Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 958 Adam and Eve

There was another meeting, and this time Duran showed up and proposed a concept, 'Chain of Suspicion', and a power, 'AT Force Field'.

"If he will go to war with the Kingdom of Azadistan, then we must study these two things. Maybe we can understand who Duran is." The Imperial Captain said.

"The chain of suspicion is indeed a bold and novel concept." Lockon feels that this statement reflects the nature of human beings. Human beings do not believe in creatures other than themselves. This chain of suspicion has caused a lot of disputes in the world. : "This chain will not disappear because of any words. It exists objectively among everyone."

"Ang." Hallelujah also said, "I will never forget those looks. We are all friends, but we still failed to keep the bottom line of trust." "What have we done?" He choked.

"Can't we really bring peace to the world?" The young members fell into self-doubt.

But this time, no one can implement their own ideas as firmly as before. Even Teelia felt that VEDA, which accepted the chain of suspicion idea, became silent. It seemed that it had entered a dead knot of logic, and even the highest data of the reformers could not be reached. Untie the chains of suspicion.

"You can put aside the chain of suspicion. Work is work. We still have to continue to prevent the war." Seeing that everyone was devastated by a negative idea, Captain Huang couldn't help but cheered everyone up: "Everyone, our heavenly beings The mission will continue, Ian, what do you think of the AT force field?"

As Tianren's technical director, responsible for the development and maintenance of Gundam equipment, Ian is the absolute authority.

"Previous research on the battlefield of Unit 2 and the pilot's right hand has discovered a strange energy. I guess it is the AT force field." "It is indeed very tricky. That kind of energy is unheard of. It is simply a variant of the electromagnetic effect. , in short, I will continue to research, hoping to find a way to destroy it before the war begins. Otherwise, Gundam will really have to fight against Absolute Defense."

"As soon as possible. Before the war begins, everyone has a good rest and stop thinking." "I think Duran's sudden appearance this time is to disturb our minds and shake everyone's determination. He himself admitted that he likes to go against heaven and man, so he He will definitely try to target us, and both our plans and our hearts will be hindered by him. Now he must be very happy to observe us in the dark, and we can't let you and him get what they want."

"But he can come back to life and disappear suddenly. I have seen these with my own eyes, and he also said that those monsters are angels." Setsuna's three views were almost shattered.

Ian said: "Those may be the functions of the AT force field. He is not saying that if the driver is deeply connected to those monsters, he will gain the ability of an angel. I think it is a force field. The ability of this force field is still unknown, everything It's all possible." "Don't be too nervous Setsuna, there can't be a god in this world."

hope so.

In Japan, Kinujiang looked at the chaotic interview records, scratched his head and turned his hairstyle into a bird's nest. There is nothing to report at all, and no one else will believe that I have interviewed the president: "Even if I hand over the video, these things cannot be broadcast." We obviously have big news, but we are struggling to publish it.

"Sister, let's forget it. We can't let others know that Louise is in our house now."

"You know Louise, but you don't think about my job for my sister. These are big news." Annoyed, should I write a few comments first?

Sha Ci stopped talking. He had no power to protect anyone, not his sister nor Louise. Seeing his sister's troubled look, he couldn't help. He was really a useless man.

Jianjiang checked the interview again. It didn't contain much content but contained a lot of inside information, such as the past of the pilot in Tianren and Dulan's next war plan.

"Sha Ci, you stay at home, I have to go to work." Jianjiang couldn't decide, so he could only go to the editor to discuss it. With his rich experience, he might know how to report.

"Sister, be careful." Sha Ci has always been uneasy.

"Be careful yourself."

After walking to the balcony and enjoying the cool breeze, Sha Ci calmed down and looked up at the dim sky, which was as bad as his own mood.

"Sha Ci, you're not cooking today?" Louise walked out.

"I'm sorry, Louise, I'll go right away." Only then did Sha Ci remember that it was already so late and he hadn't made dinner yet.

"Sha Ci, you really like to say sorry." Louise came over and slowly stretched out her right hand, signaling Sha Ci to give it to her as well.

A little scared, because Sha Ci knew that Louise's right hand could see through people's hearts. People like Setsuna would be frightened, let alone himself. But Sha Ci looked at Louise and said in his heart that he loved Louise and he should hold her hand. He didn't have the power to protect her, but at least he had the courage to accompany her.

Holding hands, Sha Ci fell into a bizarre hallucination for a moment.

It was a completely different world, where angels were constantly competing with each other, and the battle between the eighteen angels was earth-shattering and engulfing the mountains and rivers.

Sha Ci witnessed a long era, when the sun and the moon changed and the seasons changed, but the angels' battles continued one after another, with no possibility of stopping.

Until a new life appeared, human beings. Compared to angels, humans are weak and they worship powerful angels.

There were only two people at first. Sha Ci ran over to see who they were, shouting in his hallucination. The first two people turned around, but Sha Ci was shocked. It turned out to be himself and Louise?

What exactly is this? Sha Ci was stunned, and then left the hallucination: "Louise?"

Louise looked at Sha Ci: "This is our future, our past, and our present." "Our destiny has been linked to the angels. Sha Ci and I will fly the No. 2 machine together."

"..." Isn't that going to the battlefield? Sha Ci was startled, and his reluctance immediately appeared in his heart, but looking at Louise's pure eyes, he finally nodded: "Okay, Louise, I won't let you face danger alone anymore!"

"Sha Ci, you are so kind." In fact, Louise knew that Unit 2 was the safest, so she invited Sha Ci to hide in the safe haven together.

The complete memory of Unit 2 started after Unit 2 was built, and other memory fragments come from DNA. Louise learned about a conversation between Saber and Duran from the memory of Unit 2, which was about aliens.

Soon after, the aliens came back, and they were extremely powerful. They were huge aliens that humans could not defeat. Saber said that humans in this world may become extinct, and Duran said that the second machine will not be destroyed even if humans are extinct. The second machine will protect human Eve, and then just find Adam.

Duran was just joking at first, but after knowing this conversation, Louise was convinced that if she couldn't save mankind, at least let her decide who Adam would be.

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