There are many social freedoms in the country of American imperialism, and each social freedom only recognizes itself and not others, because if it recognizes others, its own social freedom cannot be maintained.

Why can't it be sustained? The reason is the same as the landlords and old rich are unwilling to develop. Once it develops, the rules will be broken and variables will appear.

The same is true for social freedom. Once others are recognized, members will have new demands, and managers cannot satisfy them.

In short, you must never admit that others are free.

"The current situation reminds me of a story. In the story, everyone has a wishing elf. In the first stage, everyone realizes all kinds of weird wishes by making wishes. In the second stage, there is a super power war. The old order collapses and the new one comes true. To establish order, force must be used. The third stage is when everyone makes a fuss about the wish itself, begins to specialize in the loopholes of the wish, or snatches other people's wishes for their own use. In fact, the wish itself becomes a resource. The last stage is when everyone maintains a subtle Balance, until time flies, time flies, and everyone becomes accustomed to the new world." Duran feels that the collapse of etiquette and joy experienced in "Eight Billion Elves" is also in line with the current development of the world.

The story is that when the earth's population reached eight billion, elves who could grant any wish appeared. Everyone has a wish. Then a series of stories unfold around people and desires.

What happens when everyone gets their wish granted? The story is divided into three stages, one is the absurd wish, the second is the battle of superpowers, and the third is the struggle for wish resources.

In fact, it is the destruction of the old order, the establishment of the new order, and the struggle between the new order.

Why is it ridiculous? It is absurd from the perspective of the old rules and order, but it is not absurd from the perspective of the new world, but the prelude to the new world.

It's like when Liu Bang saw the First Emperor's motorcade, he just said, "This is what a man should do," but he didn't say: I will establish the Han Dynasty in seven years.

Although the story of "8 Billion Elves" is very exciting, it is a short story after all and does not extend to the use and development of new things in the new world. It mainly focuses on the description of people and shows various people through wishes.

It talks about how people should face the world, the immaturity of children, the helplessness of parents, the pressure of middle-aged people, the open-mindedness of the elderly, and the inability to satisfy human desires.

The story goes that the human heart is like a bucket with a hole in the bottom, it can never be full.

Duran does not believe that the human heart is like a bottomless bucket, but believes that people's dissatisfaction is caused by the current situation. Any status quo can cause dissatisfaction. Regardless of poverty or wealth, health or disease, no one is 100% satisfied with the status quo. Everyone believes that changing the status quo can make themselves better.

But according to the endogeneity of contradictions, the opposition and unity of contradictions, the result is a siege mentality. People in the city want to get out, and people outside the city want to get in, but they are not satisfied.

The final wish of "Eight Billion Elves" is for everyone to be able to 'love' and 'be loved', and to 'love' and 'be loved' in the way they want.

The comic ends here, but Duran knows the endogeneity of contradictions, and the new world will soon be full of dissatisfaction, because the status quo is the biggest problem.

"What would happen if you made a wish?" Dulan told the black-robed pickets the story of the wish-making elf and asked them how they would make a wish.

"Maybe I can resurrect my girlfriend." Huey's wish is very common in "Eight Billion Elves", resurrecting the dead. Such resurrectors are called Cannian.

"I will kill the people of my motherland and restore everything to ten years ago." The butcher said.

Others are also thinking about what they would do if they had the wish. They might make up for their regrets or gain superpowers.

"What about you?" Everyone looked at Duran.

Dulan said: "I would probably wish to have the learning ability to understand all new knowledge, new worlds, new rules, and new knowledge. As long as you have the ability to learn, you will not be eliminated."

"You only think about yourself," the butcher mocked.

"It is right to love yourself first before loving others." Duran said: "The problem is that many people only go so far as to love themselves and cannot love others, and become unkind people. With knowledge, I can spread knowledge , allowing more people to adapt to the new world.”

Huey said: "Fortunately, there is no wishing elf. If there is, then many people will definitely wish for the death of their enemies. If the butcher wants to kill the people of the motherland, the people of the motherland will definitely want to kill their enemies. It depends on who they are. The speed is faster.”

If there are elves, the first thing is the chain of suspicion. Enemies must kill each other as soon as possible, otherwise they may be killed by each other.

Of course there are no elves in the world, but one thing is the same, that is the confrontation between new rules and old rules.

Whether it is the rules of super soldiers or the rules of people representing the motherland, they have affected the old rules.

Fortunately for the people of the motherland, he is actually a union of super-powered citizens and nobles to suppress the free people. The rules of this game are inherited from ancient Rome and are highly accepted by everyone.

The super soldier has repeatedly hit the wall. He wants to unite super-powered citizens to fight against nobles and free people, which is not in line with Western thinking.

Even the proletarian idea of ​​uniting citizens and free people is unpopular in the West and no one is willing to accept it.

Why should citizens unite with free people? What can freemen give to citizens?

Starting from Rome, the Senate and the Citizens' Assembly were the cornerstones of society, and free people were oppressed.

The system and culture of every civilization have inertia, so the practices of the motherland are more acceptable to everyone. But there will definitely still be a confrontation between super citizens and mortal citizens.

The noble said that this was good. No matter which citizen won, he was still a noble.

Super citizens put ordinary citizens under great pressure, and they must fight.

Duran knew that in the future, either aristocrats and super-powered citizens would dominate, with mortal citizens reduced to free citizens; or super-powered people would replace aristocrats and cooperate with mortal citizens. These two scenarios are the most likely.

They are still aristocrats, citizens, and free people, making a fuss about aristocrats and citizens. Either superpowers will replace citizens, or they will replace aristocrats.

There is no option for superpowers to unite citizens and free people to fight against the aristocracy. This would become a class revolution.

Class revolution is about eliminating classes, and most superpowers don't want to eliminate classes. They just want the king's flag to change on the city wall.

Now the butcher has entered the body of the soldier boy. With this body, he will fight the motherland for three hundred rounds.

"Soldier boys alone may not be able to defeat the motherland. I suggest you find some helpers, such as the War Queen. After all, the War Queen is also against the motherland." Duran suggested that they find more helpers.

The Butcher thought of the Gravity Avengers, because they were also the mortal enemies of the motherland.

The people of the motherland do not know that the enemy is coming, and they are still counting their money. After making money, he also has to pay wages to the team. He is also very stingy, because there are so many places to spend money, and people ask for money every day.

Spend money on this and spend money on that. Now that the people of the motherland are in charge, they know that firewood, rice, oil and salt are very expensive, so they are becoming more and more stingy. However, he still couldn't do without the team, which made him very helpless.

In the past, people in the motherland didn’t have to think about salary issues, they just needed to participate in activities, but now it’s not easy to manage their own money.

Making money is not easy, and rich people commit suicide every day. Because they bought insurance and knew that the people of the motherland would come to save them, some rich people went crazy for extreme sports.

There are also some rich people who play music every night, but after being squeezed dry, they still need the motherland to take them to the hospital.

The people of the motherland feel that they are not bodyguards, but nannies, working exhaustingly. But he couldn't let them die, he had to protect them, otherwise his black material would be exposed and the society would die.

I'm so tired, I'm exhausted.

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