The military wanted to establish a force of superpowers, but Captain Super turned into Magneto. This is something the military never expected. They rebel when they have the ability. What the hell is this?

Duran said that this is normal. It is abnormal for all super-powered people to be heroes in Walter Company. Super-powered people must have different ideas. There will always be people who think that they should establish their own rules and think that there is no need for super-powered people to obey ordinary people. Human beings, society should have people with superpowers calling the shots.

Magneto always fails though, so let's see how good Captain Super is.

Super Captain gave a passionate speech directly on the TV station, saying: "Dear superpowers, we should not obey the orders of ordinary people who are ignorant and backward. They are selfish and only plan for their own interests. Superpowers Investors should build a perfect utopia instead of falling in this mortal world. Look at this world, plagues, wars, famines, and climate deterioration are all mistakes caused by mortals. The sky is wailing, the earth is mourning, heaven and earth They are all waiting for our superpowers to save them! I, Super Captain, call on all the superpowers in the world today to rise up, forge ahead, establish our rules, and save the world from the quagmire!"

Super Captain directly declares that all the problems in the world are caused by mortals, and that they, the superpowers, can do better.

Such words were very seductive, so many superpowers gathered around the super captain. People with superpowers want to establish their own norms, occupy a piece of land, and build their own systems.

Duran watched the whole show and knew that it was basically impossible for Super Captain to succeed. Because they not only face external pressure, but also internal disagreements.

"Super Captain wants to create a society composed entirely of citizens. This has been tested before." Duran knew that it would be okay at first, but as time went on, fierce conflicts would arise. Because a society with only citizens will also split into free people.

Nobles, citizens, freedmen, and slaves, citizens hope to build an utopia. There are no aristocrats, freedmen, and slaves, but only a society of citizens, which is a utopia and an utopia.

This is not just a novel, many people have practiced it. Finding a closed place may work fine at first, but not after that.

There are many novels, such as "Lord of the Flies", in which a group of children are equal at first, but then quickly become divided. For example, "Animal Farm" also tells the story of the animals driving away the owner of the farm, and then there is a brief period of equality, and then rapid differentiation.

In fact, they all want to establish a complete civil society, but the result is even more brutal than the original society. Citizens quickly split into nobles, citizens, freedmen, and slaves.

Why? Of course, this is because this is how Western society operates. It cannot function solely on citizens. Citizens are only one part of society. They always ignore the role of nobles, free people, and slaves. I always feel that I can do it myself, but the result is that there are differences of opinion, no one is convinced by the other, and in the end I can only use violence to speak.

Are all citizens equal? In fact, citizens are also divided into old, weak, sick and disabled, and they also have different IQs and various differences.

There are also real-life experiments. A rich man once established a gated community. It was good at first, but it soon collapsed. It was good at first because the rich had money, but when the rich ran out of money, conflicts kept popping up.

Can a society be supported by people with superpowers alone? Duran is not optimistic. Whether it is fiction or reality, once social resources are insufficient, civil society will immediately collapse.

"When encountering a resource crisis, the Western habit is for nobles and citizens to pool resources to suppress freedmen and slaves in order to survive the crisis." Duran said that nobles and citizens would transfer the risk to freedmen and slaves, and every time It’s all like this, and it was like this from the beginning of ancient Rome: “Even though citizenship rights were decentralized in the last century, free people have not disappeared. There are two parties, the supporters of the ruling party are citizens, and the supporters of the opposition party are free people.”

Of course, in the ancient Roman era, free people could become citizens. After the Marius Reform, free people could become citizens through war.

The Roman dream is when a person serves in the army for many years, acquires land and slaves, and then retires to enjoy his old age or participate in politics.

So there are often stories like this in Western movies, where a veteran is bullied and then takes revenge. The veteran is a citizen, and the gangsters who bully him are basically free people. Then the veteran beats the free people violently, which is very relaxing to watch. They will not reflect on why the living environment of veterans is so poor, and why freedmen break the law and commit crimes. There is no need to reflect. This is how the division of labor in society is.

Citizens have equal obligations and rights, and they can enjoy it wherever they go. Free citizens have many obligations but few rights. If they don't commit crimes, they can join the army. Anyway, they are violent activities.

Of course, there are also some veterans who will be bullied by citizens. This is the case of old people bullying newcomers. The veterans may have just been upgraded from freemen to freemen and have not yet become accustomed to the rules of citizenship. The senior citizen gave him a blow, but was killed in return. The new citizen beat up the old citizen, which was quite satisfying to watch.

Citizenship is all about seniority. If your parents are citizens, you will be a citizen at birth. Either join the army and bleed and sweat, and then come back and kneel before the ancestral halls of Western citizens.

This is actually the scholar-officials of the Central Plains. How to become a scholar-official? Either their parents were scholar-bureaucrats, or they took part in the imperial examinations, gained fame, and kowtowed in front of the emperor.

The difference is that scholar-bureaucrats have a clear system, with detailed official positions, clear scope of work, and ways of assessment and supervision. The citizens are in chaos. They seem to be equal, but in fact, the criteria for qualifications, appearance, and origin are similar to those of retainers in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. When everyone gets together, there is no distribution. They just recommend themselves when something happens, or the aristocrats are discerning. When they don't encounter anything, they eat, drink, watch gladiatorial games, enter the bathhouse, and participate in elections.

Citizens have a citizens' assembly and can fight for treatment from the aristocratic Senate.

The expenses of ancient Roman citizens were not small. Anyone who dared to cut expenses was the enemy of the citizens and an evil and evil monarch. Nero said it was dry.

This can also be seen why the West always improves welfare benefits, because whoever reduces expenditures will not get support and will become a fool. Therefore, no matter which political party it is, it guarantees citizens improved treatment.

"There is no such thing as the unkindness of heaven and earth and the unkindness of all things, and the unkindness of saints and the common people. Citizens want special treatment, but the emperor doesn't give it? He is an evil king." Du Lan said that this is in line with Yongzheng's principle of "one body should serve and one body should receive food" Similarly, Yongzheng was a wise king when he treated the scholar-bureaucrats. Once he started asking the scholar-bureaucrats to serve as errands and pay food, Yongzheng would be unforgivable.

In short, Duran is not optimistic about people with super powers establishing their own rules, but since he wants to establish one, let's build it and see if it can be supported for a few months.

Many people with super powers gathered together to follow the super captain. The super captain did not arrange work, but allocated houses and food to the visitors, and then let them live freely. They can develop hobbies and enjoy their time comfortably.

There's just one problem, food won't grow on the shelves, and there won't always be enough in the house. When we need more houses and more food, who will farm, build, and produce?

There are two options. One is for citizens to use their skills and go to war to grab it. One is to separate the free people, let the free people produce, and maintain a small number of citizens to continue to enjoy life.

In just two months, Super Captain's resources were stretched thin. Moreover, at this time, the surrounding landowners and gentry also built high walls and were ready to defend against robbery. They also hired superheroes as bodyguards.

The story of Magneto is about to happen again.

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