The funeral of the locomotive became a battlefield. A group of extreme discriminators rushed into the funeral and started killing. Anyway, anyone not wearing a white robe is an enemy, kill!

Fortunately, there were a few powerful heroes at the funeral to cover the retreat of the incompetent people. However, the battle is not favorable to them. After all, the enemies are numerous and equipped with advanced equipment.

Deep Sea chose to stand by and watch, seeing that Maeve and the others couldn't defeat Kwank.

"Deep Sea?" Maeve hoped Deep Sea would help, but he didn't take action.

Maeve knows that Deep Sea is no longer a member of the Super Seven, but a member of the religion. She only listens to religious arrangements, and her heart is really broken.

They have already contacted the Saint Seiya, and they just hope that the Saint Seiya can arrive in time.

As soon as he said it, three golden rays of light came to the battlefield first and stood in the middle of the battlefield.

Sank was shocked when he saw the Golden Saint appear on the stage. After all, the Saint was famous. But now they couldn't stop. They only heard the leader shout: "We also have super powers. Anyone who resists us will be killed without mercy."

The reason why the Ku Klux Klan is so brutal is actually the same as the Nazis in World War II. It is to tell everyone why life is so difficult? It’s all because others took away our jobs and our resources, so follow me now and get back everything you’ve lost.

If life was getting better, they wouldn't do anything. But if you can no longer live your life, you must give it a try and grab resources for yourself.

The black people who came to attend the funeral of the locomotive had good living conditions and were the perfect targets for robbery.

Facing the Saints, the leader also hopes that everyone should not be afraid and must fight.

The Saint Seiya didn't let them get used to it, he just shot at the speed of light. All martial arts in the world are invincible, only speed can't be broken. Knock the enemy to the ground directly, but do not kill them, but hand them over to the law.

But it was very unhappy for the guests at the scene, because the current law would not punish these people at all. Everyone was very angry and surrounded them.

"Why didn't the Iron Saints come over? These guys deserve death!"

The Saint looked at the excited crowd and felt helpless. It seemed that he had prevented the crime, but in the end he still offended others. The guests didn’t buy justice delayed.

The Ku Klux Klan killed many guests. Originally it was only the funeral of the locomotive, but now there are more than 20 funerals of other people. None of this should have happened.

Someone lifted the enemy's hood and found that a teenager inside was one of the four gangsters who originally attacked the community and one of the people who beat up the locomotive.

Obviously the law did not find him guilty, but released him and then participated in another murder case.

"Kill them." The people who lost their loved ones were angry and they wanted revenge.

Xingguang watched all this helplessly. When she came from the countryside to the city, she was obviously just thinking about eradicating evil, but as a result, everything turned out to make her helpless. Superheroes are not heroes, judicial procedures are not judicial, everything in this world is chaotic, and there is no justice or order at all.

Starlight learned in the countryside that good and evil will eventually be rewarded, but when she came to the big city, she realized that everything she had learned before was wrong.

In fact, that's right. In rural areas where everyone is an acquaintance, interpersonal relationships are relatively simple, and simple values ​​​​will suffice. But when you come to a big city, where people from all over the world with different customs, values, and religious beliefs gather together, it becomes impossible to deal with it using simple values. In big cities, you must learn to think outside the box, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with complex interpersonal relationships.

As for the dark side that Starlight saw, it has always existed, but she could choose not to see it before, but she had to face it after becoming a hero. Of course, her performance is good, she has not become black, and she still sticks to her true feelings like a small town girl.

"Everyone calm down," the Saint said.

"They killed so many people, how can we calm down? And there are people inside who have attacked us before. The court will not find them guilty. We can only trust the weapons in our hands."

"I want to avenge my father."

"I want to avenge my sister!"

Everyone surrounded them with righteous indignation, and the Saints couldn't stop them.

"You will also become murderers."

"This world has long been in trouble. If I don't kill people, people will kill me. Just kill me!" The residents also turned red in the face and stopped caring.

"Everyone, calm down." Queen Maeve doesn't want it to become a game where everyone kills each other, and it becomes a civil war: "We are all compatriots of the same country, don't let this happen."

"They don't see us as fellow citizens at all."

The Ku Klux Klan people also roared angrily: "Whoever is a compatriot with them, all people of color are enemies."

Duran knew that it was impossible for white people to unite without a foreign enemy. Because after they defeated religion, they did not establish a unified ideology and returned to the age of looking at blood.

Although white people look the same, their bloodlines are very complicated and they cannot be united at all. So there needs to be an enemy, and people of color are that enemy.

This is just like Duke Huan of Qi's policy of respecting the king and rejecting the barbarians. How can he unite the people of Zhou? At that time, the rites and music had begun to collapse, and Emperor Zhou's strength was already very weak. Although we are all Zhou people, Zhou people are also divided into many countries. How can we unite everyone?

Find an enemy. The Eastern Yi, the Southern Barbarians, the Western Rong and the Beidi are all enemies. The Zhou people should unite to fight against the barbarians.

The same is true for the Ku Klux Klan. How can we unite everyone? Against people of color.

There is no way, there is no unified thinking. In the past, people who believed in God could unite, but the Puritans all interpreted their own God differently, and they could not unite at all.

Now there is no longer just one God. He can believe in anything, but God can unite only a limited number of people.

So we still have to fight off the barbarians, and we still have to find an enemy.

Why unite? I have a stake in uniting. How the benefits come from is either to rob the enemy or distribute them internally. Religion has its own internal distribution, and if you resist the foreigners, you can only rob the enemy.

It is easy to conquer the world, but it is difficult to dominate the world. It is easy to rob the enemy's interests, but difficult to distribute your own interests.

Religion can exist if it can distribute its own benefits. In fact, the same is true for the nobility. Although they are oppressive, they can also form internal distribution to ensure that everyone does not starve to death.

However, the Three Ks obviously cannot form internal distribution, so they must exclude people of color and rob them of their interests.

Both sides glared at each other. In fact, don’t black people need an enemy? After all, they have no unifying ideology, no set of distributions that covers everyone.

Therefore, the more hostile the two sides are, the more united they are internally.

Shouting and killing is inevitable. Of course, it is unlikely that a civil war will occur in the United States because no one can unite the race to engage in civil war. Most civil wars between regions and regions.

The differences in customs and habits of different regions are far greater than the differences between races. In the same area, no matter what the color of the skin, the information received is the same, and the habits developed are also similar, so it is easier to form the same force.

It is difficult to unite people from different regions and with the same skin color.

This is also the reason why feudal armies are all organized by fellow soldiers. The soldiers are basically from the same area. Because of this arrangement, they have strong combat effectiveness. Gathering people from all over the world into one army would make it difficult to form combat effectiveness in a feudal society. Therefore, an army is composed entirely of fellow soldiers. In this way, everyone is familiar with a set of customs and habits, and it is easy to unite into strength.

Therefore, civil wars in regions and regions are easy to occur, while racial and ethnic groups are at best conflicts and cannot rise to the level of civil war.

The Saint is caught in a dilemma between black and white. He can only take away the criminals first to avoid conflicts.

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