Cultivation Starts From Planting Sweet Potatoes

Chapter 384: .The glorious history of the human race

Xiuxian starts from planting sweet potatoes. Chapter 384 of the main body. Zhang He, the glorious history of the human race, left quietly after scavenging the treasure inside the sun.

When you come, you need someone else to bring it in. It is much easier to leave. You only need to pass the spatial coordinates to leave this place in an instant.

The two families that were beaten to death obviously did not know that they were restrained by each other, but they were taken advantage of by a third party.

Zhang He only stayed for a short time when he returned to the Absolute Beginning Planet, and he couldn't stay any longer. After so many years of hard work on the Absolute Beginning Star, he has only cultivated a fifth-order spiritual vein, which is useless for training in the fusion stage.

Although his body can be practiced in space, it is not a problem to continue like this for a long time.

After all, his subordinates still have the name Flaming Leopard, and in the future, if others cultivate to the fusion stage, they will also need a suitable environment for training.

He plans to travel to the outer universe for a while to learn about the customs of the Cochlea Galaxy, and by the way, see if he can find some spiritual resources.

Just when Zhang He was about to travel, he received a message from the Golden Winged Eagle.

Jingshan grocery store received an order, and the grocery store needs to deliver it in person.

Originally, there was nothing strange about such an order, it was nothing more than puppets and weapons, but this time the orderer was a human monk.

The planet where this group of human monks live is relatively remote, and they have not been very peaceful recently. The human race is unable to come and pick up the goods in person. I hope the Jingshan grocery store can deliver it to your door.

Zhang He has been in a group of aliens for a long time, and he longed for other races.

In the past, on the breeding star, and in the human race group for a long time, I didn't think there was anything rare, but felt that people's hearts were sinister.

This kind of feeling is like living at home for a long time, feeling that this home is not good anywhere.

After I left my hometown, I would always miss the mountains, rivers and rivers of my hometown. Every plant and tree are so worthy of memory.

Zhang He just wanted to meet other humans right now, so he personally took over the **** mission.

After saying goodbye to everyone on the Taichu Star, Zhang He took the flaming leopard and left in a flying boat.

He is now a fit cultivation base, and with the addition of the flaming leopard, as long as he does not encounter a particularly powerful void beast, his safety is still guaranteed.

As far as he knows, there should be no more than ten strong men who become immortals on the bright side of the entire Cochlea Galaxy, plus some unknown hidden strong men, there should not be too many, the probability of being encountered by oneself in the vast universe is not high. Not much.

As for the powerhouses in the Mahayana period, the number is relatively large. Generally, a slightly larger force will have one or two Mahayana period support.

But these strong men in the Mahayana period have always had a sharp sword hanging over their heads, that is, they need to survive the calamity of the Mahayana.

As long as they successfully survive the calamity of Mahayana, they can become immortals and achieve longevity.

But this calamity is too dangerous, and there are not one out of ten cultivators who can survive this calamity.

Most of the Mahayana powerhouses can only be wiped out under the catastrophe.

With such a huge crisis of life and death on his head, who still has the mood to pretend to be 13 all day and bully children to play?

Zhang He and the Flaming Leopard took this batch of goods and flew in the universe for three years, and finally reached the designated human planet.

On the way here, the two of them discovered that there were many Void Beast activities in this area.

These Void Beasts have different shapes and strengths, ranging from Nascent Soul strength to combined strength.

Void beasts are active in the void, and occasionally attack planets. Generally, the more powerful races will hunt and kill the Void beasts around them.

Zhang He sent a message flying sword from outside the planet.

In the universe, except for those commercial planets, passing monks cannot enter at will, otherwise they may be mistakenly judged as enemies.

Zhang He only waited for a moment in the flying boat when he saw a group of human cultivators flying out of the planet towards him.

The person at the head is a middle-aged woman with a combined cultivation level, followed by five people, all of whom are combined strengths.

When the group of them saw Zhang He, they were also startled. In this universe, it was hard to see the figure of the human race cultivator.

This made the people who were still serious at first relaxed a lot, and a natural smile appeared at the corners of their mouths.

"Hahaha! Thank you fellow Daoist for escorting us personally. If you have time, why don't you go to our planet to talk about it, so as to fulfill the friendship of the landlord."

The middle-aged woman did not rush to count the goods, but sent an invitation to Zhang He.

Zhang He also had this intention, and bowed his hands.

"So annoying!"

Zhang Heke followed the host and entered the planet with the group, and lowered the flying boat in a city.

In the starry sky, it can be seen that this city is a relatively large city on the planet, and the people in the city are very prosperous.

But the scale is too far from that of a place like Nanlin Star. If this city is moved to Nanlin Star, it can only be regarded as a third- and fourth-tier city.

The middle-aged woman led Zhang He into a large hall, and everyone took their seats, and soon a maid served Zhang He with refreshments and the like.

"My concubine is Li Yuehua, I don't know what to call your friend?"

"Zhanghe next time!"

"Alas! The human race is weak now, and it is hard to see the human race among the ten thousand races in the universe."

Li Yuehua sighed, looking a little melancholy, and then asked, "I don't know where Daoyou Zhang is practicing?"

"Nowadays, there is no fixed place to live, and the world is home."

Although he was in a good mood when he saw the same clan, Zhang He didn't dare to reveal his details without knowing the details of the other party.

When I saw my fellow, my eyes were full of tears, why did you stab me in the back?

However, Zhang He still heard some special information from the other party's words.

"What Li Daoyou means, the human race is only weak now, was it strong before?"

Li Yuehua gave Zhang He a meaningful look, then nodded and said:

"It seems that fellow Daoists don't know much about the history of our human race. This matter is not a secret in our human race, so it's okay to tell you."

When Zhang He heard it, there were indeed many stories behind it. He immediately became interested and listened intently.

"Daoyou Zhang knows that in the Snail Galaxy today, which race is the strongest?"

"I heard that the Qiongqi clan is the largest clan in the Tianlu Galaxy." Now the Qiongqi clan is the strongest, and it is almost a well-known thing, Zhang He said truthfully.

"But fellow Daoist Zhang knows that before this, even the ancestors of the Qiongqi clan were only the mounts of a strong human race.

The treasure of the Qiongqi clan is just an immortal weapon made by the strong human race. "

Zhang He has no idea how strong the ancestor of Qiongqi is, but when it comes to Taihao Hammer, Zhang He naturally knows that there is an imitation in the hand of the flaming leopard. It is only a low-grade Lingbao-level imitation. It can kill a winged tribe.

It turns out that the body of the real Taihao Hammer is just an immortal weapon created by the strong human race.

Then how strong is this strong man, and what kind of realm should it be?

"One hundred thousand years ago, the most powerful race in the Coleus galaxy was only the human race.

The other races are all vassals of the human race, and only the orders of the human race follow. "

Li Yuehua said this, recalling the glory of the ancestors of the human race, and a look of admiration and yearning appeared on his face.

"But all the changes have to start from that disaster."

"Besides our Cochlea Galaxy, there was also a Gold Snake Galaxy, and the immortals of the two galaxies often walked with each other."

"But one day the entire Golden Snake Galaxy was suddenly destroyed, and countless creatures died in this catastrophe.

But there are also some strong people and some lucky monks who survived the catastrophe. "

"The home of the Golden Snake Galaxy has been destroyed, and there is nowhere to stay, so they decided to hit the Coleus Galaxy.

Even if only a part of the powerhouses survived, that is the power of a whole galaxy. In the face of the invasion of the powerhouses of the Golden Snake Galaxy, no single power can resist.

Under this kind of crisis, the Human Race, as the most powerful race in the Cochlea Galaxy, stood up at this critical moment and led all races to resist the invasion of the Golden Snake Galaxy.

This battle lasted for thousands of years, and the human race paid a huge price for it.

The corpses of the human monks who died in battle piled up into two planets. "

Speaking of this, Li Yuehua's face showed a touch of desolation and loneliness.

At the same time, Zhang He also thought of the two moons on the breeding planet. They were all piled up with corpses. Could it be these two moons?

"Just when our human race was at its weakest, the Coleus galaxy was in strife again.

The major races united to fight against the human race. In the face of the various races that betrayed themselves, the human race never surrendered despite repeated defeats.

In the end, the Terran could only watch helplessly as the territory continued to be lost.

Many wish that the planets that belonged to the human race were occupied by alien races, the human race was enslaved, and even treated as blood food. "

"Until now, the human race has been constantly suppressed by various races, and there are very few planets that still belong to our human race."

"Young Daoist Zhang knows why the human race is already like this, and all races are still reluctant to let it go?"

Zhang He pondered for a while, "Maybe it's hatred, maybe it's fear of our human race's revenge."

"Fellow Daoist Zhang guessed a part of it correctly. From the bottom of their hearts, all ethnic groups are afraid of our human race. They are afraid."

"The cultivation talent of the human race is by no means comparable to other races."

"Probably Daoyou Zhang has also learned about the bloodlines of some other races. The cultivators of all races rely on their blood to inherit, and they are very powerful from birth.

Some races are born with the ability to transform into gods, and when they are young, they can easily become strong in the integrated state.

And when the human race was just born, it couldn't even stand on its own, and it was incomparable with other races.

But the human race has an advantage that all races fear and envy.

That is, the lower limit of our human race is very low, but the upper limit is also very high. "

"Humans do not have the advantages of bloodline talent, nor do they have bloodline restrictions. They can cultivate to any realm, and there is almost no limit."

Zhang He knew that when Li Yuehua said there were no limits, he was referring to the human race as a whole. Individuals still have limits. For example, some people with poor aptitude can only train to the point where they can cultivate Qi and build a foundation.

But you can't do it without excluding others. There are other monks in the group who can cultivate to the highest level.

"If the human race can be allowed to recuperate for more than ten thousand years, it will definitely be able to return to the peak and become the first strong race in the Coleus galaxy again!"

Li Yuehua was a little excited when he said this, and clenched his fists tightly inadvertently.

At this moment, a cultivator hurriedly walked into the hall and saluted Li Yuehua.

"Reporting to Elder Li, a large group of Void Beasts gathered around the planet."

"Damn it! Here again!"

Li Yuehua was a little annoyed, and took a palm print on the table with one palm.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang may not know that the Void Beasts that are now wandering in the universe are the remnants of the Golden Snake Galaxy.

Now it is driven by other races to deal with the human race, almost once or twice a year. "

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, would you like to come with me to have a look?"

"That's what I mean here."

Immediately, Zhang He followed Li Yuehua and others out of the hall and flew into the sky.

There were already six flying boats standing in front of them in the sky, and each one just fit into one.

These flying boats are designed to fly into the universe for combat, and some psionic cannons are arranged on them.

The goods that Zhang He sent this time included some psionic cannons.

Before the flying boat could fly into the universe, it had already seen a large group of Void Beasts attacking the outer formation of the planet.

Cracks have appeared on the array light curtain.

Some human race cultivators are in charge of controlling the big formation at various positions of the formation, and from time to time they send out a beam of light to the Void herd, which can immediately kill and injure one.

But there are too many Void Beasts to kill, and only some low-level, weaker cannon fodder can be killed.

"The big formation won't last for long, fellow Daoists, follow me out to relieve the burden of the big formation."

Li Yuehua shouted to the other cultivators, and already drove the flying boat to the herd of beasts in the void.

Zhang He followed Li Yuehua's flying boat and watched Li Yuehua and a few integrated cultivators skillfully rush into the beasts of the void, cooperate with each other, intersperse and divide, and scatter the beasts of the void piece by piece.

They should often encounter similar things, so in the face of crises, they are very skilled and seem to be very handy.

But Void Beast, as a civilization from another galaxy, many wise ones will not be defeated by the same method every time, and will always come up with some ways to deal with it.

At this moment, Li Yuehua took the lead and rushed into the Void Beast Herd, and the following ships followed. Suddenly, a group of strong men poured out of the Void Beast Herd to block Li Yuehua's rushing route, cutting off Li Yuehua and other monks. Contact and cooperation .

At the same time, there were five Void Beasts in the fusion stage surrounding Li Yuehua's flying boat from five directions.

"Not good! I am ambushed!"

Li Yuehua exclaimed, she couldn't see where it was, this was a conspiracy against her.

Human race chief elders are generally not long-term. Several great elders before her died in battle within a few years. Since she took over, she has never thought about how long she will live.

Since the 100,000 years of the decline of the human, no one of the high-level monks of the human race has been able to die, and dying in battle is their only destination.

"I'm sorry, Fellow Daoist Zhang!"

"I didn't expect you to be affected this time. After a while, I will blow up the flying boat and blow up a gap. You can break through the gap, and I will cover for you from the rear."

When Li Yuehua said that the flying boat had self-destructed, the dozens of avatars and Nascent Soul cultivators who were in charge of controlling the flying boat all looked resolute and did not feel surprised.

"Don't panic, fellow Daoist Li, things may turn around."

Zhang He's impression of this human race is not bad. Now that they are in crisis, he naturally doesn't want to stand by.

"Could Daoyou Zhang have a solution?"

A glimmer of hope appeared on Li Yuehua's face. If he could live, no one would want to die.

"I'll try!"

As Zhang He said, he took out an item more than three feet long and two feet in diameter and placed it on the deck of the flying boat.

This is a new rocket made by the research institute. Its power is smaller than that of the little boy, and its killing range is also smaller.

But there is a great advantage, that is, when using this kind of rocket to hit others, it won't kill himself. No matter how many Zhang He clones are, he can't stand such a toss.

Zhang He asked Li Yuehua to open a small hole in the flying boat's defense cover and shoot the rocket out of the small hole.

The rocket flew silently in the universe, and I saw a streamer flying towards the front of the Void Beasts, and then a dazzling brilliance erupted, and then I saw the Void Beasts around the explosion point melt away one by one, turning into stars.

When the smoke dissipated, the front suddenly became clear and clean, and there was only one Void Beast in the fusion stage, which was severely injured and scorched.

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