Cultivation Starts From Planting Sweet Potatoes

Chapter 143: . Conferred a knighthood

Falling in love with, cultivating immortals starts from planting sweet potatoes

Zhang He and his party were not attacked again during the next trip, and they walked smoothly for 12 days, and finally delivered the supplies to the frontline destination.

Gongzi Su's army was stationed on one side of a water cloud mountain range, and on the opposite side of the mountain range was Gongzijian's army.

The two sides now use this mountain range as the boundary, and they have been competing with each other for more than three months, and there is still no winner.

Now under the tug of war with each other, both sides feel very laborious and almost overwhelmed, but they are fighting each other to this point, no one is willing to give up.

The only thing I can do is to continuously transport manpower and materials from the rear. As for the drought and locust plagues in the rear, I can't take care of it for the time being. This kind of thing is something that I need to consider after I win.

Now it's up to whoever can't stand it first.

Inside a large temporary tent, a thin-faced man in armor sat on top.

Weng Shan led Baron Zhiyuan and Zhang He to stand respectfully at the bottom.

"Reporting to General Gu, the **** mission was completed. Although there were sneak attacks by the enemy along the way, they were successfully repelled and killed three foundation-building cultivators and twelve Qi-training cultivators."

"Oh! Yes, the list of meritorious persons will be presented, and all of them will be rewarded."

Weng Shan presented a jade slip with both hands to General Gu before slowly retreating to the side.

General Gu picked up the jade slip and glanced at it, then glanced at the three of them.

Seeing Zhang He's heart trembling at this sight, the person in front of him is a strong Jindan. I wonder if his breathing restraint method can be fooled?

"Are you Zhang He?"

"It's the junior!"

Zhang He replied respectfully, feeling uneasy in his heart, wondering why General Gu just called his name.

"You can kill a foundation-building cultivator by simply practicing Qi, and the future is limitless.

You have made a great contribution this time, and I would have been able to help you report to Young Master Su, and you should be able to be awarded a title. "

"Thank you, General!"

Zhang He bowed deeply, feeling a little excited.

The smallest title in the Great Zhou Dynasty was the Baron, which meant that he would be on the same level as Baron Zhiyuan in the future.

Then General Gu promised to apply for reward land for Aung San. In the end, although Baron Zhiyuan did not directly kill the monk, he also escorted the monks for merit and could reward him with 10,000 mu of land.

General Gu encouraged the three again before letting them leave.

"Congratulations to Zhang Xiaoyou for winning the title!"

After leaving the camp, Weng Shan congratulated Zhang He.

"Thanks to the seniors for taking care of this matter!"

Zhang He hurriedly thanked him, and at the same time sighed in his heart that this Young Master Su was really generous in rewarding his subordinates.

Fairy Peach Blossom had also worked under Gong Zijian before and only got a piece of Mysterious Iron Essence, which is much more stingy in comparison.

"Congratulations to Mr. Zhang for being awarded the title. From now on, you and I will be considered the same level."

Baron Zhiyuan's congratulations were somewhat insincere. He was obviously just a small landlord under his command.

As the saying goes, one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. How will Dehua County be governed in the future?

However, he bowed deeply and did not show it. Instead, he congratulated Zhang He with a smile on his face.

"Happy together! Happy together! The two seniors also received a lot of land rewards."

When Weng Shan heard this, his face was a little weird, and he just said, "Yes! Happy and happy!"

"Let's go, we'll all work together under General Gu in the future, I'll take you to find a place to settle first."

After they were escorted, they were directly assigned to General Gu to participate in the battle.

The area that General Gu was in charge of was six or seven miles long, and all of it was General Gu's defense zone. Zhang He and his party were assigned to a small hill with all the rocks. Weng Shan simply called it Rocky Mountain.

The trees that were originally sparse on this mountain have all been dried to death, and there are only some rubble.

"Senior Gu, there are no wells on this rocky mountain. What about the soldiers' drinking water?"

Zhang He didn't miss the Three Kingdoms in his last life. Generally, on a hill like this, as long as it is surrounded by the foot of the mountain, it will soon collapse if it runs out of water and food.

It really doesn't work. If you put a fire at the foot of the mountain, it should be cooked.

"There are just a few monks in the army who are good at rainfall, but they are not afraid of water shortages."

Zhang Heyi thought it was true. This is a world of immortal cultivation, and many things are already different.

Zhang He asked the Heishui army to camp on the Rocky Mountain, and the people who brought him this time returned to Heishui Town on the same road.

It has been almost a month since they set off from Heishui Town this time, and they have eaten half of the rations they brought.

Now we have to let the people go back to **** a batch of rations.

It was the first time Zhang He heard that when a soldier was in a war, there were people who were not responsible for providing military rations and had to prepare their own rations.

Of course, it's not that General Gu didn't give out rations at all, but he would still distribute a little food, at most to ensure that the soldiers would not starve to death.

More than a thousand of them were stationed on the rocky mountain, and they were about to participate in a battle every three or five places.

The scale of the battle is not very large, sometimes a few hundred people, sometimes one or two thousand people.

In the days of battles, the 100 people of the Black Water Army showed outstanding combat effectiveness, and they had gained a little reputation among the nearby armies.

At this time, the reward that General Gu applied for for their successful completion of the **** mission has also been pulled out.

Zhang He got the title of a baron, but he only had a false name, no fief, and nothing else changed.

If he goes home, he can still only be a small landlord in Heishui Town, and he still needs to pay taxes to Baron Zhiyuan, which is no different from before.

Through these days of understanding, he already knew that as long as he killed an enemy base-building cultivator, he could obtain the title of baron.

If you can kill one Jindan or 100 foundation-building cultivators, you can get the title of Viscount.

Now, a large number of barons without fiefs have appeared in the army. The Jindan cultivator is too difficult to kill, and no one has obtained the title of viscount.

As for the land rewards that Aung San and Baron Zhiyuan received, they are still on the map of Gongzijian's side. They will not be able to get the rewarded land until Gongzi Su conquers and unifies the whole country.

Even Zhang He had to admire it, Young Master Su did this, it was too cost-effective, and he rewarded everyone in his subordinates without spending a penny.

It is said that at least one third of the other party's son Jian's territory has been rewarded by the son Su Feng.

At the same time, all the people who participated in the war also hoped that this battle could be won and that they would finally get their own rewarded land.

The reason why Young Master Su did this was not because of opportunism, but because there was no other way.

After months of fighting, his family has been exhausted, and he really can't come up with anything valuable to reward his subordinates.

As for land, the little bit of land in his own hands is enough for a reward, but he can't deprive various nobles of their original land for reward.

Therefore, he can only draw cakes to satisfy his hunger for the time being.

In fact, this pair of brothers is half a catty, and the opposite Young Master Jian did the same.

It was only recently that Young Master Jian attracted an important neutral faction to join his side.

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