In troubled times, there was the land enclosure movement. Landlords and gentry annexed land, built fortresses, and then waited for the arrival of the next era. The era of fortresses might last a hundred or two hundred years.

At this time, enemies from the north and south will continue to invade, leading to further intensification of chaos. In the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, the reason why the Five Husbands disrupted China was actually because of the disunity within the Jin Dynasty. All the clans closed themselves off and built a large number of fortresses without caring about others. In this case, it is natural to take advantage of the situation.

In Temujin's era, Xixia, Jin, Liao and Song fought back and forth, and in the end Temujin reaped the benefits. Of course, the Yuan Dynasty was also internally unstable later on, and was picked up by Zhu Yuanzhang. There is also a situation where Europe becomes a pot of porridge, and in the end the US emperor laughs and picks the fruits.

Once everyone is on their own, the strength of a fortress is not enough to defeat foreign enemies. This is naturally the best time for foreign enemies to invade.

But it is impossible to unite people during a crisis. After all, the crisis itself is caused by disunity. If we can unite to deal with the crisis, the crisis will not be a crisis.

It is because we cannot unite that a crisis is a crisis.

Even if they knew Temujin's threat, Xixia, Liao, Jin, and Song still had to fight back and forth. There was no way. There was no money to fight against Temujin, but there was money to fight against others. Countries are under great pressure internally, so they know that the most dangerous person is Temujin, but Temujin is a distant enemy, and lack of money is the enemy in front of them.

As a result, they fought back and forth, failed to get the money, and their energy continued to weaken. Finally, Temujin killed him.

History has always been like this. No matter how powerful a force is, once the people's hearts are dispersed, it will experience shock. No country can avoid it, and if it can experience shocks, its cohesion will naturally increase.

Of course, most civilizations cannot experience shocks, and they will be scattered all over after a shock. But that’s fine, everything comes to life once a whale falls.

After Alexander's death, the country split into several factions. After Temujin's death, the country was divided into several khanates. In ancient Rome, East and West stood side by side, and then East and West Rome continued to divide. As soon as the sun never sets on the Empire, more than sixty countries suddenly increased to two hundred countries.

When a whale falls and all things are born, if a behemoth dies unable to withstand the shock, a large number of new forces will naturally be born.

So what is shock? That is, when social resources are extremely low and social conflicts are extremely high, can everyone find a way to tide over the difficulties? That is, whether it can bottom out and rebound, and whether it can have the ability to revive. Can you reunite the team that has been separated and become great again?

Dulan looked at the fortresses built one after another and said that even superpowers could not unite everyone: "Sure enough, we still owe too much money. The money earned by superpowers is not enough to repay the interest, and financial leverage is terrible."

An item worth ten yuan was blown up to ten thousand yuan. When the truth was revealed, the situation was not sustainable at all.

"Asset capitalization is to find a way to sell something worth ten yuan for a hundred yuan. At first, it is through plundering and making up the price difference. Then it starts to use industrial production to process things worth ten yuan into one hundred yuan. Finally, through finance Leverage, blow things into pieces worth a hundred dollars. Industrial production is the way to sustainable development. Use technology to break down things worth ten dollars, reprocess them, and turn them into new commodities to meet new needs." Duran is very fond of it. Supporting industry to promote productivity, it is a pity that the old industrial countries ended up playing finance.

Dulan believes that it is not that they are stupid, but that they have nothing to do. The old empires are all about capital enfeoffment, and they must pay attention to control. Enfeoffment has limits and cannot continue to expand, otherwise it will be easily shaken.

It's like Emperor Zhou couldn't control it once he divided too many confederations. So enfeoffment is okay, but it must be controllable.

Keren's control is definitely limited, and so is the control of a country. After all, the comprehensive strength of a country is the sum of its labor force and resource transformation capabilities. The population is limited, the factories are limited, and the area under control is also limited.

Moreover, control costs will continue to increase.

To maintain control, financialization is necessary. Industrialization makes things worth ten dollars become one hundred dollars, but the maintenance cost is already one thousand. Then we can only financialize it, blowing things worth ten yuan into ten thousand to pay for the cost of one thousand.

In fact, this is an overdraft. If someone takes over, it's fine. If no one takes over, it's just borrowing money to pay for the cost. And the more you borrow money, the harder it is to let others know that you have no money, otherwise you will have to pay back the money.

In order to maintain their status within the altar, they had to do this. If they didn't do this, they would have collapsed long ago. Therefore, the financial institutions of the empire can be said to be the saviors. Without them, industry alone would not be able to maintain its position on the altar.

The operating costs were too high, and the money earned by the industry could not cover it. In the end, the money earned by the industry was not enough to cover a fraction of the cost. In the financial age, costs have remained high. The money earned from industry can only pay interest and cannot return the principal at all.

Therefore, even if a black technology like Potion No. 5 is developed, the money earned is far from enough to cover the operating costs.

"So control is two-way. Small countries are controlled, but big countries also pay the cost." Dulan said that control is indeed easy to use, but the cost is not low. No one has enough money to control others forever.

Using financial leverage is an inevitable choice for control, otherwise you won’t have so much money.

The small country knew it was being controlled, so why didn't it resist? Of course it's because I have money. The nobles of a small country have made money through trade, but they also have to face a choice. Should they use the money to develop the country and shake their status, or should they invest the money to make more money for themselves?

That definitely means making more money for yourself and not investing it. So small countries send money to the financial leverage of big countries, and if they are lucky, they can make a lot of money. Of course, there are risks in investment, and there will definitely be losses. Loss does not matter, just pass the cost on to the people in the country, and then curse the evil of the mysterious big country in the East.

A mysterious country expressed its intention to lay down its guns. We can't criticize the US emperor, because we still hope to continue to make money, so we can only criticize a country that has a different system from our own and has little to do with it.

The nobles of small countries send the money they earn to the US empire to play with leverage. This is why the financial game of the US empire can continue. However, the cost of financial games will still get higher and higher, because the US emperor needs to maintain the appearance of being invincible in the world, so that people can believe that its finance is invincible, and everyone can have confidence. But being invincible requires controlling the world, and the cost will definitely remain high.

"Making money is just the beginning. After making money, how to choose the money is a big problem. No one wants the money to depreciate, so the money must be speculated, invested, or annexed and transformed into assets. It is impossible to invest because investment If this goes on, the status of the nobility may be shaken. Speculation is a good choice, and annexing land is inevitable." How to keep your money from depreciating is a problem that wealthy people have faced since ancient times.

Investment is definitely not the best choice, because if you invest in new industries, new aristocrats may emerge at any time to replace the old aristocrats, and they will certainly not be so stupid.

Speculation is a good choice, not to mention land annexation. There are profits and losses in speculation, and land rises and falls. However, if the speculation fails, it will not shake its dominant position. The price of land will fall, but land is the foundation of everything, and there is no problem in preserving capital.

Since there is a demand for speculation, there is naturally a market for financial leverage, from Lu Buwei's speculative support of Ying Zheng's father, to the tulip bubble, and later to financial leverage. Speculative markets never disappear.

As for the annexation of land, all funds have become land. Although money is circulating in society, inflation will become more and more serious because the output of the land has not changed and resources have not increased.

What has real social value is investment in infrastructure, education, factories, medical care, etc. to cultivate more labor and improve resource conversion capabilities.

Then there is no need to control the world, because you can't control it, just do trade safely.

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