Cultivation Starts From Planting Sweet Potatoes

Chapter 236: .Research institutions

After Zhang He took over one county and fifteen counties, he reformed the administrative management system.


First of all, he named his territory Heishui County, appointed Wei Peng as the county governor, in charge of the administrative affairs of a county, and Ma Gan as the county commander, in charge of the army.


The fifteen counties under its jurisdiction, as well as Zhaoling City, are all under the direct jurisdiction of Heishui County.


This is very different from the previous system.


In the past, each county was only under the control of Lu Bo’s house, and was an independent entity compared to the county seat, and the county seat had no direct jurisdiction.


Besides the management system, the biggest change is the ownership of land and resources.


All land in Heishui County belongs to Zhang He, and all tenants only need to pay 30% of the land rent to Zhang He for farming, and the rest of the income will be disposed of by the tenants themselves.


Once this policy was implemented, all the tenants were happy, except for the frowning faces of the township landlords.


At this time, on a high-rise building in the center of Blackwater City, Wei Peng, Ma Gan and other high-level officials gathered here.


"Sir, the reserve team has been incorporated into the Black Water Army. Now the total number of Black Water Army is 2,000, of which 268 are in the foundation period."


Ma Gan was wearing a heroic armor and reported to Zhang He the situation of the Black Water Army.


In order to cope with the major stations that may be faced next, the Black Water Army finally expanded, and the number of soldiers who broke through from the Qi training period to the foundation building period during this period reached more than 100.


"Rich, how's the progress on the militia side?"


"We originally had 10,000 militiamen. Recently, a large number of militiamen have been organized in various places. At present, there are about 80,000 people. The goal of organizing 100,000 militiamen should be realized soon."


Zhang He's site has always had a tradition of training militiamen. In the three counties before him, a total of 10,000 people have been trained. These people have been trained for a long time and have certain combat effectiveness.


However, the militias are distributed in various villages, mainly for self-protection.


"Huya, as soon as possible, let someone build 100,000 weapons and deliver them to the militia.


In addition, build another 1,000 spiritual tools, so that each village can have one spiritual tool. "


Spirit tools are different from magic tools. Ordinary people without mana can also use them to release the power of spells during the Qi training period.


After years of research and improvement by the Huya team, the cost of refining spiritual tools has dropped a lot, and the efficiency of using spiritual energy has also improved.


"No problem, the task can be completed in a month."


Huya now has a large number of refiners under his command, and the militia's weapons are not very demanding. With ready-made molds, it is very easy to directly pour molten metal liquid.


"Master, can I apply for 300 more seeds of Lei Lingcao for experiments?"


Huya has recently become very interested in Lei Lingcao seeds, and this is the third time he has applied for Lei Lingcao seeds.


Mutated Thunder Spirit Grass has always been planted in Zhanghe Space, and some ordinary Thunder Spirit Grass has also been cultivated in the spiritual field of Heishui Town.


Most of the harvested seeds are distributed to the Black Water Army and the militia, except for the reserved seeds.


Zhang He has always attached great importance to innovative research and development. In addition to the refining of tools, the team led by Huya is actually a scientific research institution.


Regarding Huya's request, Zhang He agreed without considering it, "I can give you 500 capsules. What do you plan to do, you might as well tell me what you think."


Hu Ya scratched his head a little embarrassedly, "I just thought, can I connect dozens or hundreds of Lei Lingcao seeds together and make them explode at the same time."


"Just like gunpowder, the same amount of Lei Lingcao seeds exploded, which is a thousand times stronger than gunpowder. If it can be combined freely like gunpowder and explode instantly, its power should be a thousand times stronger than gunpowder."

Zhang He heard the words and nodded, feeling that there is a lot to do in this direction.


Generally, cultivators use divine sense to control, and the number of simultaneous explosions that can be controlled is limited.


If Huya can succeed, the seeds of Lei Lingcao are equivalent to the gunpowder of the immortal world, and the destructive power that can be produced at that time will definitely surprise the researcher Huya.


Moreover, he also has a more powerful mutant Lei Lingcao seed in his hand, and the explosion of a mutant seed is equivalent to a foundation-building spell.


"Very good, as long as your research is successful, I will reward you with ten red blood spirit fruits."


When several people present heard the words, they all showed envious expressions.


The red blood spirit fruit is really good for improving the cultivation base.


Most of the people on the scene, as the high-level officials of Heishui County, have eaten the red blood spirit fruit once or twice.


That wonderful feeling is unforgettable to this day.


However, this kind of fruit also has its drawbacks, that is, eating the first one is the best, and probably eating three or four will have no effect.


After Huya's report was over, it was Meng Tiantian's turn, who was in charge of alchemy.


The alchemy department is also similar to the alchemy department. In addition to the daily alchemy, it is also responsible for research and development.


"Mr. Qiqi, after this period of research, we have successfully removed the ingredients in the sweet potato that are easy to cause gas, and perfectly preserved the aura and flavor in the sweet potato."


This is the task that Zhang He had given them before. Ling sweet potatoes have a large output and taste very good, but there is one shortcoming that makes it hard to tell.


Especially after eating sweet sweet potatoes, wouldn't it be a bad thing if you let your gas out indiscriminately regardless of the occasion?


Zhang He also attached great importance to this technology, and immediately asked:


"Is this method complicated?"


This is also what Zhang He is more concerned about. You must know that Ling sweet potato is a food crop. People only need to cook Ling Mi to eat The method is not complicated, it is only more dry than drying sweet potatoes. Two processes are enough.


In addition, we also made a kind of military ration with spiritual sweet potato, which is specially used for the army of cultivators. "


Meng Tiantian said, took out a clay pot, and inside it was a lump of something similar to noodles, which still smelled delicious.


Zhang He looked at it and felt a little familiar. When he saw Meng Tiantian pour boiling water into it, he finally remembered, isn't it instant noodles.


However, he quietly listened to Meng Tiantian's explanation. In general, it is similar to instant noodles.


When Zhang He's side was consolidating its forces and preparing to meet the army that might come from the demons, civil wars still inevitably broke out in other parts of Lu country.


Many human forces often fight for inexplicable reasons, and they fight extremely hard, and countless monks die in battle.


After Zhang He heard the news, he could guess with his toes that it should be the shadow demon doing things in secret.


He has arranged for the Shadow Pavilion to investigate, especially those families who took the lead in provoking trouble, and their families' forces,


Let the Shadow Pavilion record all these people in the small notebook, look for opportunities in the future, and investigate in detail. If the shadow demon is possessed, Zhang He has no intention of letting go of these shadow demons who are disturbing the storm.


These shadow demons can just be handed over to the Shadow Pavilion to practice assassination.


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