointed at Dulan and said: "Those who avoid regrets are my enemies!"

Duran smiled: "Is this your samurai way? Then try to burn your sugar and fight with me." He accepted Gintoki's challenge without hesitation.

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