Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3250 Economy

Kabukicho is an amusement park for the rich and a ladder for the poor. There are countless poor boys and girls from the countryside here who are eager to get rich overnight, meet rich people, and change their life experiences from then on.

This place is full of pornography, gambling and drugs, with unimaginable splendor and wealth, and also unimaginable crimes.

In Peacock Princess's casino, people lose their lives every day. The tragedy that happened repeatedly in "Gambling Apocalypse" happens every day. A gambler keeps trying to make a comeback, but in the end he loses everything, including his body. They all lost to the casino, and in the end they could only be sold to aliens as slaves.

There are also gamblers who want to make money in casinos by cheating. If they are caught, they will become money-making tools for the casino.

In addition to the casino, there are also escort hotels that employ a large number of young girls, a transvestite hotel with a large number of transvestites, and a cowherd hotel with a large number of cowherds. Of course, there are also Toshi Izakayas that are incompatible with these fancy places.

With so many forces, it is natural that there are organizations that arbitrate, resolve conflicts, provide intermediaries, or provide protection for these forces. That is the evil forces. The largest evil force in Kabukicho is the "Mizu Rat Group". This organization has many subordinates. , controls a large number of industries and has become an indispensable force in Kabukicho.

But Kabukicho is not the only place for consumption. Consumption here is still mainly on the sidelines. At least on the surface, everyone's business is legal. Kabukicho's competitor, Yoshiwara Togengo, is not just a sideshow, but a real illegal business.

Yoshihara Taoyuan Township is located in a huge closed dock. It was originally the earliest dock built after the invasion of heavenly beings. It was later abandoned and occupied by the Haruyu Pirates. It was transformed into a crime street. Here, the largest number of The shop is a brothel, where countless men and women sink, and eventually become walking zombies, losing their life and youth, and finally become like garbage and linger on, with no future at all.

Here, as long as you have money, you can do whatever you want, without legal constraints or moral constraints. You can trample on the dignity of others wantonly and enjoy the ultimate release.

Because it is in a closed dock and the huge ceiling has been closed for more than ten years, Yoshihara Taoyuan Township is like night 24 hours a day. As soon as people enter it, they forget the time and their responsibilities outside.

Night King Fengxian is the controller of Yoshihara Taoyuan Township. As a member of the Night Rabbit clan, this space where the sun does not see the sun all year round is very suitable for him.

The lights are bright, the traffic is busy, and the streets are full of people. Both sides of the street are full of fireworks and prostitutes, wearing beautiful kimonos to cover up their sinful bodies, and using their seductive eyes to attract customers.

"No man can walk from the street to the end of the street with a normal expression. This place is incomparable to Kabukicho. This is the real paradise on earth."

When men come to Yoshiwara Taoyuan Township, they understand everything and they definitely hope to enjoy it. Of course, the highest level of consumption here is definitely not something that ordinary men can enjoy, but it is still possible to stand on the street and look up at the most beautiful courtesan in Taoyuan Township. It does not cost money. Although you can’t see clearly, an courtean is an courtean, and her temperament alone is not that of other women. comparable.

Just by looking at it from a distance, one feels that life is complete. If you can have a drink with the oiran, you will die without regrets. However, if you want to drink with the oiran, you need more than just money, because the oiran's sun wheel is the private collection of Fengxian.

In this place full of wine, sex and wealth, there is a boy who thinks he is the son of the oiran. In order to meet the oiran face to face, he embarks on the road of sneaking and stealing. Meeting the oiran is very expensive, even stealing requires a lot of money. It takes many years to save enough money.

Of course, although Taoyuan Township is very profitable, it is definitely not enough to run the Space Pirates, and it is just a drop in the bucket.

When pirates have their own source of funds, they can become princes. Fengxian is like this. He has strength, territory, income, and his own armed forces. He can be said to control the politics, economy, military, and personnel of Taoyuan Township. He is the warlord of Taoyuan Township, and he also loves to answer the orders of the pirate group. Ignore it, it's a good thing and a bad thing.

"Tsk tsk, Kabukicho and Yoshihara Togengo? In terms of GDP, Kabukicho has more. After all, it is a legal business. Although there are some side effects, it can attract more customers. Yoshihara Togengo is all illegal business, although it is a huge profit. , but the cost of maintenance is also high." Dulan said that the economic foundation determines the superstructure, and it still depends on the economy. From an economic point of view, Fengxian's rule is on the verge of collapse.

Taoyuan Township does make money, but after making money, a large amount of money is spent on purchasing goods from outside. As a result, the staff of Taoyuan Township have no chance to get ahead, and there is no money left for everyone to develop.

"What envelopes Taoyuan Township is not the canopy of the dock, but a life with no future. Without the economy, everyone can only eat the food of youth, and then be abandoned. There is no original accumulation at all, and there is no way to make money to change themselves. Work. One day in Taoyuan Township, always in Taoyuan Township, this is the biggest problem of Taoyuan Township, just like a pool of stagnant water." Dulan calculated the economy, Taoyuan Township has no future at all.

Kabukicho is different. Kabukicho continues to attract new talents, new funds, and new customers, so there is hope for the future. Although this hope is very narrow, it does exist. Kabukicho's economic growth is the best There is evidence that these economic growth points can allow a few poor warriors to rise again. For example, Shinpachi recovered from a dessert shop clerk and became a samurai with many connections.

Duran said that Yoshihara Togen Township needs economic reform from illegal business to legal business.

The illegal business looks good, but in fact the demand is very small, and there is no production in the process, making it difficult to expand. So it seems that illegal business is very strong, but in fact illegal business is the weakest.

If illegal business is really strong, then all the smart people in the world will do it, but in fact only a few smart people who are not reused will do illegal business. As a supplement to legal business, the main body is still legal business. Illegal business can only satisfy the interests of a few people and is destined to fail to grow.

So after defeating Fengxian, Taoyuan Township made reforms and switched to legal business. Unfortunately, the overall situation was average. After all, legal business is not that easy to do, so there are only a few women who are willing to do good things to do legal business, and the rest continue to do so. Illegal business.

Those who do legal business only open small shops to raise offspring, hoping that their children can become samurai.

Even if Qin destroyed the six kingdoms, they were all the remnants of the Sixth Generation. It was the six generations of Qin kings who worked hard to accumulate family property and lay a solid foundation, let alone ordinary people.

If ordinary people can accumulate capital through hard work for six generations and study hard, they can basically become a scholarly family and live well. So it is okay to place our hopes on future generations. The premise is that the qualification boundaries of a samurai must be broken first. If this is not changed, you will not be allowed to work hard. Commoners are not qualified to work hard. They just have to work hard all their lives. Only those who have the status of a warrior are qualified to work hard.

Therefore, the samurai is the lock of identity. Only with the identity of a samurai can you be qualified for the scroll.

To roll or not to roll is a choice. But only samurai have this choice, ordinary people are not qualified to roll with samurai.

You can choose not to roll, but you cannot lose the right to roll. To maintain the power of rolls, one must constantly remove rolls. It's so contradictory and complicated.

Why did the samurai launch a war against the barbarians? Just to defend his right to roll.

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