In the industrial park, Zhang He's second avatar appeared in a hall, with a group of capable generals under his command standing below.

Due to the frequent activities of the second avatar, handling daily affairs for Zhang He, the senior management under his command already knows that this is just a avatar.

The body of the second avatar is made of ten thousand year green dragon wood, which has self-healing ability and can be cultivated and grown.

Although the affairs have been busy these years, the second avatar has now reached the middle stage of Jindan by taking medicine pills.

Now the deity is fighting against Fan and others in the city of Ningjing County, and the second clone is organizing his troops in the industrial park to resist foreign enemies.

With the current intelligence capabilities of the Shadow Pavilion, when these forces secretly contacted, they have already discovered some news, and some secrets have sneaked into it.

"According to the news from the Shadow Pavilion, this time, including the Fan clan, there are a total of 8 forces, and 12 Nascent Souls participated in it, temporarily forming a so-called 'Baji League'.

Now it has been divided into three ways to attack us.

Have the various defense forces been properly arranged? "

"Young Master Qi, all parties have already taken their places, and now we are just waiting for the Baji League to arrive."

Gu Liangqi cupped his hands and replied.

Now that all the generals have been dispatched, the only generals in the hall are Fat Hu and He Xiaoyu, who are left behind in the industrial park.

"Okay! Among these three routes, there are a total of 4 Nascent Soul cultivators, of which the one that attacked the industrial park has two Nascent Soul cultivators, and the other two paths have only one Nascent Soul cultivator.

At present, we can only recruit two Nascent Soul cultivators, and we cannot support this side in the early stage.

The defense of the industrial park is the most difficult. From now on, at least it must be held until it is dark. "

"Young master, don't worry, unless the Baji League steps on my body, it will never take a step forward."

Fat Tiger carried his big ring knife and promised.

"I will stick to the industrial park with everyone. If you want to sacrifice, I will also be in front of you." The second avatar stood up and looked solemn.


Baji League's three groups of troops, the strongest one went straight to the industrial park, the other two, one was responsible for sneak attacking various mines, and the other was responsible for attacking the spiritual fields scattered in various places.

Ye Hao has performed well in previous battles, and has been reused by Zhang He. Now he leads the militia and puppets, and is responsible for the defense of Lingtian and Lingmai.

The militiamen were all ordinary tenant farmers or workers. They had no cultivation base and their mobility was too weak.

Regardless of human ethics, the biggest advantage of the militia is that it is cheap, not as valuable as the spiritual tools in their hands, and the number is huge and easy to replenish.

The number of puppets is not as good as that of the militia, but the combat effectiveness is stronger. The weapons assembled are mainly rocket launchers, and there are also a small number of new weapons, which are still in the trial stage.

The current rocket launchers are all made of new psionic gunpowder, which is low-cost and can be mass-produced.

Ye Hao stood on the top of a mountain, and below him, there were 20,000 militiamen and 1,000 puppets.

After passing this hill for more than ten miles, there is a spiritual field with dozens of acres of spiritual medicines.

He got the news that the monks of the Baji League who were in charge of attacking the spiritual veins of Lingtian were divided into several groups, and one of them was going to come here.

Ye Hao held a palm-sized cuboid magic weapon in his hand. When he hit a magic trick on the magic weapon, a light curtain was projected on the cuboid magic weapon.

The light curtain showed a sheep intestine trail that was more than a dozen miles away. The flowers, plants and trees on both sides of the trail were also clearly visible. At this time, there was no one on the trail, and only a few birds swept across the sky occasionally.

This cuboid is a magic weapon newly researched by the research institute. By connecting the magic weapon with thousands of mosquito puppets, it can project the scene seen by the mosquito puppets.

The mosquito puppet is only the size of a soybean, and its shape is realistic, very similar to a fly.

The study was based on the beetle previously mastered, and it was improved again to make it smaller, more stealthy, and more distant.

This thing is used for reconnaissance in wars or expeditions, better than monks.

At this moment, a group of people appeared on the trail in the light curtain. These people were dressed as caravans, but there were no heavy objects, and they were moving very fast.

"Everyone is ready to fight. Without my order, no one is allowed to open fire without authorization, and those who violate the order will be executed."

Ye Hao shouted loudly, and all the militiamen crouched down and put the spiritual tools on the mound or stone.

The 1,000 combat puppets also entered their respective positions under the control of the monks, and the weapons carried on the puppets had been quietly raised.

There were more than 20,000 people at the scene. Except for the sound of weapons being set up, there was no other sound. Everyone quietly waited for Ye Hao's attack command.

On the light screen projected by the cuboid, the movement of this Eight-pole League team has been tracked.

Naturally, they would not have noticed that on the leaves, grass, and petals along the road, a mosquito the size of a soybean was staring at their every move.

After about two quarters of an hour, Ye Hao raised his right hand high.

"Bazooka ready!"

The monk who controls the puppet immediately concentrates, and his consciousness covers the puppet he controls.

They manipulated the puppets for a long time, requiring all the puppets to arrive at the same location at the same time.

Only in this way can the power of all the rocket launchers be concentrated, so that the power can be superimposed, resulting in greater lethality.

"Due east, two miles, attack!"

With Ye Hao's right hand swiping down heavily.

Hundreds of rocket launchers on the hill rose at the same time, roaring and flying forward.

Each bazooka puppet carries at least ten or more bazooka, and there are also puppets specially responsible for handling, carrying a large number of bazooka. Ye Hao has a storage bag on his body, which is also stuffed with bazooka.

The first bazooka had just been fired, and the second bazooka had already been raised.

With Ye Hao shouting again, the second round of rocket launchers fired again.

On this hill, in addition to the hundreds of puppets that were launching rocket launchers, there were also two or three hundred puppets quietly staying in place.

These two or three hundred puppets have different shapes. Some have wings and are flying puppets. They can take people to fly, and they can also launch rockets from the air.

There are also all kinds of strange weapons on their bodies, which should be all experiments, and they have not yet verified their actual combat capabilities.

In addition to the two or three hundred puppets standing still, the 20,000 militiamen also quietly held their spiritual tools, waiting for their orders.

After many improvements, the rocket launcher has a relatively long range, and can attack up to two miles away.

The spiritual tools are much worse, they can only attack up to a distance of a hundred meters, and they need to wait until the enemy is approaching.

On the other hand, this powerful team of more than 100 Jindan cultivators and more than 500 foundation-building cultivators was originally full of confidence and was ready to loot the Lingtian in Ningjing County.

Before leaving, many people also specially borrowed storage bags from relatives and friends to hold some precious materials.

But they didn't know that their every move was seen by the mosquitoes on the roadside and passed back to Ye Hao, and a large net had been quietly opened to them.

At this moment, countless whistling sounds suddenly came from the front, and they were connected together, like a landslide, which made people tremble.

"Everyone be careful, there are enemy attacks!"

"Defend now!"

"Be careful!"


It was a bit late for the shouting at this time, and no matter how loud you shouted, it was just to embolden yourself.

More than 500 people at the scene immediately sacrificed their best defensive treasures and tried their best to protect themselves like a turtle.

"Boom boom boom..."

Hundreds of rocket launchers fell in a row and exploded one by one in the crowd. Immediately, countless stumps were thrown away in the explosion.

A white-bearded Jindan cultivator put up several defenses and finally resisted this round of bombing, and was lucky enough to survive.

At this time, looking around, he had a half-headed head at his feet, and a little bit further forward, there was still half of his body. Most of the limbs at the scene were mutilated, and only a few dozen people stood up.

However, the deafening sound of the explosion was still circling in my ears, and another bazooka was flying towards here in the distance.

"Boom boom boom..."

"not good!"

Whitebeard Jindan once again resorted to all defensive methods, but this time his luck was not so good, and he saw a bazooka flying towards him.

He was so frightened that he took a picture of the earth escape talisman on his body, slipped, and disappeared into the ground.

After this round of bombardment, there were less than ten people who were still alive and tenacious, but the bombardment of the bazooka had not stopped, and they were still bombarding round by round.

Now the rocket launcher is mass-produced, the cost is not high, and it can be made with confidence.

As long as Ye Hao's order does not end the order, these puppets will not stop.

Ye Hao also thought very clearly that all his subordinates were militiamen and puppets, and his melee combat ability was too weak.

After a long time, the sound of the explosion finally stopped. The battlefield was already blurred with blood and flesh, and the earth had turned into a mixture of minced meat and blood mud, and a complete human figure could no longer be found.

The projection in front of Ye Hao also showed this scene, but some of the mosquito puppets were accidentally injured and killed, and the image was much blurrier than before.

"The guard team cleans the battlefield, and the melee puppet is responsible for vigilance."

The guard team is the only cultivator team in his hands, with a total of 50 people, 5 of which are Jindan, and the rest are foundation building.

A melee puppet is a kind of puppet with six legs and six arms, but no head. A magic weapon or spiritual tool is installed on the arm to attack or defend.

The body is also filled with a large amount of psionic gunpowder, which can self-detonate when necessary, and its power is stronger than a bazooka.

After the guard team entered the battlefield, they saw a mess and couldn't find a complete human figure.

"Tsk tsk!"

"This is too tragic!"

The captain of the guard couldn't help but sigh, but he knew that the strength of this group of people was not weak, including more than 100 Jindan cultivators, and the worst one was the foundation building. It's been blasted to a pulp.

Ye Hao still stayed on the hill, and released another batch of mosquito puppets to monitor the surroundings.

"Let the militia de-alert!"

Until the end of the battle, these militiamen remained in a state of preparation, and they were very tired. They didn't even get a chance to fight, which made many militiamen feel regretful.

The Ningjing County militia has a strong sense of honor, and meritorious service on the battlefield is the highest honor.

Ye Hao waited on the hill for half an hour, and the guard team had cleaned the battlefield and returned.

"General Qi, a total of 158 storage bags were seized this time, 67 of all kinds of magic weapons were intact, and 182 were damaged..."

The harvest this time is not bad, that is, the magic weapon was severely damaged in the battle, most of which have been damaged and need to be repaired, and many were directly bombed into fragments.

The magic weapons used by Jindan cultivators are all good things. Any one of them must be at least hundreds of thousands of spirit stones. The magic weapons of better quality cannot even be bought for tens of millions of spirit stones.

As for the instruments of the base-building cultivators, most of them had already been shattered in the first round of bombardment.

"Are you dead?"

A few drops of cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the captain of the guards, not to mention alive in the battlefield, even the complete body could not be found.

However, they didn't know that a survivor escaped from the battlefield.

The white-bearded Jindan cultivator successfully escaped from the battlefield with the escape talisman and directly escaped more than ten miles away.

He was so frightened that he released a communication talisman as soon as he emerged from the ground.

The communication talisman flew over the mountains, crossed the river, and stopped in the hands of a man with blond hair 100 miles behind the battlefield.

As a Nascent Soul cultivator, the blond man was in charge of the team that attacked the Lingtian Mine. He was 100 miles behind and kept an eye on the situation of each team in order to facilitate timely reinforcements.

Being detected into the communication talisman, there was a panicked voice.

"The first unit encountered a strong enemy, and the entire army was destroyed..."

The blond man brows slightly, the first team is the strongest team.

As long as they work together, they should be able to deal with them for a while even if they encounter a distant infant powerhouse, but now there is only one person left to escape successfully.

Such a fiasco made the blond man a little puzzled and a little unacceptable.

With a squeeze of his hand, the communication talisman instantly turned into flying ashes, and then a golden light flashed, and the blond man disappeared in place, turning into a golden light spot on the horizon.

At the speed of a Nascent Soul cultivator, it only takes a few minutes to reach it in just over a hundred miles.

On the hill where the militia was stationed, the guards were sorting and registering various spoils of war.

Ye Hao still used the mosquito puppet to monitor the surroundings, and the scene on a light curtain in front of him kept changing, continuously showing the situation in all directions.

At this moment, a golden light spot suddenly appeared in the direction of the battlefield, and in just one breath, it reached the sky above the battlefield, revealing the figure of a blond man.

"Enemy attack!"

"Everyone is ready to fight!"

"Bazooka ready, due east, two miles!"


Ye Hao knew that he had encountered a strong Nascent Soul, and issued a series of orders with the fastest speed.

Fortunately, the army under his command has practiced enough usually, and now he can keep up with his rhythm and respond quickly.

When he shouted "release", hundreds of rocket launchers rose again and flew towards the original battlefield.

Then came the second round, the third round...

While giving the order, Ye Hao crushed a jade talisman in his hand.

This jade talisman can be linked to Zhang He's avatar of Chiyan. Chiyan and Xiao Skull are looking for each other's Nascent Soul cultivator nearby, planning to join forces to kill each other's single Nascent Soul cultivator first.

The blond man had just landed on the battlefield, and before he had time to express a little surprise at the brutality of the battlefield, hundreds of rocket launchers flew towards him in his consciousness.

"Is this the legendary bazooka?"

The bazooka that Ningjing County has used many times on the battlefield is no longer a secret in the world of immortals.

Even many forces have imitated bazookas, but the seeds of Lei Lingcao have been cultivated for a long time, and their power can only be unsatisfactory, similar to that of foundation building.

Although the power of using mutant Thunder Spirit Grass seeds is great, it is even more rare, so it is not widely used.

The blond man had never seen such a spectacle before, staring straight at the hundreds of bazookas flying towards him and exploding beside him.

"Boom boom boom..."

A series of explosions completely drowned the blond man.

The blond man stood quietly in the flames, enduring the high temperature, allowing the shock wave generated by the explosion to hit him layer by layer.

Although the momentum of the bazooka's continuous explosion was loud, it was actually aimed at Fan Hun's bombardment, which was more than a hundred feet in diameter.

The number of bazookas that actually landed next to the blond man was only a few at a time, and no more than ten at most.

This is also impossible. The two sides are two miles away, so it is difficult to aim too accurately, and if they focus on one point, the other party may be able to avoid it with a flick of a flash.


"But so!"

The blond man laughed and flew out against the flames of the bazooka.

In the distance, Ye Hao saw a golden figure flying out of the flames. The robes of this person had turned into ashes, and the skin of his whole body shone with golden light. The bazooka fell on it, and the huge explosion did not hurt him in the slightest. .

His golden flesh is actually stronger than a magic weapon.

The blond man was suspended in the void, his whole body shone with golden light, and he strode towards the hill where Ye Hao was.

"Everyone, aim, shoot!"

Ye Hao shouted loudly, and suddenly all the weapons on the hill sent the strongest blow to the golden figure in the air.

20,000 spiritual tools and hundreds of rocket launchers shot at the blond man at the same time.

It's just that the blond man evaded most of the attacks by dodging and interspersing in the air at an extremely fast speed.

The remaining few attacks were resisted by his powerful body.

"A group of ants, how can they hurt me in the slightest!"

Extending a palm, a huge golden handprint was formed in the air and fell towards the hill.


There was a loud noise, and the hill also trembled, and a deep palm print appeared on the hill.

With just one palm, dozens of puppets were destroyed and turned into a pile of debris.


Ye Hao's eyes were red and he shouted loudly through gritted teeth.

All the soldiers in Ningjing County have experienced long-term education and training. At this moment, facing a powerful enemy, life and death are unpredictable, and no one retreats.

Everyone followed the instructions and shot frantically at the golden figure in the air.

Now that the distance between the two sides is getting closer, the militia's spiritual tools can finally hit the silhouette in the air, and the hit rate of the rocket launcher has also improved a lot.

"Boom boom boom..."

A series of roars sounded, and this time, the blond man was finally smashed back several dozen feet, and some cracks appeared in the chest and abdomen in front of him.

The more wretched ones moved the target down, specializing in the next three ways, causing the blond man to secretly take a few deep breaths in pain.

However, this injury was not a serious problem for him. He rolled in the air and flew towards the hill again. He was slapped again with a palm, and hundreds of militiamen were killed.

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