The Heijiao Clan and the Stone Clan were really startled when they saw that the Human Clan suddenly appeared as a strong man who was going through the calamity of immortals.

I didn't expect the human race to hide so deeply, and the two of them have bullied the human race for a hundred thousand years.

It's just that the two clans were originally in a state of serious damage to their vitality, but now they are plagued by plagues, and a large number of dead and injured people are sick.

Picking up the tall boy from the dwarf, in a short period of time, he managed to gather a large army and head towards Fujixing.

On Fujixing, Zhang He already knew when the two clans began to recruit people.

Moreover, one of his clones was also fortunate to be selected into the army, and he could convey the trends of the two armies to Zhang He at any time.

When the army of the two clans marched to the rock formation on the periphery of Fuji Star, a black flood dragon in the fusion stage silently retreated to the rear of the army.

At this moment, countless rockets poured out of the rock in front.

It fell into the army like raindrops, causing a series of explosions, and the fire almost swept the entire army.

The armies of the two tribes that had just gathered together were screaming and screaming during this explosion, crying for their father and mother.

When the flames dissipated, there were only eight Mahayana monks left in the originally mighty army, as well as a dozen or so integrated monks who escaped relatively quickly, and all of them were injured.

Especially the Mahayana monks of the two clans, their faces are ugly at the moment, and the last elites of the two clans are all damaged here.

After this battle, even if the strong human race fails to survive the calamity, the strength of the two races will not be comparable to that of the human race.

Among the remaining dozen or so people, only the Black Flood Dragon, who had retreated to the rear of the army earlier, was not injured in the slightest, and was now approaching the crowd.

"It seems that the human race has been prepared for a long time. I have a treasure here, which may be able to blast away the defense arranged by the human race."

"What are you doing? Come and listen!"

A Heijiao family Mahayana heard the words and immediately asked.

For this black Jiao dragon in the fusion stage, he was a very faithful and reliable junior that he had grown up with since he was a child.

"The most important thing in this method is the suddenness. It must not be detected by the human race in advance. Please come closer."

The rest of the people did not suspect him, and they all approached, and the Mahayana Black Flood Dragon kindly opened a shield to protect everyone inside.

"It's like this, I have a powerful treasure in my hand!"

Hei Jiao said that in the integration period, with a wave of his hand, a black sphere about 10 feet in size was placed in front of everyone.

"Sure enough, it is a treasure of great power. Even with the cultivation of this old man, I can see that my eyelids are jumping. I can't wait to run away now."

Since the appearance of this black sphere, a strong sense of crisis has arisen in everyone's heart, and they all have an urge to run away because their lives are in great danger.

Hearing what the Mahayana Black Flood Dragon said, everyone nodded.

"How to use this treasure?"

"Just use your divine sense to stimulate it!"

The integrated black Jiao said, the consciousness has already probed into the black sphere...


"Thief! How dare you!"


The two powerhouses reacted a little slower, and they saw the black sphere in front of them explode, and in an instant, everyone was drowned by the light of the explosion.

And the integrated black Jiao, who has been loyal and reliable since childhood, has returned to Zhang He's space.

Before the smoke of the explosion had dissipated, Zhang He had already arrived on a flaming leopard, followed by a small skeleton with crystal clear bones.

The vitality of the Mahayana powerhouse is still very tenacious, and in this case, it is only injured but not dead.

"Flaming Leopard, these disabled Mahayana monks will be handed over to you, regardless of life or death."

As usual, you can catch a few live openings and keep them for ordering the two clans, but now there is no need for this.

"Okay! Young Master, just rest and leave everything here to me."

Since the flaming leopard has been promoted to Mahayana, he has been extremely energetic. Every day, he wants to perform well in front of Zhang He, but he suffers from no chance.

Today, it was finally his turn to show off his powers. The flaming leopard wagged its tail, and a leopard pounced, tearing a seriously injured black dragon to pieces.

There was no need for Zhang He to take action against these seriously wounded people, not even the little skeleton had a chance to take action.

Since the little skeleton entered the battlefield, it has been enveloped in waves of black mist, and it is almost impossible to breathe.

It didn't take long for the flaming leopard to deal with all the remaining seriously injured people.

There are still a few spoils left in place, as long as they have not been damaged in the explosion just now, they are all good things.

Zhang Heyi waved his hand, released more than a dozen clones, put all the spoils into the space, and then these clones entered the space again.

Zhang He feels that he is similar to Sun Monkey now, and he releases a group of descendants or younger brothers as thugs with a wave of his hand.

While they were defeating Heijiao and Shizu, Old Ancestor Li had already taken the fifth thunder with his body.

This thunderstorm was much bigger than the previous four, and it blasted Old Ancestor Li to the point of smoking, and his hair was already burnt away.

Before the sixth thunderbolt descended, Old Ancestor Li stepped into the ground with his legs and communicated with the spiritual meridians in the ground.

At the same time, the spiritual energy of the entire Fuji Star was affected, and it was mobilized by Old Ancestor Li to gather in his body.

After these huge spiritual energy entered the body, they were quickly refined by Old Ancestor Li, replenishing the mana consumed, and quickly repairing the injuries on the body.

It's just that before his injury has recovered, a sixth, bigger thunder has already struck him.

The movement of the tribulation of crossing into immortals on the pole star is so great that the powerhouses of the entire Cochlea Galaxy have also felt it.

Many idle powerhouses can't help but turn their attention to the direction of the catastrophe.

It has been tens of thousands of years that no one has successfully survived this calamity, and I don't know who is so daring to choose to survive this calamity at this time.

How can this event be missed.

Immortal cultivators often lack entertainment. Everywhere there is a big thing, people will come to watch, and it is also called to increase their knowledge.

Often there is an outbreak of spiritual energy somewhere, and people will immediately fly over to watch the fun. They often call this chance.

Now that some people have crossed the calamity of becoming an immortal, they don't go to the crowd to watch such a big excitement, and they will have to talk less about cattle for hundreds of years in the future.

So these idle Mahayana powerhouses, and even some immortals who usually hide deeply, all flew in the direction of Fujixing.

When they flew to Fujixing, their mentality changed completely. Before, they just wanted to watch the fun, but now they can't help but join in and join in the fun.

In this entire Tian snail galaxy, any other race will only go to congratulate them, but the human race will not.

The power of the human race was still fresh in everyone's memory.

If it weren't for the mass extinction of the galaxy next door, the powerhouses all went to the Coleus galaxy, and the human race caused great damage to their vitality in order to expel the alien race, and they could only be ruled by the human race forever.

You must know that when the human race is strong, their lives are very emotional and very particular.

The robes on the body are made of the furs of their various races, and the ground is also covered with their furs.

Drinking cups had to be made with the teeth of some of their races.

They also used the decorations made from the bones of their various races, which the human race liked very much, but they couldn't help trembling when they saw it.

The human race is more particular about eating, often only needing the lips or the tip of the tongue, or the most delicious part of the body.

Sometimes, in order to make a dish, hundreds of thousands of monks of all ethnic groups would be killed.

Therefore, all races in the entire Cochlea Galaxy quickly betrayed and finally defeated the human race at the time when the human race was fighting against the great loss of the foreign enemy's strength.

They don't care that the human race is for everyone to fight against foreign enemies, but the fear hidden in the bottom of their hearts erupts, and they are desperate to overthrow the human race.

In the end, the various races of the Coleus galaxy succeeded, and they beat the human race to the point where they could no longer turn over.

But no one knew that the human race hid in this corner and secretly cultivated a strong man who could survive the calamity of immortals.

How could the monks of all races tolerate it, and vowed to strangle the strong human race in the cradle.

The Mahayana powerhouses of all ethnic groups who originally came to watch the lively began to fly to Fujixing.

It's just that they were blocked by many rockets placed on the periphery of Fujixing before they got close.

Some unlucky monks were even killed or injured on the spot.

Zhang He took the flaming leopard and the small skeleton to constantly patrol the periphery of Fujixing. When he encountered injured monks of various ethnic groups, he went up to make up a knife, and then took the corpse away.

Some of these high-level corpses of various ethnic groups are very delicious, and some can be used for making talismans and the like.

I have gained a lot today, and I took it back to wait for Old Ancestor Li to be promoted successfully, and used it to make a celebration feast.

However, as more and more powerful people of various races came, the rockets placed in the surrounding rocks were no longer able to deal with it.

Many chaotic rocks were destroyed by the strong men of various ethnic groups, and the human monks stationed in the chaotic rocks did not retreat one by one, coexisting with their own positions.

As long as their lives are still alive, they will never let outsiders destroy Old Ancestor Li's tribulation.

As long as Old Ancestor Li succeeds in transcending the tribulation and becoming an immortal, from now on, the human race can rise again and become the most powerful race in the Sky Snail Galaxy, and will no longer suffer from any bullying.

Therefore, no one in the entire human race retreated today. The cultivator in the front died, and the cultivator in the back immediately made up for it.

The human monks were sent to the front line one after another, and often they could only hold on to a stick of incense before they all died.

On the periphery of Fujixing, the celestial bodies blew themselves up, drowning the stationed Terran monks and the invading enemies in the smoke of gunpowder.

Zhang He and his two Mahayana men were beginning to be a little bit overwhelmed, and sometimes they were even besieged by a group of foreign Mahayana powerhouses.

But Little Skeleton's supernatural powers are very useful. Wherever his sea of ​​fire goes, there is no solution, and all living beings can only retreat.

In addition, Zhang He and the flaming leopard are both powerful flame supernatural powers, and they have the upper hand in the battle of the monks of the same level, so they can still persist, but if they continue like this, I am afraid that they will not be able to bear it.

Under the circumstance that there has been a war outside Fujixing, on Fujixing, the gentle voice of the former Great Elder Li Yuehua still spread throughout the planet, explaining the current situation to everyone.

Soothe the fears in the hearts of the human race, and at the same time inspire everyone's fighting spirit.

Old Ancestor Chang never made a move. He stayed at the foot of Old Ancestor Li's calamity. As the last level, anyone who wanted to destroy Old Ancestor Li had to step on his corpse.

On the planet of the gluttonous world, the factories that produce all kinds of weapons are producing all kinds of weapons.

At the same time, Old Ancestor Li had already been scorched black by the Heavenly Transcending Tribulation Thunder, and his facial features were already unclear.

He has already survived 30 tribulation thunders with his physical body, and at this point, his physical body can no longer resist.

When the 31st robbery thunder came down, for the first time he sacrificed a spirit treasure to respond to the enemy, and a seal made of a stone flew into the air.

This is a Lingbao imitated by Huya, and its power is a little weaker than the original, but it should not be a problem when used in the early tribulation thunder.

The seal in the air met the tribulation thunder, "Boom!" After a loud bang, the seal shattered and the tribulation thunder disappeared.

Old Ancestor Li used this time to quickly recover his mana and injuries.

The 32nd, the 33rd...the 40th, these ten tribulation thunders were all blocked by the Lingbao imitated by Huya.

Old Ancestor Li used this time to fully absorb spiritual energy and restore himself.

I don't know where he took out a green medicinal pill and stuffed it into his mouth. Immediately, a huge vitality melted in his body, moisturizing his dry body.

This is the medicinal pill that Zhang Heshen secretly stuffed to him before he crossed the tribulation. There are three pills in total. Now that he uses it, the effect is really amazing.

When the body repairs quickly, it needs more aura to replenish.

The concentration of the spiritual energy of the entire Fuji Star has dropped by 40% after being absorbed by him. At the same time, in the underground space where he retreated, a large number of spiritual stones were transformed into a huge spiritual energy and poured into Old Ancestor Li's body.

Without the large amount of spiritual stones that Zhang He retrieved, even if he exhausted the spiritual energy on the entire Fuji Star today, it might not be enough for him to replenish.

The cost of cultivating a Tribulation Immortal is too high. Although most of the forces have Mahayana powerhouses, they dare not even think about Transcending Tribulation and becoming an Immortal.

With ten pieces of spiritual treasures in exchange for ten consecutive rounds of tribulation thunder, Old Ancestor Li's injuries have recovered most of his injuries, and his mana has also recovered six or seven layers.

At this moment, the 41st tribulation thunder in the air had already slammed down, Zhang He did not dodge or evade, and let the tribulation thunder strike him again.

The power of this tribulation thunder directly smashed Old Ancestor Li's body into collapse again.

The power of these 41 paths is at least several times higher than that of the 30th path.

When the forty-second tribulation thunder struck, he could only sacrifice a spiritual treasure once again to die with the tribulation.

Just when Old Ancestor Li was carrying the thunder with all his strength, there were five figures hidden in the watching the entire process of Old Ancestor Li's tribulation.

These five people are the immortals who came to observe, and they belong to various ethnic groups.

"You said that we should poke with our fingers now and let him fail the calamity."

"It's not that you don't know, it's easy to get burned by interfering with the calamity."

"It's better to wait and see, I estimate that he should die in the first 60 tribulation thunders."

"I think he can survive 65 sessions, how about we make a bet?"

"Just bet!"


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