Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3513: Beat chicken blood

The original person disappeared, and the crisis of mankind was temporarily relieved.

"Here you go." Duran handed the game controller to Mark: "I leave this photosynthesis armor to you."

Mark said: "My hand speed is not enough, so I'd better choose to wear it."

"Whatever you want." This is Mark's choice, and Duran will not interfere.

After defeating the original man and signing a contract with the White Heart Emperor, mankind has a short respite and can work hard to adjust the lighthouse and integrate its power.

However, many people now suffer from depression, lack of motivation, and cognitive impairment. Just like primitive people, they don't know whether they will have a tomorrow or whether the sun will rise again.

What if the sun doesn't come out? For primitive man, this was a deep fear. If you look at primitive people from a modern perspective, you will find them funny. How could the sun not come out?

But the primitive people who had just accumulated experience were unable to determine whether the sun would rise in the east and set in the west in the next tens of thousands of years. They would be very hesitant and unable to generate power.

The end is like sunset. The sun has set, so everyone wonders if it will rise again? If the sun rises, how much time will it take? If the sun never rises again, then they sink in darkness.

Everyone wants to know if the apocalypse will end? If it can end, when will it end? If the apocalypse never ends, then no matter what the survivors do, it means nothing, because their efforts will ultimately be in vain.

Hong Kou and others urgently need to answer a question, can the apocalypse end? Although it has experienced victory after victory, Mana Ecology is the real enemy. As long as the Mana ecosystem exists, powerful enemies will appear one after another.

Many people believe that the Mana ecosystem will never get better. Human beings are worthless no matter how many times they win. They will die as long as they lose once.

"Why should everyone live for victory?" Dulan's small radio station started class again.

"If not for victory, what else?" Everyone said that what Downey said is that everyone works hard for victory, because everyone only listens to the words of the winners and not the words of the losers.

"Why not live for failure?" Duran continued.

"What is this?" No one knows what it means to live for failure.

Duran said: "Those strong people in history actually didn't know that they would succeed. They did things without knowing whether they could succeed. If they succeed, they will naturally be famous throughout the ages. If they fail, no one will remember the losers at all." Because of historical records, everyone has the illusion that heroes in history knew in advance that they would succeed, so they lost time. But in fact, they did not know that they would succeed, and they might also fail, so they were Start practicing under uncertainty, and you will eventually become a hero if you succeed, and you will be forgotten if you fail." "But first of all, you must realize that a hero does not determine success first and then take action. Instead, he takes action first, and then works hard to adjust himself to success. . Just like if you want to get into college, you may succeed or fail. Then you must study hard, make up for your weaknesses, lay a good foundation, improve your grades, and finally get into college. Rather than saying that I am sure that I can get into it first. , No matter how hard you try, if you know in advance that you won’t pass, you won’t work hard.”

Duran told everyone that success and failure are superimposed. It is not that you predict the future first and then succeed. Rather, practice first, work hard to open the way to success, never let up for a moment, and work hard to avoid failure.

After hearing this, everyone thought it made sense, but only some people accepted it, while others did not.

"The Doomsday is so powerful and humans are so weak, they simply cannot succeed." They determined that humans would definitely fail and the sun would never rise again.

"Even if you fail, you have to move forward." Duran said: "It can even be said that you shouldn't work hard for success, but you should work hard even if you know you will fail. This is called doing something even if you know you can't do it."

Many heroes in history did something they knew they couldn't do. In the end, they didn't completely succeed, but they were not considered failures.

For example, Zhou Gong, Confucius, Shang Yang, etc., their theories were all swimming against the current. They didn't know whether they could succeed because they had no previous experience and were completely groping in the dark.

Duke Zhou's Zhou Rites challenged religion and clan, and wanted more people to join in. They don't know whether they can succeed. The previous king of Shang Zhou has failed. Whether Zhou Li can succeed is also uncertain.

Confucius's self-denial and restoration of rituals put forward various educational ideas. In an era when rituals were collapsing, he didn't know whether he could succeed. Facts have also proved that Confucius failed and became a lost dog. However, later on, Confucius's status became higher and higher.

The same was true for Shang Yang. Qin State did need reforms at that time, but it is unknown whether Shang Yang's reforms would really make Qin strong, and it is unknown whether the reforms would be successful. It's like a hungry person in urgent need of food, but the food handed over by Shang Yang is likely to be allergic food. If a rejection reaction occurs, not only will he not be able to eat enough, but he will die of allergies before starving to death.

History has proved that Duke Zhou succeeded, but Duke Zhou himself did not know it. He was walking on thin ice in the chaotic era at that time.

Confucius believed that he was a lost dog, a loser, and was not reused. He has not achieved his ideal in his life, but he has been working hard all his life.

Shang Yang's reform took ten years to be considered a success, from a large number of people's opposition to a large number of support. But in the end Shang Yang committed suicide and was torn apart by a chariot. His reform was successful, but he personally failed. But at first he didn't know he could make the change.

No one knows whether the future will be success or failure. It may succeed, it may fail, it may be half successful and half failed. But just because you don’t know, doesn’t mean you won’t do it.

Even if you know you will fail, you still have to do it. Only by doing it can you succeed. Only by doing it can you attract supporters. Although Confucius failed, he attracted a large number of students and laid the foundation for his success thousands of years later.

Doing something without knowing what cannot be done means doing it even though you know you may fail, and try hard to succeed. In fact, it emphasizes the importance of practice and inspires everyone's confidence.

Don’t work hard for success, but work hard knowing you will fail.

Of course, it is too difficult for ordinary people. Everyone wants to be a winner. After all, success comes from success and failure. No one wants to be a loser or a stepping stone.

However, Dulan doesn’t want to inspire everyone, just some people can accept it.

"It's like many young people stare at the rich second generation every day and feel that they can't compare to them in their lifetime, so they want to lie down." Dinisha said: "Isn't it?"

Dulan nodded, thinking through all his negative thoughts, and said: "The second generation of rich people will definitely not be able to catch up. After all, it was decided when they were born that they will be the richest generation. The goal of young people should not be the second generation of rich people." , but should be the rich generation. Staring at the rich second generation, they can only blame their parents in the end. Most people's vision is very limited. They only focus on victory and the rich second generation, but they don't want to work hard and don't want to know that they can't do it. Do it for the sake of it. Of course, you can’t blame them. After all, most people don’t dare to gamble their lives. They only have one life. But as long as a small number of people can wake up.”

Dinisha also thinks so. It only takes a few people to awaken, but most people are destined to be corporals.

The superiors hear the Tao and practice it diligently; the sergeants hear the Tao and live or die; the corporals laugh when they hear the Tao.

Tao does not mean success, it is just a possibility, just a route. The sergeant will work hard when he hears it. When the sergeant heard this, he could only rely on the path opened by the sergeant and worry about gains and losses. The corporal would only laugh when he saw it, because Tao may fail, but as long as he does not fail, he will not fail, and he can still laugh at those losers.

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