Not long after Qiu Gu successfully ambushed Ling Guo's army, He Xiaoyu and Ye Hao led a team to ambushed the Wei cultivator army halfway.

He Xiaoyu's team was different from the one led by Qiu Gu.

In addition to the necessary bazooka, her team was equipped with 100 flying puppets.

The shape of these 100 flying puppets is similar to that of a bird with wings outstretched, and each puppet also carries a large number of weapons such as rocket launchers.

Although Zhang Gongzi said that this should be called an airplane, everyone is habitually calling it a flying puppet.

One of He Xiaoyu's missions this time was to test the practicality of these flying puppets on the battlefield.

When the reconnaissance magic weapon just discovered Wei's trace, He Xiaoyu ordered 100 flying puppets to lift off and fly towards the opponent's camp.

"Everyone, look at the sky!"

"It's a flying puppet!"

The Weishi cultivator, who has a strong sense of consciousness, has already discovered the flying puppet in the sky.

"Everyone is ready to fight!"

At this moment, among the Wei's army, those with higher cultivation bases have already flown into the sky, ready to fight these puppets hand-to-hand.

Because the flying puppet is located in a relatively high position, the base-building cultivator cannot fly up, and only the golden core or above can fly to the same height to fight with it.

These 100 flying puppets have not yet flown over the Wei's army, just like an old hen laying eggs, countless black iron **** fell from it, flew to the Wei's cultivator group, and immediately exploded.

"Boom boom boom..."

The Weishi cultivator was immediately killed and injured in a large area.

The worst is the foundation-building cultivators. They can't fly high or fast. At this time, they all become targets.

Although the Jindan cultivator was injured, the rest of the people had already flown high into the sky at this moment, throwing out magic weapons and blasting at the flying puppet.

In addition to laying eggs, these flying puppets also carry special rocket launchers.

Moreover, it absorbed the flying technology on the shuttle of prehistoric civilization, and the flight speed was extremely fast. In an instant, it had passed over the head of Wei's Jindanxiu, rolled and turned in front of him, and turned back to shoot a bazooka at Wei's cultivator.

After several rounds of confrontation between the two sides, the flying puppet killed another group of Jindan cultivators, relying on its high speed in the air, until the rocket launchers they carried were exhausted, and then they turned back.

The 100 flying puppets fought in this round, killing countless Wei foundation-building cultivators, and Jindan cultivators lost at least 80 or more.

At the same time, more than 40 flying puppets were also lost, more than half of which were smashed by Wei's Yuan Ying cultivator, and the rest were knocked down by Jindan cultivators. One of the flying puppets collided with the mountain because it flew too fast and exploded on its own. .

This result is relatively good.

At the moment when the flying puppet was withdrawn, He Xiaoyu commanded the remaining Black Water Army, which had already brought out a rocket launcher and blasted it over.

After several rounds of bazooka ploughing, the Blackwater Army pressed on again, and there was no suspense about the outcome.


In the effort of Zhang He and He Family Master to have a cup of tea, the Black Water Army has won two consecutive victories.

"The five-way army has gone to the second one, and Patriarch He should be at ease now!"

"Don't worry! Don't worry!"

Patriarch He showed a hint of joy, glad that he hugged a thick thigh.

"The Black Water Army of Ningjing County really lives up to its reputation."

"It's just that I heard that the first elder of the Jiang clan has organized an army of more than 200,000 people, and it is already on its way. I wonder if Young Master Zhang can deal with it?"

Zhang He smiled slightly, with a heart full of bamboo.

"Patriarch He, don't worry, my army from Ningjing County is on its way."

At this time, Zhang He, no matter if he has a bottom line in his heart, always has to pretend to be the winner, so that he can calm his heart.

In fact, his heart was far from being as calm as he appeared on the surface, and he was really panicked.

The total number of the Black Water Army is only a few thousand people, and it is definitely not as good as Jiang's army in terms of total strength.

Moreover, his own territory is too scattered, and there are still some people stationed in the rear, so he can't draw out all his troops to fight.

In this battle, he was at an absolute disadvantage in terms of total military strength and the confrontation with the strongest combat power.

Maybe after this war, the forces he built up will be wiped out, and it is entirely possible.

If this battle fails, the secret of his possession of space may also be exposed.

Because the Ningying fruit tree was planted in the space by him, and even if he transplanted the fruit tree out now, it would not work.

Others only need to roughly calculate the output of Ningying Dan based on the age of the two trees.

And the Ningying Pill he has taken out over the years has far exceeded the output of the two trees in the outside world.

In the past, he was at the core of a force, with the Shadow Pavilion and the Black Water Army, which was equivalent to setting up layers of protection on the periphery, and outsiders could not investigate him in depth.

If all these protections are lost, the secrets of space can be easily exposed.

If this battle is lost, Zhang He's best outcome is to flee.

Fortunately, it is not all hopeless now. Ningjing County is not as good as Jiang's in terms of the number and strength of immortal cultivators, but he has also accumulated a lot of manpower and material resources over the years.

In Dehua County, Heishui County, a huge industrial park has been built, and a large number of researchers are debugging the assembly line, which will soon be put into production.

This industrial park will be dedicated to the production of various types of weapons.

Including bazooka, machine gun, puppet, flying puppet, etc.

This time, in helping He's battle, the machine guns and flying puppets have been practically applied on the battlefield. Although there are more or less defects, the overall effect is not bad.

Now the industrial park can be mass-produced and assembled into the military.

Moreover, the research institute is already studying how to improve these weapons, and I believe that it will not be too long before we can develop weapons with better performance.

At the same time, in the depths of the Heishui County Research Institute, there is a hidden research room, where Meng Tiantian has been experimenting continuously for more than a year without going out.

After Zhang He returned from the East China Sea, he handed the Nine-colored Shenlian and Mingguangzao to her, hoping that she could formulate an elixir as soon as possible to help break through to the transformation of the gods.

It's just that she doesn't have a ready-made pill recipe in her hand, so she can only explore it bit by bit based on the existing information.

And these two kinds of elixir are extremely precious and cannot be wasted arbitrarily.

So not much progress has been made yet.

Zhang He reluctantly cut down a large branch from the black tree in the space today and gave it to Huya to make another "little boy".

Now only "Little Boy" can give him a little peace of mind.

The five-way army organized by the Jiang family was defeated by two in just one day, and the remaining three-way army was a little hesitant.

They just listened to Jiang's orders to come and destroy the He family, but if they were asked to sacrifice their lives for this, no one would like it.

No matter how urged by Jiang's messenger, these three teams can always find various reasons to delay.

The big deal is that you, Mrs. Jiang, will kill me now. Anyway, if you are not sure, you will not send me to death.

At this time, behind the three armies, the Jiang clan elder was organizing a larger army to come.

"Elder, the five-way army ahead has already been wiped out by the Black Water Army in Ningjing County, and the remaining three are now too scared to move forward."

"What a bunch of trash!"

The first elder patted the table angrily, causing the teacup on the table to jingle.

"Let them wait there, we'll be there in two or three days anyway."

This time, he has summoned dozens of large and small forces within the Jiang's sphere of influence. The total number is more than 200,000, and the number of Nascent Soul cultivators has reached more than 100. In terms of overall strength, compared to Ning Jing The county is much stronger.

"Are the other two elders and the third elders ready?"

"Reporting to the first elder, the second elder is already well prepared, just wait for you to start the fight here and attract all the troops of Ningjing County, and the second elder's people can copy into Ningjing County from the rear.

The three elders have also brought people on their way to Heishui County. "

"Okay! Let them wait first, there will be results on my side soon."

The elder waved and let people back out.

This time, he planned the whole process and calculated it thoroughly.

In addition to Ningjing County, there are still many good things, such as the craftsmanship of Ningjing County to produce spiritual tools, as well as many new technologies, which need to be received.

And the wealth that Ningjing County has accumulated over the years, even Jiang's will be so jealous.

In particular, the Ningying Fruit Tree and the finished Ningying Pill that Ningjing County had kept privately, they must be found out and must not fall into the hands of other forces.

Therefore, the main battlefield of this battle should be within the He's territory, and all the families within the sphere of influence will be sent there.

And the two places that can really benefit are Jiang's own people.

Three days later, the army led by the Jiang family invaded the territory of the He family. The Blackwater Army was outnumbered and could only retreat.

The He Clan's territory was compressed step by step, and this time it was the He Clan's turn to get angry again.

"Master Zhang, what should I do? When will the reinforcements from Ningjing County arrive?"

In the past few days, the family owner He has come to Zhang He several times a day, as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

He now regrets it a little bit. He killed Jiang's messenger when his mind was hot, and now there is no room for him to turn around.

"In just a few days, more than half of our He Clan's territory has been lost, and many He Clan members have been killed and injured.

Now the clansmen whose parents and brothers have died come to me every day to cry, I am under a lot of pressure! "

"Don't worry, Patriarch He, if you insist one more day, the reinforcements will arrive tomorrow."

At this moment, Zhang He could only pretend to calmly comfort the head of the He family.

A day later, two trains arrived at the He Clan Land, and along with the trains, there were three flying battleships.

The head of the He family finally ushered in hope, and went to greet him with joy, only to find that an army of ordinary people got off the train, and there was no spiritual power fluctuation on his body.

Except for a few Nascent Soul and Jindan cultivators on the three flying battleships, they were all low-level cultivators who practiced qi and built foundations.

Such an army is not even qualified to be cannon fodder to participate in the battle of the immortals.

Seeing the two carts of cannon fodder brought by the train, the He family's bowels were full of regrets.

The only thing that gave him any hope was to remove a large number of puppets from the train.

These puppets have different shapes, some are equipped with wheels, some have more than ten tentacles, and some have many legs.

"That... Young Master Zhang, your train should be heading back to Ningjing County, right?"

Looking at the empty train, the head of the He family suddenly thought of something.

"That's right, what advice does Patriarch He have?"

"I want to take some supplies and old and weak people to Ningjing County by your train by the way."

The family head He now has no confidence in whether he can defend the He family's territory, and is ready to leave a way out.

Zhang He naturally understood what he was thinking, but nodded in agreement.

The newly arrived reinforcements did not stop, and went directly to the front line. On the only way for Jiang's army to come, they found a favorable terrain and arranged the army first.

Due to the poor mobility of the militia, they could only stay in one place and wait for the enemy to come to the door.

After years of development, the militia equipment in Ningjing County has made great progress.

Now every soldier is equipped with a No. 2 spiritual tool with the power of building a foundation.

The research institute also wanted to combine spiritual tools and puppets to make a spiritual tool puppet that ordinary people without mana could use.

This kind of puppet looks like a big spider. It is driven by a spirit stone, and its abdomen is hollowed out, so that one or two militiamen can sit inside to control the puppet.

A psionic cannon is installed on the back of the puppet, which can consume spiritual stones and simulate magical powers through arrays.

There is a switch on the belly of the puppet. By disconnecting or connecting one of the formation runes, the psionic cannon on the puppet's back can be controlled.

There are two people inside, one is responsible for controlling the psionic cannon, and the other is responsible for controlling the puppet.

Such two people cooperate to control a puppet, and the power that can be exerted is close to that of Jindan cultivator.


However, the cost of this kind of spider puppet is relatively high, and it cannot be assembled for all militiamen. This time, only 500 spider puppets were brought out.

Other puppets, such as tentacle monster puppets, also brought 500 of them, mainly used to launch rocket launchers to plow the fields.

In addition, it carried a large number of flying puppets and psionic cannons, which were placed on the three flying battleships.

This time, it was Fugui who was responsible for leading the reinforcements to come to help the battle.

Fugui used to be in charge of training militiamen in Heishui County. Since the situation here became tense, Zhang He transferred him over.

When the positions of Fugui and the others were almost arranged, Qiu Gu, He Xiaoyu and others all came to meet.

Now they are facing Jiang's army of more than 200,000 people who have gathered dozens of, and they can only concentrate on blocking.

Several groups of people gathered together and gathered more than 40 Yuanying, but compared to the more than 100 Yuanying of Jiang's army, it still paled in comparison.

The number of other golden cores and foundation-building cultivators is far inferior to that of Ningjing County.

"General Qi, according to the news from the Shadow Pavilion, Jiang's army will arrive in about an hour."

At this time, a subordinate flew on the flying battleship to report.

"Okay! The order goes on, everyone is ready to fight."

As Fugui's order came out, a light curtain soon rose on the three flying battleships to protect the flying battleships.

The monks on the battleship set up the psionic cannon and filled the bucket behind the cannon with spiritual stones.

There are also many monks who got into those flying puppets directly.

This kind of puppet can be controlled remotely by people, or it can be controlled by people.

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