Duran designed the meeting between Fierce and Tiger. Under the hazy moonlight, in the swaying bonfire, with mottled moon shadow and rustling night wind, it can be said to be both romantic and beautiful, ethereal and dangerous.

The Moonlight Tiger's fur shone in the moonlight, and its eyes shone like stars in the sky, although there were no stars in the sky yet. The tiger's aura and spirit completely conquered the fierceness. The tiger was really too strong and mighty for the fragile Beyin people.

Although he was scared, Ji was still reluctant to look away, but this action seemed to anger the tiger. His bloody mouth opened instantly, and the roar echoed through the forest, and even the bonfire bent towards the tiger.

Ji Ye's heart stopped suddenly. It turned out that this thing was the noise maker from the past few days, and it might be the culprit who attacked the goat. Ji came back to his senses and had a lot of thoughts in his mind.

However, Ji did not dare to move at all and could only watch helplessly as the tiger walked towards him step by step. It was so domineering that even the night wind took a detour, surrounded by the tiger's fishy wind.

The smell of blood made Ji even more certain that the animal in front of him was the murderer, "Did you kill those white hairs?" Because he didn't know what the goats were called, he called them white hairs.

The tiger obviously wouldn't answer. It just continued as before, looking fiercely at him as if judging whether it was delicious or not.

He was afraid, but he believed that the murderer should be punished: "The king will punish you."

What responded was a shadow, and Ji felt a sharp pain in his chest, as if he was being burned by fire. The tiger's claws opened the chest cavity of the tiger and pressed the tiger to the ground. The thick flesh pads almost broke all the tiger's ribs.

"Oh God." When has Ji ever encountered such a terrifying animal? In God's paradise there are only hard-working bees. Blood foam blurted out as he shouted, he was seriously injured.

But the tiger obviously didn't want to eat him, its target was the poor goat. He took a big bite, broke the goat's neck, and then feasted in front of the fierce one.

Is this what you have done before? Killing is so disgusting. Seeing the goat being eaten by the tiger made the tiger feel sick. Thinking that he had done what Tiger did, Ji felt even more regretful.

But Xi was more angry than regretful, because the tiger was tearing the goat's flesh and devouring its internal organs, right in front of Xi, and he could do nothing but watch the goat's helpless eyes gradually lose their luster.

He was furious, but Xiu was seriously injured. He couldn't make any movement at all. He couldn't save the goat.

Before the separation of life and death, Xiu was prepared to depend on the goat for life, because he was an exiled murderer and the goat was the last survivor of their clan. But now there is a separation between yin and yang. Death, Ji knows what this means, it is gone and will never be seen again.

Ah ah, the throat has already made a sound, and the anger is getting stronger and stronger, but the magic power in the fierce body obviously cannot fight and can only be used to hang one's life.

So until Tiger left with disdain, Ji didn't make any reaction. At this time, unwillingness and humiliation had completely occupied his heart.

Ji vowed that he must kill the ferocious beast, because he was also a murderer, so he called the tiger a ferocious beast. The inspired magic power, the will to survive, and the rage for revenge made Xi's body begin to recover, but tears could not stop flowing from the corners of his eyes.

After lying in bed for three days and nights, and having shed all his tears, Ji finally felt his limbs, and he wanted to live.

This day it was the turn of Dulan's new arrangement, two naughty monkeys, who had to teach the villain how to fight through actions. It looks like play, but it has a hidden meaning.

Ji didn't pay much attention at first, but these two monkeys kept running around in front of him all day long, and he was finally attracted to them.

"This is too deliberate. Two monkeys are acting recklessly in front of him without eating or drinking. If he hadn't been naive, other people would have known that these were not ordinary monkeys." Mikasa gave her father's arrangement a bad review.

Dulan said: "Anyway, he doesn't even know a monkey, so your bad review is invalid. If I am happy, I can just arrange two hippos to dance in front of him."


Du Lan ignored his daughter's negative comments, but he didn't know that as his design deepened, his daughters' interest in play was also aroused. They were also eager to try, and they might rush down to become the little mastermind behind the scenes at any time.

After watching for two days, I finally discovered that these two weird things seemed to be performing a very advanced ritual. So after relying on magic to repair his body and burying his first friend, the goat, Ji watched the monkey's movements every day, but still couldn't understand what these movements were for.

Until one day, he found that the monkey was missing. He was afraid that it would be eaten by a tiger again, so he went to look for it, only to find that the monkey was fighting with a hungry wolf by the lake.

The monkey used that ritual movement, and it turned out that it was used for fighting. Monkeys can defeat wolves, so if Xiuxiang learns this ritual, can he defeat tigers?

Ji immediately began to imitate, practicing day and night. And Tiger was completely offline.

As the practice progressed, Ji actually felt that his magic power could operate during the ritual, making his fists become like fire.

Because Monkey's boxing technique is a magic fist that circulates magic power, Duran specially designed it for the Beyin people. Now only Ji and Saber are sitting down in the Twenty-Four Knights. However, Saber's knights are all academics and have basically never fought, while Ji has to face different dangers at any time and has a higher fighting ability.

Revenge, revenge for Baimao.

Duran has goosebumps. Although he knows that this is because the people of Beiyin are simple and honest, it is too easy for people who always like to think wildly to think wrongly, not to mention that there are still Welsh people on the earth, Duran's original hometown. See more Dulan would be confused if he heard such weird news.

Seeing how desperate he was for a goat, this guy couldn't be an ancestor of the Welsh people, right? It can only be said that the Beyin people do not consider themselves to be the masters of the world, nor do they claim to be the spirits of all things. Fierce considers the goat to be his equal and friend. When his friend was killed, Jiu had only one thought in his heart: revenge. He must kill that terrible beast.

Finally, after the whole winter, Ji thought he had practiced enough. Standing in front of the goat's grave, Ji vowed to kill the tiger and bring its body to the scene.

God and King Arthur, please forgive me, Xi prayed. He already knew that killing was wrong, but he still couldn't help but have the strong desire to kill the tiger.

The wind is rustling and the water is cold. The strong man is gone and never returns. He explores the tiger's den and enters the dragon's palace. He looks up to the sky and exhales into a white rainbow. Fierce people have the courage and determination to move forward, and will be benevolent if they don't succeed.

Ji didn't stop searching for the tiger for half a year. Now he probably knew that the tiger was wandering in the southeast of the forest, away from Bei Yinguo, so he headed southeast.

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