Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 953 Hand of Light

It is not an easy task to investigate Arthur Company, which is even more mysterious than myself. Saber is a mysterious person who has never been seen before, and is even less exposed than Duran. But everyone knows that her relationship with Dulan is unusual, so we can start investigating from Dulan's perspective. And why are the people who were attacked by Trinity last time still alive?

This is obviously not normal. According to the situation at the time, they should have been directly hit by the particle beam and had no possibility of survival.

Many doctors and reporters asked them relevant questions, but the people who attended the wedding had no memory at all. They only remembered that when Gundam appeared, they had no memory at all about the battle between Unit 2 and Trinity.

The Tianren Organization is now investigating Arthur Company, Dulan's background, and the whole incident of Unit 2 from multiple aspects. It would be best if they could also find the pilot of Unit 2.

Louise, the flying No. 2 pilot, disappeared after the war.

Setsuna recognizes Louise as his neighbor in the Japanese SEZ. Setsuna will be arranged to enter normal society during his free time to prevent him from being disconnected from the public because he is still young.

So Setsuna had seen his young neighbor come back with Louise. Maybe that man knew where Louise was now.

Setsuna returned to Japan SEZ alone, returned to her rental house, and stood at the door of her neighbor. To be honest, Setsuna has never taken the initiative to contact her neighbors.

But the mission is more important than anything else, knock on the door.

Sha Ci opened the door, looking a little haggard, but he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Setsuna was there: "Suna, what can you do?"

Observe, firstly, Shaci should be in school now, secondly, Shaci's expression is very abnormal now, and thirdly, he has long golden hair on his clothes.

Snapped! Setsuna immediately confirmed that there was a blond woman in Shaci's family, and Louise was blond.

Without waiting for Sha Ci's invitation, he pushed open the door and walked in without even changing his shoes, ignoring Sha Ci's stop behind him. Because they are in the same building, the room layout is exactly the same as Setsuna's room.

Pushing the door open, I found Louise sleeping peacefully in the guest room.

Sha Ci chased after him, pushed aside Shu Mo, and carefully closed the door: "What are you going to do? Don't you know it's rude?"

"Why is Louise Halévy here?"

"Why can't she be here?" It was actually sent by her parents. Although they didn't know what happened yet, when they saw that their daughter was related to monsters, they immediately thought of their daughter's safety and immediately thought of her daughter's safety in Japan. Boy friend. So Louise was taken care of by Sha Ci after the incident, and no one else knew.

It's just that after Louise experienced the spiritual resonance of Unit 2, her brain was a little confused, her spirit was always unstable, she would go crazy from time to time, and she wouldn't eat or sleep well. Fortunately, Sha Ci is an extremely good man and patiently takes care of his girlfriend.

Staring at Sha Ci intently: "Do you know what happened to her?"

"I know, but this has absolutely nothing to do with her, I can guarantee it." Sha Ci said, but all he knew was what was reported in the news: "It's all that woman's fault."

"That woman?" Setsuna grasped the key: "Is it Saber?" After saying that, Sha Ci felt that maybe he didn't know Saber, so he took out his phone and pulled out the photo: "Is it this woman?"

"That's right, it's her." Even the good-tempered Sha Ci couldn't help but get angry: "She said she was some kind of personal adviser to the president, and she chose Louise. Then Louise became very strange, and in the end she was Sent to the battlefield. It's all this woman's fault."

"As expected."

"Setsuna, how come you have a picture of this woman and how do you know her name? And you are investigating her. Who are you?" Although it was a hindsight, he was aware of it, and Sha Ci was beginning to doubt it. Setsuna's identity.

Setsuna looked at Sha Ci and said without hesitation: "I am a Gundam pilot affiliated with the Celestial Being Organization, codenamed Setsuna Fei Qingying." He was as direct as ever.

After retreating, Sha Ci felt that his three views had been subverted. First, his girlfriend was kidnapped by a secret government organization and subjected to some secret experiment. Now, his neighbor has become a celestial terrorist? Can you still allow yourself to be a gentle and gentle elder brother who leads the family? !

"Shaci Crossroad, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." Setsuna knew that now he needed Shaci's assistance in the investigation: "I want to know everything that happened to Louise just like you."

"I don't need your help, you gods will only bring war." Sha Ci did not agree with the philosophy of gods.

Apparently Sha Ci's voice was a little louder, waking up Louise who was resting in the guest room. The door of the guest room was opened from the inside: "Sha Ci..." Her eyes were bleary.

"Louise? Sorry, I woke you up." He held Louise gently.

The moment he saw Louise, he was shocked: "Her hand?" Can it still be called a hand? The right hand shone with light. It was not a physical body at all. It seemed to be a collection of the purest energy in the universe. That hand was definitely not a man-made object.

Speaking of which, in the battle video, her hands were always flashing, but in the video that part was overexposed and turned into the shape of a ball of light. Now when I look at it, I find that the light is not only regular, but also as flexible as a real hand.

Watching Louise flexibly rub her eyes with the hand of light, you can see the magic of the hand of light.

"It has nothing to do with you." Sha Ci no longer welcomed Setsuna.

"Don't you really want to investigate the truth of the matter and know the conspiracy behind the world? Don't you want to stop them from harming Louise again?"

Sha Ci finally stopped rushing. He really didn't want Louise to be hurt anymore: "I can help you, but you can't take Louise away, and Louise will not cooperate with you in any experiments."

"I can promise."

First let’s talk about what this hand is about.

Sha Ci said: "At first, it was just the wrist surrounded by a ball of light, and Louise's personal doctor couldn't find out what it was. It turned into a hand after it was sent to me, and suddenly one day the ball of light It takes the shape of a hand and functions like a hand, so Louise can use it to hold a spoon and get dressed."

"Are there no other phenomena?"

Sha Ci shook his head: "It's just a very ordinary glow."

Maybe it's not certain that there is radiation, it's possible, but it's better not to scare civilians now. For a moment, he stood still, thinking that he had to go to the Tianren Organization to get some medical equipment and check the data himself.

At the same time, I also thought that since Louise is here, Saber is likely to come again, so the best way is to wait and see.

After contacting him, his companions agreed with Setsuna's opinion and agreed that he should stay in the Japanese Special Economic Zone to monitor the Saji family around the clock and test Louise's right hand at the same time.

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