Cultivation Starts From Planting Sweet Potatoes

Chapter 345: . East China Sea Ruins

?? "Master, we recently found a relic of a prehistoric civilization, and it is very likely that there are treasures related to the transformation of gods."

?? In the secret room, Ying always reports to Zhang Hehui.

?? In recent years, Shadow Pavilion has also found several relics of prehistoric civilization, but did not find what Zhang He wanted.


?? "Reporting to the young master, in a submarine canyon in the East China Sea."

?? Zhang He has long known that the world of immortality he is in is also a round planet, but this planet only has this continent, and the rest are oceans.

?? Most of the entire planet is ocean. In the vast ocean area, a large number of sea clan powerhouses have been born, and the overall strength is much stronger than that of the land human clan.

?? Due to the different growth environments of the two sides, the sea clan will not land to compete with terrestrial creatures for territory.

?? Although terrestrial creatures covet the rich resources in the ocean, they are afraid of the power of the sea clan and dare not provoke them easily.

?? Only a few desperadoes will venture to the ocean to get some resources in their personal capacity. Once these adventurers fall into the hands of the sea clan, their family will not dare to intervene.

?? If the relics on land are usually left, the Shadow Pavilion will go directly. The relics discovered this time are in the ocean, so they must report to Zhang He, and Zhang Helai will make a decision.

?? "You give me a map, and give me a copy of the information found in the Shadow Pavilion, and I will go there in person."

?? Zhang He thought about it for a while and decided to go by himself. He has many means of life-saving, and he can easily escape back in danger.

?? "My subordinates will pick a few clever ones from the Shadow Pavilion and follow the son."

?? "No, it's enough for me to go alone."

?? Zhang He waved his hand, the Shadow Pavilion has no foundation in the ocean, and bringing them will not help much, but will have scruples in action.

?? Ying Yi took out several jade slips and handed them over to Zhang He, which contained all the information related to the ruins.

?? Zhang He used his divine sense to penetrate into it, and quickly read all the information inside.

?? It turns out that this relic was originally a prehistoric sea clan relic.

?? Before the extinction of the Immortal Cultivation World, the Sea Clan also established a splendid civilization, but with that wave of unexplained disasters, it also disappeared together.

?? This relic was buried under the sea and has never been discovered. It was only recently that the seabed tidal changes revealed this relic.

?? A monk who went on an adventure to the East China Sea happened to encounter the ruins and wanted to go in to find some treasures, but was blocked by some mechanical formations.

?? This person returned to the Xiuxian world to find helpers, but accidentally leaked the matter.

?? It is not only the Shadow Pavilion family who know the news now, and Zhang He is definitely not the only one who has further ambitions.

?? There are already several people who are ready to go to the East China Sea for adventure.

?? Zhang He prepared a little, packed up some items and set off to the East China Sea alone.

?? From Ningjing County to the east, until it flew out of the coastline.

?? After entering the East China Sea, Zhang He became a lot more cautious and did not dare to fly in a conspicuous position at a high altitude. He released a third avatar to escape close to the sea, while his own body went into the space and continued to practice or sleep.

?? The third avatar practice "Golden Body Art", the biggest advantage is that it is resistant to beatings, and it is not so easy to die in the face of a sudden crisis.

?? According to the map, he needs to fly east for five days, and then fly south for three days, and he has completely entered the sea clan's territory.

?? In fact, the so-called sea clan is the collective name for all creatures in the ocean in the land-based immortal world.

?? All species, including fish, shrimp, crabs, turtles, and snakes, are strong and weak, forming independent groups from each other.

?? Some ethnic groups can only serve as food among the sea tribes, while some ethnic groups live at the top of the food chain.

?? The third avatar flew close to the sea, and the consciousness kept scanning the water to prevent sneak attacks from the sea clan in the water.

?? Many fish swimming under the water were frightened by his breath and fled in all directions.

?? Suddenly, a tentacle several meters long stretched out from the water and rolled towards the third avatar.

?? "Big squid!"

?? A huge squid emerged from the bottom of the water, and several tentacles appeared from several directions, forming a cage around the third avatar.

?? The third avatar shouted loudly, and its body grew rapidly, becoming larger, and instantly turned into a giant several feet tall, with a golden sword that was eight feet long in his hand.

?? At this moment, the squid's tentacles have already killed him, and the third avatar's golden sword swept across, a golden light swept across, and immediately two tentacles were cut off.

?? The big squid suffered a loss, turned around and absconded underwater.

?? "Where to escape?"

?? The third avatar was slashed again with one knife, and the entire water surface was split open, and even the body of the big squid was cut into two halves.

?? A petite squid flew out of the cut squid and continued to escape.

?? At this time, a large net appeared, and the little squid was caught in the net and struggled constantly.

?? The little squid was caught in the hand by the big golden hand.

?? "Master, please forgive me!"

?? After screaming a few times, the squid actually spoke the human language.

??"what are you?"

?? "I am Yuanling, which means the same thing as your Yuanying, that is, the name of our sea clan is different.

?? Small is just a small Luo Luo who is patrolling the sea, really does not intend to offend. "

?? The third avatar ignored the squid Yuanling's plea for mercy, grabbed it with a big hand, and picked up the squid corpse floating on the sea.

?? Such a big seafood, you can eat a few meals.

?? As for the Yuanling in my hand, it should taste better.

?? "Spare my life, I can help you as a guide, I am very familiar with this place, and I can take you to steal the sacred relics of our clan!

?? And other ethnic groups around me, I'm also all clear..."

?? "Then I'll leave you alone for now. If it's useless, I'll eat you again."

?? The third avatar said and put the big squid's body into the space, while he grabbed the squid Yuanling and continued on his way.

?? In the space, Zhang He and his more than 40 clones saw the corpse of the big squid, and they started to clean up the squid in three or two times.

?? Cut down a few bamboos, skewer the squid meat, set up a big fire in the space, and hold a barbecue meeting on the spot.

?? Among these clones, many are practicing "Golden Body Technique". One of the major characteristics of practicing this technique is that it is especially edible, and it is necessary to eat meat that contains spiritual energy.

?? For this seafood feast, it is everyone's favorite.

?? The third avatar, who was flying east, suddenly had a large skewer of grilled squid in his hand, sprinkled with chopped green onion and cumin, and was sizzling with oil.

?? The third avatar took a big bite, and the taste was very delicious. Seeing the relatively petite squid Yuanling in his hand, he was staring at the meat skewer in his hand.

?? "Do you want to eat? Would you like a bunch too?"

?? "Thank you! I have a bad appetite recently and don't want to eat meat!"

?? Squid Yuanling can only politely refuse. People are under the eaves and have to bow their heads, but if they want him to eat his own meat, he really can't eat them.

?? "That's a pity, it's actually delicious, you may never have eaten it in your life."

?? The third avatar chewed with a big mouth, and after eating a bunch of them came two more. Anyway, this squid is big enough for them to eat.

?? Zhang He even gave a copy to Qing Chi and Chi Yan, who were tens of thousands of miles away.

?? With his group of clones, it took only one day to eat this big squid.

?? Zhang He knew the taste of the marrow, and he was careful when he was flying the next day. In addition, there was Squid Yuanling, a traitor who betrayed the people of the Hai people to guide the way.

?? The next day he caught three big crabs and had a full meal.

?? On the third day, I picked up hundreds of abalones that were bigger than the grinding plate.

?? On the fourth day, I caught a litter of sea prawns...

?? Eating shark fins on the fifth day...

??Drinking dragon soup on the sixth day...


?? On the eighth day, Zhang Hefei arrived at the location marked on the map.

?? Here is an unnamed island, 50 miles east from this island is the destination.

?? The third avatar first landed on the island, released a avatar from the space, and let him hide on the island.

?? Don't need him to do anything, just stay here as a marker, and can easily come back here when needed.

?? After setting up the clone, he flew east.

?? Find the correct position, and after confirming that it is correct, seal the squid Yuanling in your hand, put it in a jade box, and then sacrifice a shield outside your body to isolate yourself and the sea.

?? Zhang He does not know the water escape technique, but as a Nascent Soul cultivator, it is not a problem to enter the water to hold his breath for ten days and a half months, but in terms of mobility, it is much worse than that of aquatic creatures.

?? He just dived into the water, and immediately saw several cultivators swimming towards him vigilantly.

?? "This fellow Daoist, came to explore the ruins?"

?? These people seem to be quite polite, and have no idea of ​​preventing others from sharing the benefits.

?? "That's right, what advice do you have?"

??"I don't dare to take the advice, the ruins have not been opened yet, and everyone needs to work together.

?? Since fellow daoists are here, I hope fellow daoists can also contribute to their efforts,"

?? It turns out that I haven't been able to enter the door yet, and it's not time to **** the treasure.

?? "This is natural, as long as it is within one's ability, it is absolutely obligatory."

?? The third avatar bowed his hands and followed a few people to the depths of the sea.

?? The further down in the sea, the greater the pressure it needs to bear, and it can only continuously strengthen the outer shield defense.

?? It was the first time for him to enter the ocean. He had no experience. He swam very slowly in the water and looked a little clumsy.

?? In order to speed up the speed, the third avatar held a piece of ore of several hundred kilograms in his hand, which was much faster this time.

?? It seems that I have to practice swimming skills when I have It would be better if I could learn the water escape technique.

?? Thinking that he still has a sea tribe prisoner in his hand, Zhang He's body will of course bring him to the island of Yuanming to be tortured.

?? "Do you know the Water Escape Technique?"

??"Will not!"

?? Yuan Ling, who had just been unsealed, responded in confusion.

?? "You don't even know how to escape, it seems that it's useless to keep you!"

Only then did Yuan Ling react, and quickly explained: "Even among the sea clan, few people can know the water escape technique."

?? Seeing Zhang He posing to send him into the big mouth of the blood basin, he was shocked.

?? "Wait a minute, although I don't know how to escape from the water, but I know a trick to divide the water, which should be helpful to you."

?? Yuan Ling immediately passed on one of his best techniques to Zhang He when his life could not be guaranteed.

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