Peach Blossom Fairy ran back and forth a few times this time, removing all the food from the outskirts of Jishui County.

As for the properties close to the city lord's mansion, he would never dare to set foot in them again.

The grain storage in a county is enough for all the residents of Heishui Town to eat and drink for several years.

After this period of time, the selection of the **** team had already ended. Of the 500 **** members, only 400 qualified and passed the selection.

Of the 100 people who were picked out, some had poor qualifications, and some were not diligent enough.

However, these people are also subordinates who have spent a lot of money on training for several years, so naturally they cannot be abandoned.

The 100 people who were eliminated were all assigned to various villages, and later they were responsible for the drills of the villagers, and the rich and noble were in charge of the militia drills.

The remaining 400 people will be trained as elites.

Ma Gan served as the captain of the **** team, and he was divided into four centennial teams, with Fat Hu, He Xiaoyu, Huya, and Qiu Gu serving as the team captains.

Fat Tiger has now grown into a half-sized child, and is the strongest in the **** team. It should be no problem to lead 100 people.

Hu Ya was the young man who killed himself to tease a zombie, and was bitten by a zombie and almost turned into a zombie. After being cured by Zhang He's rejuvenation technique, he still kept two fangs.

Qiu Gu's parents and relatives all died in the last refugee riot. After he went to Heishui Town alone, he successfully joined the guard team. After the guard team learned to write, he gave himself such a bitter name.

He Xiaoyu was also a refugee. Zhang He's spiritual sense swept over He Xiaoyu and found something unusual.

"The "Fumoru Zhenyang One Qigong" has been handed over to a few of you. After you learn it, you will be responsible for teaching it to the whole team.

Alright, He Xiaoyu stays, the others leave for now. "

He had asked Wei Peng to transcribe several copies of "Fu Demon True Yang Qigong" in advance, and gave each to several captains, as well as Wei Peng, Fugui and others, and then they would teach them to the 400 people in the **** team.

He Xiaoyu was left alone by Zhang He, with both hands and fingers intertwined, feeling a little nervous.

"Why do you want to disguise yourself as a man?"

After all, her true identity was seen through, but He Xiaoyu felt more calm in her heart, and she no longer needed to hide it.

"Young Master, please forgive me, my subordinates didn't intend to deceive, but just had to..."

It turns out that before He Xiaoyu signed up to join the **** team, she was among the refugees. She was a little girl in her teens, and she had no sense of security, so she always dressed as a man.

After joining the escort, she has been hesitant to confess her identity.

After listening to He Xiaoyu's explanation, Zhang He also understood her behavior.

After all, what was going on among the refugees, he could also guess that a helpless little girl was a fat sheep in the eyes of others.

Being caught and sold, **** is considered a light thing, and it is very possible to be eaten by someone.

"Okay, from now on, it's up to you whether you want to dress up as a man or get back to being a girl."

After Zhang He understood the situation, he no longer planned to pursue the matter.

As for He Xiaoyu's true identity, or whether he is an undercover agent from other forces, Zhang He has not suffered from paranoia for the time being.

His identity is only a small landlord, the only difference is that there is a master of immortality, who seems to be more merciful than other landlords, there is no need to spend so much effort to come undercover with him, it will last for several years.

And if they were strictly investigated, most people in Heishui Town would not be able to trust him.

At this time, there is no ID card, most of them are recruited refugees, ghosts know what they used to do.

"Thank you, son for your forgiveness!"

He Xiaoyu hurriedly saluted and thanked her. In recent years, she has been a woman, and has been mixed with ordinary rough men. She is inconvenient, even taking a shower.

She has already decided that she will appear as a daughter tomorrow, and let's see how the rough man who usually talks a lot in front of him will react.

In the next period of time, the **** team began to practice "Fu Mo Zhen Yang Yi Qigong", and everyone's strength was rapidly improving.

Fat Tiger's aptitude training speed is still far faster than others, Zhang He simply greeted him aside, and taught him the "True Explanation of Qi Training".

Having one more immortal cultivator under his hand can also provide him with a lot of help.

At the same time as the strength of the **** team has rapidly increased, the appetite for food has also increased rapidly, and it has the tendency to eat Zhang He into poverty.

In order to lay a solid foundation for these people, Zhang He asked Wei Peng to arrange meat, so that each person could eat a pound of meat every day, which was already the maximum output that Heishui Town could provide.

In addition to the **** team, during this time, Wei Peng and his people have already completed the planning of the canal to be built.

Since the opening of recruitment in Heishui Town, villagers from neighboring towns have all come to vote. Thousands of people have been recruited so far.

These people have not settled in Heishui Town, they are just hired workers, they help Heishui Town with their work, food and accommodation, and they can receive a salary of dozens of wen every month.

Some of these more than 1,000 people have been selected to burn bricks.

In addition, some people were hired to make wine in Heishui Town. The wine brewed here is no different from the ordinary wine of the Zhou Dynasty, and there are not too many secrets.

Now, the craft of distilling high-quality wine, Zhang He has already placed it on Qifeng Mountain.

The wine is made from sweet potatoes directly there, and then distilled into high-quality liquor, which is stored in large pottery jars for later use.

Liquor that has just been distilled has a lot of impurities in The taste is also very spicy, and it will get better after a period of time.

Most of the sweet potatoes produced on Qifeng Mountain last year were shredded, sun-dried and stored, and there are still a lot of them that have not been used up.

In addition to making wine, Zhang He also taught the farmers of Qifeng Mountain to make maltose with sweet potatoes. Sugar was considered a luxury in the Zhou Dynasty and was expensive.

Sweet potatoes contain a lot of starch, which is converted into maltose and water under the catalysis of amylase.

In fact, when people eat daily, the amylase contained in saliva can decompose starch into glucose for easy digestion and absorption.

The more chewy the rice, the sweeter it becomes, because amylase converts the starch in the rice into sugar.

Of course, Zhang He couldn't spit in the sweet potato boiled sugar now.

After the wheat or rice germinates, amylase will be produced. Grind the malt or grain sprout and mix it with the cooked sweet potato paste. The temperature is kept at more than 30 degrees. After a few hours, the starch in the sweet potato will become sugar.

Then, these gooeys are filtered to get rid of the residue, and some dark red sugar water is obtained, and then the sugar water is boiled dry with fire, which is the finished maltose, also called caramel.

If the maltose is repeatedly pulled and drawn, it will turn into that white maltose.

High concentrations of sugar can inhibit the growth of bacteria. It can be sealed in a jar and will not be damaged for decades. If there is a famine or a war, this is the best energy supplement.

The process of making sugar with sweet potatoes is not complicated. Zhang He soon taught a few farmers and let them be responsible for making sugar in the future.

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