Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3386 Darkening

Watt Corporation went through bankruptcy reorganization and performed wealth disappearance techniques. The assets are still there, but the valuation is gone. The capital with several times leverage is gone, gone, just like magic.

This is the wealth disappearing technique of capitalism.

A ten-dollar item was blown into a thousand. When everything returned to ten dollars, nine hundred and ninety of them disappeared, as if they had never existed.

It will definitely not be a loss for the shareholders of Watt Company. Watt Company's assets are also very popular, and everyone is willing to take over it. If you take it for ten yuan, it will continue to rise in the future without losing money.

The company's employees are anxiously waiting for new shareholders and new plans.

At the same time, the headshot girl decided to participate in the election and wanted to become president. Even if she could not become president, she would also become vice president.

As a hard-liner on superheroes, her style is well-supported by voters. Because now many people are worried about superheroes running amok and hope someone can suppress superheroes.

Coupled with the financial support of the president, the support rate of the headshot girl has been rising.

Her election strategy is to manage superheroes and protect everyone's safety.

The loss of 34 people out of 100 is really terrible. 300 million people in a country are not enough to cause the disaster of superheroes.

"Superheroes are reduced to shouting and killing overnight." Duran said that the reputation of superheroes has been completely turned upside down, and everyone realizes that nothing can restrain superheroes.

"So Vought's strategy at the beginning was right. It's best for a superhero to have a personality and just participate in some publicity activities. The fewer things that actually fight criminals, the better. Because even superheroes have to do more. , the more mistakes you make." Merv said seriously.

Bess said: "Unfortunately, even if they don't fight crime, people with superpowers usually have private lives, and the chaos in their private lives is getting worse and worse. If you ask me, I still lack exercise, and I still don't have enough field control and self-control abilities. These things are not innate." Yes, it needs training.”

"It's a pity that superheroes are idol stars. Even if idols work for eight hours, they will make a fuss. If they have a slight wound, the whole society will sympathize. It is impossible to train themselves harshly." Merv said disappointedly: "They just A bunch of giant babies.”

Bess was silent. It was indeed true. It would be strange if everyone could restrain themselves, but many people could not restrain themselves.

Duran said: "In short, under the current situation, superheroes will definitely be shaken. What you have to do is to maintain stability as much as possible. Also, pay attention to rest. Don't be unable to complete your work because of fatigue. If you make mistakes due to It only takes three things to cause casualties, so be prepared to replace someone the third time."

Instead of prescribing 34 percent attrition, Tulan gave them three chances. You can make three mistakes and replace them after three times.

Superheroes are not gods, there will definitely be casualties, and they should be given the opportunity to make mistakes, but Duran's method is different from that of Walt.

Walter Company is blindly conniving, and the loss has increased from a few percent to 34%, which is terrible. Duran uses a deduction system similar to the points on a driver's license. You have three chances a year and it ends when you use them up.

If there is no opportunity to make mistakes, the Saints will be timid and may not be willing to take action when opportunities arise. Because they will also worry that they will make mistakes and lose their status as saints.

If you have worries about your future, you won’t be able to give your best. So Duran allowed them to make mistakes, but he only had three opportunities a year, neither letting the Saints restrain their hands, nor letting them be unscrupulous.

The performance of Saint Seiya is quite good, because there is an elimination mechanism, and if you don't do well, you will be replaced. There are also a steady stream of selectors undergoing training, eyeing the position of the Saints with eager eyes.

At this time, there are more and more superheroes from other companies, and these heroes are performing very well, because many of them are young heroes who are full of beautiful expectations for the future, so they want to create a beautiful new world and work hard to help Everyone.

It just doesn't take much time for them to see another side of society and realize that no matter what they do, some things and some people will never change.

There are people who make trouble, people who break the law, people who bully others, and people who are ruthless. There are even people who are forced into desperation by social rules.

Because society is not perfect, there will be conflicts that cannot be resolved. Superheroes can easily encounter this kind of problem. When the time comes, it becomes a trolley problem between a bad choice and a worse choice. They need to make their own choices, and some young heroes who are not determined will collapse. , will become blackened, and will think that 'it's not me that's wrong, but the world'.

During the trolley problem, no matter what choice I made, I would be scolded and would be under tremendous pressure. This is the inevitable result of practice. The more anyone practices, the more they will be scolded. You will encounter that you are wholeheartedly serving everyone, but no one understands you, and the whole world is against you, and the result will be dark.

Therefore, darkening is also an inevitable result, and young heroes will feel unwarranted malice.

Therefore, having superpowers will make the world more complex and chaotic. It is definitely not a good thing for ordinary people, because no one wants to be eating hot pot and singing songs and suddenly be in crisis.

"Practitioners must bear the burden and move forward." Dulan wanted to see if the young hero could hold on.

Obviously some can hold up and some can't.

People who can't stand it will think that all problems lie with human beings, and it would be fine as long as there are no human beings. Human beings are the root of the problem, solving human beings will solve all problems.

"Human nature is too evil and greedy." The blackened hero came to a conclusion.

Dulan said that it was indeed human nature that took the blame again. Regardless of the greed and evil in human nature, it can also come in handy when survival is in crisis. The evil of human nature also has advantages and disadvantages. In many situations, you have to rely on the evil of human nature to get through difficulties. If you only rely on the kindness of human nature, you will be finished.

Besides, no matter how evil human nature is, when practicing, we must also look at the objective environment and whether there is room for evil to be implemented.

Wanting to do something and being able to do it are two different things. The most human nature is to want to do something. Being able to do it is not something you have the final say on. It also depends on other environments, whether there is social support, whether there are rules to assist, or even whether there are Productivity matching.

This is also the main reason why Wang Yangming's theory of mind is not popular in the Central Plains, because Wang Yangming said that the heart is the most important and the laws of heaven are secondary. Because the heart decides whether to abide by the laws of heaven. If the heart refuses, it will be useless even if there are laws of heaven. You don’t have to follow the laws of heaven. Only by accepting it from the heart can the principles of heaven be implemented.

But the question is, if you accept it in your heart, will you definitely succeed? No, in practice we still have to rely on natural principles and comply with objective laws.

Wang Yangming emphasizes the heart, which makes sense to a certain extent, but once action is taken, the heart cannot make the decision and can only be involved in the rules of the game.

You can make choices in your heart. For example, if you don't abide by the law, some people think that the law is something designed by others to restrain them. If they don't want to be restrained, they have to break the law. However, whether you can successfully implement illegal activities does not matter what you say in your heart, it depends on the objective situation.

You decide in your heart whether to do something or not, but whether you do something or not and achieve success depends on heaven's decision, and mental studies cannot help.

Regardless of the theory of good nature or evil nature, the final implementation still depends on the actual situation, and education needs to be emphasized. Only discussing good and evil without improving the social environment is just empty talk.

But if the young hero wants to find a reason for social chaos, human nature is the easiest to find. If we look for real problems, there are too many issues such as blood, religion, class, etc. to think about at all.

Human nature is simple and can be blamed for anything. Issues such as blood, religion, class, etc. cannot be solved at all. Since ancient times, young heroes have limited abilities and it is much easier to destroy the world than to solve social problems.

As long as the world is destroyed and humans become extinct, social problems will disappear. Human beings are the carrier of problems. Solving human beings solves the problems.

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