Seeing a foundation-building realm emerge from the locusts, although I was a little surprised, I didn't hesitate too much.

However, before the flying sword was close to the edge, the locust's wings fluttered, turning into a streamer and flying several meters away, easily avoiding Zhang He's flying sword.

Then I saw the big locust making a sharp turn in the air, kicking its legs in the air, and without knowing the strength it borrowed from there, it rushed towards Zhang He at a faster speed than before.

Zhang He only felt his eyes blink, and the locust had already appeared in front of him, kicking at him with a sharply serrated hind leg.

Zhang He hurriedly dodged, but was still scratched by the hind legs of the locusts on his arm, and there was a burning pain on his arm, and he didn't know whether it was poisonous or not.

The locust succeeded once, and quickly kicked Zhang He with one leg. It was too late to recall the flying sword in the air in a short time. Suddenly, another mid-grade flying sword appeared in his hand, and it slashed on this hind leg.

There are several mid-grade flying swords in his space, which can be taken at any time.

The sword collided with the leg, and a spark splattered. This locust's hind legs are already beautiful enough to be used with the middle-grade magic weapon.

Moreover, the locust was extremely fast, and the naked eye couldn't capture his trajectory at all. Zhang He could only mobilize all his consciousness to lock it.

His spiritual consciousness and other physical qualities were originally different from ordinary people. At this time, the locust seemed to slow down in his spiritual consciousness.

All the locusts' movement trajectories are clearly visible in the consciousness, and even the next direction of the locust's travel and the next attack action can be predicted in advance.

In the observation of consciousness, the locust's body was slightly tilted to the left, and the right leg was retracted backwards.

"Are you ready to put out your right leg?"

Zhang He smiled slightly. It was a sliding shovel ahead of time. The man had already drilled under the locust's body, and then stabbed with his sword.

The sword in his hand pierced from the softest part of the locust's abdomen, and cut it along the abdomen to the locust's chest.

The locust was in pain and made a high-frequency scream, and flew out of the hospital quickly. At the same time, the locusts who followed up during the Qi training period all rushed towards Zhang He desperately to buy time for the big locust to escape.

The sword in Zhang He's hand slashed out again and again, cutting down several locusts. At the same time, he ordered the flying sword in the air to chase and kill the fleeing locusts.

The big locust suffered a big loss, and just fled outside the small courtyard, but another flying sword slashed at it. With a sword, the locust's big belly was immediately cut off, and green blood was scattered all over the ground.

A seven-eight-inch-long locust's stomach fell to the ground, and a big yellow dog immediately sprang up next to it, and took the belly away.

The big yellow dog took the locust's belly to a corner and devoured it while lying on the ground.

At this time, his heart is full of a sense of accomplishment. As a dog, he should be self-reliant and work hard. The food he picks up with his own efforts is fragrant.

However, he said that after the locust was cut off from its abdomen, although it did not die immediately, its aura dropped a lot in an instant, which was not much better than Qi Pei training.

Due to the loss of a large portion of his stomach, his body lost his balance, and he flew crookedly. He was decapitated by a sword that flew again later, and he died completely.

After Zhang He killed the locusts in the courtyard, he chased them outside the courtyard and found that the locust corpses were missing a lot.

As soon as his consciousness swept away, he had already found the yellow dog hiding in the corner and devoured it.

There was only a small mouth left in the yellow dog's mouth. Zhang He was still hesitating. When he went over to grab this mouthful, the last mouthful was also unceremoniously swallowed by the big yellow dog.

Now even if the dog's belly is cut open, he won't be able to eat the locust meat he gets back.

He could only turn around and pick up the other half of the locust corpse.

The locust's wings and legs are on this half of the body.

He is still very interested that these two hind legs can directly fight with his mid-grade magic weapon without any damage.

There is also a large piece of pure lean meat in the chest cavity, which seems to be very delicious.

As for the locust's head and wings, he didn't know whether it was useful or not, so put it away first.

I heard that the monsters in the base-building realm will have a magic pill. He didn't find it, and he didn't know if it was eaten by a dog.

At the moment when Zhang He successfully killed the big locust, the locust swarm that had already turned around suddenly turned back, and all spread towards Heishui Town.

For a while, the tenant farmers on the border of Heishui Town saw that the mountains and plains were full of locusts, covering the sky and the sun, and the ground was covered with locusts.

At the same time, the sky was also full of locusts, blocking the sunlight and blocking all sight. Except for the locusts, no one else could be seen.

The number of locusts is too huge. Although they have tried their best to kill them, it is of no use at all.

The locust swarm moved forward quickly, and soon reached Heishui Town. The tenant of Heishui Town, who was fighting drought in the field, quickly picked up the tools around him and tried to drive away the locusts.

However, this time there were too many locusts, and personal strength was of no use at all. The farmland was covered with dense locusts, gnawing at the crops.

In less than a quarter of an hour, all the crops of a field have been eaten.

When He Xiaoyu rushed to Qifeng Mountain to report the news, Zhang He had just watered the sweet potato vines.

"You inform the other villages and do your best to harvest the crops in the fields."

Although the locusts will eat the leaves, but in the year of disaster, even the bark and grass roots will be eaten up.

Like some soybean leaves, boiled, it is already a good belly wrap.

After He Xiaoyu left, Zhang He immediately summoned the villagers of Qifeng Mountain.

" Harvest the sweet potato vines immediately! Cut off all the sweet potato vines in the field, and try not to leave a leaf for the locusts."

Sweet potato vines taste better than most wild vegetables. There are more than 5,000 mu of sweet potatoes in Qifeng Mountain, and only these sweet potato vines are collected, at least 10 million catties, which is enough to ensure that the entire Heishui Town residents will not starve to death.

While all the villagers were doing their best to harvest the sweet potato vines, Zhang He also returned to the small courtyard. He wanted to dig up all the sweet potatoes in the spiritual field before the locusts arrived.

The locust plague has a wide range and a very fast speed. Not only Heishui Town, but almost the entire Dehua County and several neighboring counties are on the journey of this wave of locusts.

As long as the locusts arrive, it only takes a quarter of an hour, and there will be no grass left on the spot.

When the black locusts flew to Qifeng Mountain, only half of the 5,000 mu of sweet potato vines were collected.

This is also the result of all the villagers rushing to harvest them day and night. The sweet potato vines collected are too late to deal with, and they are all piled together and covered with soil and pressed tightly.

This is equivalent to some farmers making silage feed. Fresh sweet potato vines are stacked together, compressed, and the air inside is discharged, and the outside is sealed with soil.

Sweet potato vines will ferment slowly in this anaerobic environment, and can be stored for several months without being damaged. The fermented silage is easier to digest.

Originally, it should be cut short and then stored, but now I'm in a hurry, so I can only do this.

Since it was too late to grab the sweet potato vines, Zhang He arranged for all the villagers to try their best to catch the locusts.

This will be their high-protein meal in the future.

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