Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 884 Obligations

In the third grade, the little wizards have basically understood the wizarding world, so there will be more elective courses for students to choose from, and there will also be more opportunities to contact different wizards outside. It can be said that the third grade is the entire student life of a wizard. turning point.

Students will be exposed to more choices and novelties.

For the Boy Who Lived, he was not happy. He did not get the signature from the parents who went to Hogsmeade, which meant that he still could not see a pure wizarding village. At the same time, the elective courses were not very interesting, especially the divination class. The startled divination professor said that he saw omens of death in him, which made Harry upset. Coupled with what happened before the start of school, I always feel that I am enveloped in misfortune.

Ron was also unhappy because his pet was missing, which prevented him from testing many spells and even unable to complete his homework successfully.

As for Grant, she was very relaxed. She didn't have the learning talent of Hermione, so she didn't need the time-resetting prop. She just needs to prepare the tails of Duran and Ron.

No one used the time-resetting prop. Even Hermione, the good girl who was loved by Professor McGonagall, did not want to take all the courses. She just chose a few elective courses that she was curious about and spent the rest of the time with Luna. Reading Wizards' activities, they recruited two new people, both Hufflepuff schoolgirls.

The content of Reading Wizard has also become richer, not only reading diaries, but also some travel notes. After communicating with classmates from wizarding families, Hermione discovered that even children from wizarding families had not been to as many places as she had. That's right, Hermione has been to almost every wizard's village in Europe because of Robin, and has learned a lot of strange things that wizards don't know about. With Luna's encouragement, Hermione decided to write down her own travel diary.

Travel notes are much more interesting than reading notes, and the readership of "Reading Wizard" is increasing rapidly. Sure enough, reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles; what you read on paper will eventually make you feel shallow, but you will definitely know that you must practice it.

"Senior Hermione, haven't you noticed that your cat is always reading?" The senior girl found that Crookshanks had been looking through the books they borrowed from the library.

"How could it be? I just happened to be flipping through a book. You should know that cats are active animals." Hermione didn't think her big yellow cat could read.

Crookshanks also meowed twice in cooperation to show how he knew how to read, then turned his eyes back and continued reading. It's not easy to be a smart cat, and it's even harder when your thoughts are more active than your actions.

The school girl thought that she was overthinking it, so she continued to write her thoughts after reading it, so that next time her article would be published in the newspaper.

"Professor Duran, I'm looking for you." Professor McGonagall stopped Duran.

"Professor, how may I serve you?"

"It has been a year since you joined our big family. I think you are used to it, so you should shoulder the school's obligations." In fact, it is some things that need to be done by professors in the school, such as supervising students and arranging activities, etc. , There are not many professors in the school, but there are many things to do. It is also good to have multiple helpers.

Last semester, everyone thought that Duran was an ordinary Muggle who might not be able to adapt to the wizarding world, so he was not given a job. But this year, everyone will not be fooled again. Professors must fulfill their obligations.

"Okay, do you want me to be responsible for patrolling at night? No problem."

"Dulan, you must pay attention. You must know that the atmosphere of uneasiness in the school is already very serious, so I hope you will not create pressure on any college like last semester."

"Okay." It was boring to bully children all the time, so Dulan didn't think of continuing.

"I hope you can do it, and be careful of dementors. Although they can't enter the school, I'm worried that those creatures won't be so obedient." Professor McGonagall said worriedly.

"No problem, I'll be careful."

Finally, he had a job, and Du Lan thought he was too idle. Night patrol means walking around the castle, mainly around the student dormitories, to ensure the safety of the dormitories.

Holding a lantern, Duran was patrolling the quiet corridor when he suddenly heard a sound behind him. When he turned around, he couldn't see anyone, but Duran still found the other person, because the person who made the sound was not a person, but a big gray mouse.

It was Ron's pet rat Scabbers, scurrying around the corner. It was very uneasy because Sirius had escaped from prison. He had to change his hiding place almost every night. He was indeed very cunning.

After leaving the castle, he went to patrol outside the castle and met Hagrid, who was also patrolling at night. He was mainly responsible for the surroundings of the castle and the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest.

"I haven't had time to say congratulations to you yet. Congratulations on your promotion to professor."

Hagrid was still a little shy: "My first class is the day after tomorrow. I'm a little worried about whether I can do well in it." "I don't know whether I can be a good professor."

"It'll be okay, you're good at magical creatures." Duran thought of the biting book that Hagrid asked the students to buy.

"That's right. By the way, how is Norbert?" Hagrid missed the dragon he hatched.

"She is very good. She has endless sheep every day. The optional menu also includes pork, beef, deer and horses of various flavors."

"Sheep are very good. Dragons like to eat sheep. Of course, there are a few dragons who like to eat fish, such as hornets. They will fish at sea." "In ancient times, it was said that wizards would tame hornets to hunt whales." Ge was obviously still thinking about Long: "Do you have time? I have something good to show you."

Of course there is time.

Hagrid was going to introduce the hippogriff to Duran: "You are a unique Muggle who likes magical creatures. You know, sometimes I think you are a smaller version of me, because we have the same hobbies." .”

"Thank you for your compliment." Hagrid is not a bad person, just a little reckless.

After arriving at Hagrid's hut, Hagrid solemnly introduced the heroic magical beast to Duran: "My friend, the brave griffin and the bloodline of BMW, the protagonist of the day after tomorrow's class - the Hippogriff."

"Not bad, I think the kids will like it, even if it's a bit fierce."

"Vicious? No, the Hippogriff is a very friendly animal, as long as you respect it enough." Hagrid defended it. Dulan's words were more serious than directly attacking Hagrid himself: "Although it has sharp points, It has a beak and sharp claws, but it is still a friendly and gentle creature that will become a loyal friend to students."

But Duran knew that Hagrid would mess up, because not all little wizards know what respect means. But who made Hagrid like ferocious beasts? He hoped that his students would like them too.

If it were Duran, Duran would definitely choose a unicorn, an animal that is harmless to humans and animals, because the animal world also values ​​appearance, and the success rate would be higher if it were a panda. Also an endangered species, pandas are deeply loved by people all over the world, while some more cherished animals are ignored because they are not beautiful. The panda has even become the spokesperson animal of the World Wildlife Fund, a representative of cherished animals around the world, because pandas are cute, and cuteness represents influence, and cuteness represents justice.

Obviously the Hippogriff's appearance and cuteness cannot be relied upon, and naturally it is not fair enough.

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