Cultivating From Obtaining Experience

Chapter 136: Medical Trivia

  Chapter 136 Trivia about seeking medical treatment

  The next morning Wang An called Zhao Zhiyuan, but the other party didn't answer, so he sent him a text message, and then he made an appointment with a specialist in Hu'an City Hospital on his mobile phone.

  He was afraid that the two old men would see something unusual at home, so he vented his anxiety on the mountain. He slapped the stone ball one palm after another, and the stone ball kept rolling on the ground.

   "Why let a kind and honest old man get this disease, why?!"

  He slammed his palm on the stone ball, and the strength and anger in his body fell on the stone ball through his palm, and the stone ball crashed into the mound beside him with a bang.

   Then he ran wildly in the mountains with the millstone on his back.

   Heh, suddenly a wild boar appeared in the woods, its nose twitched a few times, then its body trembled, as if it smelled something terrible, it turned and ran away.

   "Who told you to come here? Stand there for me!"

  The wild boar ran wildly, Wang An followed behind with the millstone on his back, the strength of his legs exploded, he ran faster and faster, and the distance between him and the wild boar was getting closer and closer.

   "Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!"

  A big ditch suddenly appeared in front of it. The wild boar running wild had no time to turn the corner, nor did it stop in time, and fell directly. Wang An suddenly stopped on the side.

  Standing on the edge and looking down, the poor wild boar fell directly to death.

   After venting in the mountains and venting all the resentment in my heart, my mood became much calmer, and then I went down the mountain to go home.

  Zhao Zhiyuan called back at night.

   "I'm participating in a special research group, it's not convenient to answer the phone, what do you want me to do?"

   "The old man at home is not feeling well. I will send the test results in a while. Can you find an expert to help you take a look?"

   "Yes, no problem." Zhao Zhiyuan on the other side of the phone readily agreed.

   "Also, if I want to study medicine, what books do I need to read?"

   "Study medicine? Chinese medicine or Western medicine. It's too late to learn Western medicine at your current age, but Chinese medicine can be tried. Judging from your learning process of massage, you are still talented in this area."

   "How do you Chinese medicine treat tumors?"

   "Tumor, the old man in your family has a tumor, where is it located? I will tell you in detail after I read the examination report."

   After hanging up the phone for about 30 minutes, Zhao Zhiyuan's call came back.

   "I just communicated with my teacher about this inspection report, and it is basically confirmed, but don't worry too much, it seems that there is no sign of spread.

  My personal suggestion is to treat conservatively first. After all, the elderly are getting old. In fact, there are already some effective methods and drugs for treating this disease.

  A very critical factor is the patient, who needs to cooperate with the treatment and have a positive attitude. Only in this way can the treatment be effective.

  In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, tumor is a kind of disease born in the internal organs and limbs.

  Mostly due to internal deficiency of righteousness, feeling of evil poison, emotional depression, diet damage, old diseases and other factors, the dysfunction of viscera and viscera, the abnormal operation of qi, blood and body fluid, resulting in pathological changes such as qi stagnation, blood stasis, phlegm coagulation, damp turbidity, and heat toxins.

  As for what you said about studying medicine now in order to achieve the goal of treating this disease, this is relatively difficult. Medicine itself is a very systematic subject, and there are many things to learn. It took me ten years to receive systematic education in school.

   Of course, if you really want to learn, you can start from the basics. "

   Then Zhao Zhiyuan recommended several medicines to Wang An. The method he suggested was a combination of Chinese and Western medicines. On the one hand, the medicines were used to kill tumors, so as to facilitate the conditioning of the old man's body, strengthen the body and eliminate pathogenic factors, and improve the old man's own immunity.

  Wang An didn't know medical skills, so he felt that this method sounded fine, so he agreed first. Thinking about going to Hu'an the day after tomorrow and then listening to that expert's opinion, if it doesn't work, I will go to the capital.

  The next day, Wang An cleaned up the old house inside and out, bought a lot of daily necessities for the two elderly people, and then drove back to Hu'an. After returning to Hu'an, Li Xinzhu was immediately called.

   "I need money." Wang An didn't hide or beat around the bush, and went straight to the point.

  He needs money, a lot of money. The old man needs money for medical treatment. He promised the old man to buy a house in Huan and bring them to live there. This requires a lot of money, and he also needs money for his daily cultivation.

   In the past, it was not so urgent, but now this matter has reached the point where it has to be resolved.

   "You tell me the number, and I'll prepare it for you right away." Li Xinzhu didn't even think about it after hearing this.

   "That's not what I mean, I want to use my own means to make money, such as places with a lot of money, step on a spot first, and then..." Wang An made a fist movement.

   "Hold the grass, you want to rob the bank! Let me think about it carefully, this matter is more difficult, and the consequences are more serious." Li Xinzhu touched his chin, and it was true that he "would commit suicide with a sharp weapon." He considered whether to help Wang An, or persuade him to give up this idea.

   "What are you thinking about robbing a bank? I mean the kind of ill-gotten wealth, the money saved by those illegal people, local gangsters, corrupt officials, etc. Don't some people like to use villas to make money? Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor."

   "Understood!" Li Xinzhu's eyes lit up, and he clapped his hands suddenly. "I'll arrange for someone to inquire immediately."

   "Old man's disease?"

   "I'm trying to figure out a way. I've already signed up. I'll see an expert tomorrow and listen to what he has to say." Wang Andao.

  Li Xinzhu nodded silently. He can't help much in this matter.

   After staying for a while, Li Xinzhu said goodbye and left. Wang An also washed and rested. The next day, he went to Hunan Hospital and saw the expert with the examination materials. The expert took the inspection report and looked at it carefully.

  "The possibility of a tumor is relatively high. If you want to confirm further, it is best to perform a biopsy. Now biopsy is anesthesia and does not hurt. As for how to treat it, there are two options. One is conservative treatment with medication and regular checkups; the other is surgery. Which one you choose depends on your wishes."

   "My grandma is old, can she survive the surgery, is there a high possibility of a cure?"

   "Old age is not a problem. We once had an operation on an 85-year-old man who also had a tumor removed. The postoperative effect was not bad. The key is to look at the patient's physical condition."

   "I was afraid to bring her here. She knew that she had this disease and her spirits were broken." Wang Andao.

   "Then we need to provide psychological counseling to the patient. This disease is not as terrible as imagined."

  Wang An just smiled after hearing this.

  The doctor’s words are simple, psychological counseling is not so easy, I can’t sleep because of the ailments found in my own physical examination, let alone this kind of tumor, in the eyes of the old people in the village, this is an incurable disease.

  This concept is not so easy to change.

   "What is the probability of the operation being successful?"

   "I can't say this without seeing the patient, and there are many uncontrollable factors in the operation itself." The doctor said.

  After some consultation, Wang An still prefers conservative treatment unless he is absolutely sure. The doctor prescribed some medicine for him. One of the medicines was the same as that prescribed by Zhao Zhiyuan.

  After leaving the hospital, he felt it was necessary to visit the capital. He then called Lu Xiangyi. He remembered that the other party had returned to the capital.

  The other party's phone was turned off, and I didn't call him back until the afternoon.

   "I'm in a meeting this morning, what can I do if you call me?"

   "I want to ask which hospital in Beijing is good at treating tumors. I want to go and have a look."

   "Tumor, who is it?"

   "My grandma."

   "Old man!?" Lu Xiangyi was taken aback, "Are you planning to bring the old man here, or come here for consultation first?"

   "I want to go and see by myself first. I have the results of the inspection here, and I still hide this from them."

   "Then when are you going to come over, I'll help you make an appointment with an expert."

"I'm fine with any time."

   "Okay, wait for my call."

   About an hour later, Lu Xiangyi called, "The morning after tomorrow, do you think it's suitable?"

   "Appropriate, please, thank you."

   "Are we friends? Let me know when you arrive, and I'll pick you up." Lu Xiangyi said with a smile.

   "Okay." Huh, Wang An let out a long sigh of relief.

  Going back and making some preparations, he got on the train to the capital the next day.

  The speed of the train was very fast, and the scenery on both sides kept receding. Wang An closed his eyes, and after a while, his agitated mood slowly calmed down, and the movement in the carriage came to his ears.

   Breathing, coughing, talking, men, women, young people, children, old people, the voices came into his ears. He closed his eyes, but he drew a vague picture in his mind. In a carriage, a person sat on the seat, where he was, who was there, and how many people.

   A few hours later, he arrived at the capital, the center of the empire, the ancient capital of a thousand years, and a prosperous place. Wang An took a taxi to find a place to live, and then sent a message to Lu Xiangyi.

   An hour later, Lu Xiangyi arrived at his hotel.

   "Didn't I tell you to tell me in advance?"

   "I thought you might be busy, so I didn't call you."

   "This is too outlandish, it's still early, why don't I take you around the capital and look around?"

   "Aren't you working now?"

"asked for leave."

  Lu Xiangyi drove Wang An around the capital and went to several famous places of interest. Dinner is eaten at a famous century-old brand in the capital.

   The taste is good, but the portion is not enough. This is still a table of dishes, enough for six people.

  The next morning, Wang An met the expert. He read the inspection report and asked some questions carefully, including the old man's daily physical condition, diet, sleep, and symptoms.

   "I also know a master of traditional Chinese medicine, go and listen to his advice?"

   "Okay." Wang An said hastily.

   Then Lu Xiangyi took Wang An to an old courtyard, knocked on the door, and a young man opened the door.

   "Hi, Xiao Ning."

   "Brother Lu?"

   "Is the old man at home?"

   "Yes, but I'm meeting a guest, why don't you come in first?"

   "Okay, trouble."

  Lu Xiangyi and Wang An entered the yard. The yard was not big, with some flowers and plants planted, a table, and a few bamboo chairs. They sat down on the chairs and waited outside.

  There are two elderly people in the room, both of whom look to be in their seventies. One is thin but hale and hearty, and the other is a bit fatter and looks a little sleepy, as if he didn't sleep well last night.

  The thin old man was giving the pulse of another old man, and he took his hand away after a while.

   "I told you, don't practice anymore, but you just don't listen. As you get older, your qi and blood are already declining, and now your lungs are being invaded by cold air. I'll prescribe some medicine for you to recuperate."

   "Hey, cough, cough." The obese old man couldn't help coughing.

  The skinny old man wrote the order and handed it to the person beside him to get the medicine.

   "Grandpa, Lu Xiangyi has come with a stranger in the yard."

   "You invite them in."

  The young man entered the yard and invited Lu Xiangyi and Wang An into the house. When he entered, he happened to meet the fatter old man coming out of the house. The way he walks is a little different from ordinary people.

  Lian Jiazi? Wang An glanced at the old man.

   "Grandpa Liu, hello, I haven't seen you for a while." As soon as he entered the door, Lu Xiangyi greeted him like the old man.

   "Is there something wrong with you kid?" The old man smiled.

   "This is a friend of mine. An old man in the family has a tumor on his body. He came to consult you."

   "Where is the patient?"

   "My grandma is still in her hometown. She doesn't know about this disease yet. I brought the test results." Wang An handed the test results to the old man, and the old man took it and looked at it.

   "I can't diagnose without seeing the patient, and I can't draw any conclusions just by looking at the test results. If you want to treat the disease, you still have to bring the patient." The old man said.

   "That's bothering you."

   "Old man, then show me." Lu Xiangyi smiled and stretched out his arm.

   "What's so interesting about you being energetic, but your friend?" The old man stared at Wang An.

   "He, what happened to him?" Lu Xiangyi asked puzzled.

   "Young man, can I give you a pulse?"

   "Of course." Wang An stretched out his arm with a smile, and the old man raised his hand to signal Wang An's pulse.

  (end of this chapter)

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