Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3432 Prepare for war and famine

The president also has a goddaughter. He feels that he does not have enough time, so he can only place his hopes of surpassing the nobility on his goddaughter. Although I am not willing to do so, I am old and unable to do what I want.

"Every time I gamble my life, I don't know when I will die. It's time to prepare for my death." The president also knows that troubled times are coming, and it is getting more and more chaotic. In the past, he was really lucky, and he didn't die every step of the way. But now he feels that his luck may run out at any time, and he should really prepare for a retreat.

He wants his daughter to get the support of Superman, hoping that her daughter can come up with a way to become super-powerful, so that she can gain a firm foothold in the new era. I don’t have time to rely on myself alone, so I can only rely on my daughter.

So the president handed over all the information he compiled to his daughter.

The headshot girl was also surprised after reading the information. She didn't expect that the president was already prepared and was already preparing the way to super power. Use superpowers as the backbone to manage the world and establish a social contract between superpowers? How difficult and farsighted is this?

It was a good idea, but the headshot girl said it couldn't be done. After all, even if she supports it, others don't have to listen. Why should everyone listen to themselves?

Although she understands the CEO's hard work and knows that this is the general trend, the headshot girl feels that she can't do it, in every sense of the word. I am not qualified to propose a superpower method.

It is indeed difficult to do. The rise of warriors and knights is inseparable from the injection of external energy. On the one hand, the warriors suppressed the nobles, and on the other hand, they also brought development, because the warrior family of Ping Zhongsheng monopolized the trade of the Song Dynasty. The knights are even simpler, just grab them during the Crusade and that's it.

If it can bring development, everyone will be willing to accept their bushido and chivalry.

Therefore, if Headshot Girl can lead superpowers to find the direction of development, whether it is monopolizing trade or expanding interests, she can further implement the way of superpowers.

In fact, distribution relationships, social contracts, and supervision standards are all similar, and they are all inseparable from the spirit of loyalty, benevolence, courage, and enterprising spirit. This is true for ordinary people, and it is the same for people with superpowers.

Samurai, knights, scholar-bureaucrats, and gentlemen are all the same.

So why should everyone listen to girls with headshots? Of course because she can bring benefits. The samurai family monopolized trade between Song and Japan and could make money, so everyone listened. Knights can gain benefits from the Crusades, and everyone is willing to accept them. Gentlemen can extract profits from the New World or develop profits through industry. Naturally, everyone is willing to be a gentleman.

Scholar-officials can suppress the nobility and open the way to the imperial examination, and everyone will naturally accept scholar-officials.

Who can bring development to society will naturally make the decision.

Therefore, it is easy to promote super powers and bring development to society.

But the headshot girl didn't know what to do specifically. Although the president sent information, the information was just theory and she didn't know how to put it into practice.

In fact, it means to resume production, resume trade, and develop, and gradually the superpowers can be spread.

The headshot girl has no clue, and the CEO's solution is not to resume production and trade, but to win over Superman. Use superhuman strength to promote the way of superpowers.

From the headshot girl's point of view, this doesn't work at all. Superman won't support them at all. After all, she is a criminal who has killed countless people, and she is also a free citizen with a fake identity. If Superman discovers the secret, it will be over. Deep down in her heart, she still believed that she and the CEO were just humble free citizens, not citizens at all. They are not qualified to point fingers, they can pretend to be citizens and they are already doing very well.

The president wants to move forward, but my daughter thinks it’s okay to keep things going. There were differences between father and daughter, so the CEO's information was shelved.

Dulan said that this is the difference between people. There are differences between father and daughter, let alone strangers? He actually thinks that the president's super powers are good, but wooing Superman is a bit taken for granted.

"Actually, there are many other ways, and trade is good." Duran said that there are so many ways in history, and you can just use any one. Why hang yourself on the Superman tree?

Superman is indeed eye-catching, but that doesn’t mean it has to be Superman.

"First make money, slowly establish a management system, then expand, and manage the places you conquer well. In this way, you will become stronger and stronger, and finally unifying the country will not be a dream." Dulan said that this is the way to fight for hegemony, not what to pursue. The ultimate decisive weapon.

Fight it down and grab a wave, it's very simple. But down the road, managing it well is very difficult and time-consuming, and requires enough patience.

Du Lan feels that the advantages of the headshot girl are good. After all, she has a legitimate claim and is quite popular. It will definitely be good if it is converted into production. But the other party has no ambitions and just wants to maintain the status quo.

The CEO was very disappointed. Although the headshot girl was not related to him by blood, he had high hopes, but this is the result? I have such a good plan, but my daughter doesn't implement it at all. It's really helpless.

I am very sad and lonely. I feel like no one in the world understands me. The CEO drowns his sorrow in drinking.

At this time, the strength of the traditional aristocrats is reflected. They study history and know how history will develop. They even study Marxism-Leninism, dialectics, and Capital. They know that no one can do anything to anyone among the fortresses. Because everyone has similar strengths and levels, a balance is maintained.

At this time, no one can eat anyone else. If a war is forced to start, it is likely that the snipe and the clam will fight each other and the fisherman will gain. Therefore, we cannot fight. If we want to expand, we need new power to break the balance.

New technology counts as one. If a certain castle invents a new technology and increases its combat effectiveness, it can be expanded. The new system also counts, as it can mobilize more personnel, improve efficiency, and expand. Earning money through trade also counts, and of course if you have new territory, it also counts.

Why did the Spring and Autumn Period enter the Warring States Period? It is because Qin, Chu, Qi and Zhao all expanded externally and their strength surpassed the traditional vassal states. Without the emergence of new systems, new territories, and new technologies, it would be difficult to break the balance. Once they do, the balance will be broken.

In short, the old aristocrats are familiar with history and know the necessity of new power, and they seek new power without any grudges. Superman is one of them, but not the only one. There are other options.

Some nobles proposed the idea of ​​​​focusing on agriculture first, and then developing trade. They planned to work steadily and develop in more than ten years.

Of course, if you have ideas, you must be able to implement them. Preparing for war and famine is very hard work, and everyone may not be willing to endure hardship. So when you come up with ideas, you also need to be able to implement them.

Don't be afraid of rewards and punishments, as long as they are rewarded enough. Some nobles proposed ideas that could not be implemented, while others opened up channels for advancement, increased rewards, began to prepare for war, prepare for shortages, and improve their own strength.

"So fighting for hegemony is actually quite boring." Dulan knew that sometimes fighting for hegemony just means working hard, without any bells and whistles.

It’s really tiring to prepare for war and famine, but it’s impossible not to do it.

Soon trade began to take place, and people with superpowers became the mainstream of trade all over the world. No matter how dangerous the road was, even if there were pirates and bandits, they would go.

Only by going there can you gain benefits, become the mainstay of society, and promote the way of superpowers.

The president and his daughter are wasting time, and other fortresses will not waste time. Drinking and standing still count as time. If they don't roll, they're just waiting to be eliminated.

If a high-level executive like the president is eliminated, he may lose his life.

Duran knew that the next step was a stalemate, which was not interesting. Would he like to recruit some more heroes? For example, the Pharaoh in "Watchmen", for the sake of so-called peace, creates a common enemy for all mankind, allowing mankind to unite against Dr. Manhattan to maintain peace.

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